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Edgy Reviews by YourMother

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3 minutes ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:

There’s a film in September I really hate, one that’s surprisingly good, and another that’s great but not dong worthy. I’ll let you guys figure it out.

Chaperones, Ta2ed Teenage Alien Fighters From Beverly Hills and Freddy Zapper respectively?

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(Do you remember the 21st night of) September 

Ta2ed Teenage Alien Fighters From Beverly Hills - They are times when this movie is stupid but to be honest the absurdness of it all and Statham make it pretty fun. Blank%2B_16bc6e089b9e808357194c98058b495 B- 


Flowers Eyes and Needle Teeth - Delightfully absurd, scary and wonderfully shot. FEANT is a damn delight. Although sometimes it gets a bit too absurd for it’s own good. Blank%2B_16bc6e089b9e808357194c98058b495



Chaperones - I can give a long ass tirade but I’ll spell it out: N-O-T F-U-N-N-Y 



The Terrible Plight Of Freddy Zapper - Although bad editing prevents me from giving me the expanded dong rating, it’s a spellbinding Horror movie and a great musical. Blank%2B_16bc6e089b9e808357194c98058b495 B+


Blank - Elevated by a great crew, story and cast, Blank makes a fantastic crime movie and maybe in my top 10 of the year. db3.jpg&key=aae3de3b5f983f47de90c35dc0c3 A


Penny Press - Cute and heartwarming but lacks everything else. 185?cb=20151103125558&key=fdc1923def6702 C-

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Preliminary top 10: 


Our City 

On The Beach

After Party

Lord of The Flies

War Of The Gods

Bounty Hamster

Voltron: Rise Of Lotor

56 Days Of Love 

The Odyssey: The Spoils Of War/Pokémon: The Journey Begins


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Closed Domain - There is some kinks like editing and sometimes drags, the casting and the director’s vision makes this political film shine nicely. Blank%2B_16bc6e089b9e808357194c98058b495 B+

Little Demons Although beautifully animated and charming songs, this movie fails to captivate. 


Samurai Pizza Cats - Although aimed for a younger audience, SPC is delightfully fun. 185?cb=20151103125558&key=fdc1923def6702 C+

Isolation - A damn fun Liam Nesson film which puts a Cheshire Cat like grin on my face. Blank%2B_16bc6e089b9e808357194c98058b495 B+

The Amityville Nightmare - A great horror movie that has excellent scares but this suffers from cramming in way to much. Blank%2B_16bc6e089b9e808357194c98058b495


Midnight in The Afghan Village - An entertaining and emotional war movie, Village is an absolute treat. db3.jpg&key=aae3de3b5f983f47de90c35dc0c3 A

Blood and Fur 2: Maul-Ma Mater - Although sequelitis hits it sometimes, it’s still very fun and a solid successor. Blank%2B_16bc6e089b9e808357194c98058b495 B-

Lenny Lipton and the Super Scary Sleepover - If you are under 8, this will be a blast, otherwise not so much. 


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Sitting Ducks (Guess what I almost typed in instead of Ducks, for once thank god for autocorrect) - A solid animated film which it’s manic energy and voice cast help Ducks soar (and you thought I’d forget about puns) Blank%2B_16bc6e089b9e808357194c98058b495 B


The Island - Pretty good Del Toro thriller but the story isn’t effective and the thrills could be stronger. 185?cb=20151103125558&key=fdc1923def6702 C+


Storm Hunters - A bloody great disaster movie. One of the most fun blockbusters this November. Blank%2B_16bc6e089b9e808357194c98058b495 B+


Deathgiving - Pretty awful and rips off Orient Express, and I thought I would not have to whip this out since one film this month got this rating. 



The Encounter... Airport 2018 - A serviceable but forgettable movie. 185?cb=20151103125558&key=fdc1923def6702 C


My Life to Waste - I wasted two hours on this lifeless dreck. 



The Parvelli Reunion - Perhaps my favorite film of the year. It’s bursting through the seems with funniness, the cast fucking nails it, and it’s a well told and unique story. db3.jpg&key=aae3de3b5f983f47de90c35dc0c3 A+


Ho! Ho! Ho! - Although very unentertaining or serviceable it’s better than Waste or Deathgiving. So there’s that. 


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And The Band Played On - A lovingly crafted, moving film and also extraordinary. The 3 Hour runtime works due to how fucking engaging it is, the cast fucking aces it, the drama is well done, and due to my pursuit of a medicinal career had me in awe, and there are moments that actually brought tears to my eyes @4815162342 a round of applause to you. You created a classic for generations to come on CAYOM. db3.jpg&key=aae3de3b5f983f47de90c35dc0c3 A+


Flying Spaghetti Monster The Great and Holy - It’s a cute spoof but lacks the depth for greatness. 185?cb=20151103125558&key=fdc1923def6702 C-

Blood Blizzard - Your tedious, average slasher flick. Does have some moments though. 



Peter and The Starcatchers - This Movie has 99 problems, and quality sure is hell is one. Also it feels like the third act is missing. 


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