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Brazil Box Office Thread

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French was mandatory here till few years ago. Now you can choose between it and english.
I though about the US, but despite the fact that it has a powerful economy, second globally as a structure (behind only the UE) and a big territory it lacks a major component (the population) that makes the comparison with the old empires less efficient. Not that it would be small (320M), but compared to the 1,35B for China, it seems small (one of the reasons why China has the biggest army in the world and in the end that's the most important thing). As for weapons of mass destruction, it's more of a facade thing. Maybe France or UK have only a few hundred warheads but at this point it all comes down to people, soldiers. No one will use these weapons of mass destruction because no one will ever benefit from them. It's more of a dick contest.
I'm really curious what will follow after US and China collapse (all empires do at some point). For the US, it will probably be because of it's immense debts (you gotta think that at some point the money source will be cut by the other countries with China in the lead; in the end it's one of the main reasons why good diplomatic relations with China and the other great powers are so important for the US) and for China extreme population might be an issue.



-The European Union economy will be passed by the US in a few years because the US has a strongest economic growth. In the 1980s the combined 28 nations of the EU were 80% bigger than the US in economic terms, now it's 3% and the gap is closing.And it's not important because the EU economy is not unified, it's an assembly of different economies and different currencies so taht doesn't matter at this point, particularly if the UK is leaving the EU.

-China has the biggest army in numbers but that doesn't mean anything, the Barbarians had bigger armies but they lost in the end because their opponents had the technological advantage, in terms of budgets and technology the US army is well ahead and there is no comparison.

-The US is extremely different from the other empires because it's not exactly an empire, not in terms of territory, and it's not a dictatorship. I strongly doubt it collapses, the debt will be reduced in the end given there is an awareness it can't go on forever.

-China has a public debt reaching 83% of its GDP and increasing at a strong pace, and a private debt approaching 200%.Don't think it's isolated from this problem, it's not.

-The US population is big, it's the 3rd most populated country and its population growth is bigger than China's or Europe's so it's clearly one of its strength : a strong and fast-growing population compared to fast-aging and slowing population in many other countries (even population declines in Germany and Japan). The UK, France, Portugal or Russia were much less populated than China or India during the climax of their empires, that didn't change the fact they were more powerful, because it's a matter of will and knowledge, you seem obsessed about the size of population but we're human, not ants, our strength come from our intelligence, our strategies.Even with a much bigger population Japan would be beaten by the US during the WW2 because the US had the nuclear weapon and Japan did not, that's simple, technology and intelligence are stronger than the size of an army.

Edited by Fullbuster
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The numbers matter. Always have, always will because the atomic bomb is nothing but a joke. It doesn't matter that US has 2000 and France 200 because even half of those would be enough to destroy even a powerful country like US. No one will use it, not after what happened in WW2. US got into the asian islamic war not with a nuke, but with troops. It's true, technology is more, much more than nukes. But you still need men to use it.

US' population grows a few millions a year, insignificant when compared to China's totall. Also, China has the fastest-growing economy for a major power in the world, almost doubling the one of US and that growth rate is possible in big part thanks to cheap work force given by a giant population. This is an interesting article on military budgets:




Although I do agree the increase is not enough. With better use of their enormous and cheap work force, they should at least try and double the efforts.


And the debt will not disappear unless for some weird reason the other states decide to erase it. For it to go down by a significant margin it would require restrictions on the population and that would only make people riot. A perfect example is Greece, that had a population used with a high level of life and then the crisis came and the debts grew more and more till the source of money was diminished so restrictions had to be put in place. The same will happen with the US. Awarness doesn't mean anything when you have people used to living well. Take that away from them and they won't give adamn that everything is for a greater good. US is running on borrowed money for a while now. It will get to a point where if they piss off the wrong nations they'll get in trouble.

Bigger "empires" fell. This one will. It's a simple fact of history. Nothing lasts forever.  

Edited by James
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Big scandal in Brazil :o


Petrobras scandal shakes up Brazil's presidential race

Brazil's October presidential race has been shaken up by a corruption scandal allegedly involving state-run oil firm Petrobras and dozens of lawmakers, with both leading candidates forced onto the defensive after colleagues were implicated.

Media reported on Friday night that a jailed former Petrobras director had named dozens of politicians who allegedly received kickbacks off the company's contracts.

The revelations are a headache for President Dilma Rousseff, undermining her reputation for zero tolerance on corruption just as she is slipping in the polls ahead of the Oct. 5 election.






If Dilma still had hopes it's probably over now, and this firm is really in trouble..it already lost half of its value and it was before that scandal.

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