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Brazil Box Office Thread

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Moderation Note: This thread is meant for box office numbers. Some discussion is good, but not at the expense of people being unable to look up the numbers. Kindly take the discussions about non box office related topics to the Classic Conversation thread.

I don't get this. I mean, our country is not like China for example, where there are new numbers every single day, we only have access to numbers one time per week, so, the topic should stay dead for six days? And it's not like we're going off topic, we're talking about movies, and movies and Box Office has a connection, don't?

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I don't get this. I mean, our country is not like China for example, where there are new numbers every single day, we only have access to numbers one time per week, so, the topic should stay dead for six days? And it's not like we're going off topic, we're talking about movies, and movies and Box Office has a connection, don't?


We have received complaints from users regarding the thread going too off topic, especially with the past 20+ pages barely having any box office talk and instead plenty of gifs and shade throwing at other movies. Discussion is always welcome, but numbers should always be available to anyone who wants to look up how their favorite movie is doing. Maybe provide a page number for updates.

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We have received complaints from users regarding the thread going too off topic, especially with the past 20+ pages barely having any box office talk and instead plenty of gifs and shade throwing at other movies. Discussion is always welcome, but numbers should always be available to anyone who wants to look up how their favorite movie is doing. Maybe provide a page number for updates.

Yeah, I agree about the page number on title. :)

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I disagree, I'm increasingly busy, I just enjoy my last vacation days but after that I won't have time to update the title everytime. I still hope we can talk about movies, that would be sad otherwise because like Raph said we don't even have daily numbers so that's quite unfair.

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Moderation Note: This thread is meant for box office numbers. Some discussion is good, but not at the expense of people being unable to look up the numbers. Kindly take the discussions about non box office related topics to the Classic Conversation thread.

You're a moderator now? Many things happens here :P

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I disagree, I'm increasingly busy, I just enjoy my last vacation days but after that I won't have time to update the title everytime. I still hope we can talk about movies, that would be sad otherwise because like Raph said we don't even have daily numbers so that's quite unfair.


You are definitely allowed to talk movies, and even the exchange rate/political landscape because those can affect movies. But when pages upon pages go by without any talk of movies in release or box office, it tends to not be friendly to people who just want to jump in and know how much a movie is doing. The moderators can take the job of updating page numbers in the title, but we need all users help to ensure that a thread is always accessible to anyone. 


In-depth political discussion, for example, should be done in the politics subforum.

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You are definitely allowed to talk movies, and even the exchange rate/political landscape because those can affect movies. But when pages upon pages go by without any talk of movies in release or box office, it tends to not be friendly to people who just want to jump in and know how much a movie is doing. The moderators can take the job of updating page numbers in the title, but we need all users help to ensure that a thread is always accessible to anyone. 


In-depth political discussion, for example, should be done in the politics subforum.

Fair enough :)

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