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Brazil Box Office Thread

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Goffe, you should read this:


It's more easy for everyone say the fails and forget the virtues. Aécio has his virtues but he has so many fails which is hard the virtues overshadow the fails.


Dilma got her chance and it was a poor record so Aécio should have his chance too, he's a reformer and this is exactly what Brazil needs right now.

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Dilma got her chance and it was a poor record so Aécio should have his chance too, he's a reformer and this is exactly what Brazil needs right now.

Yes, he need a chance to steal part of our money and give for himself and all the riches of the country.

No, thanks.

Edited by MazeRunner23
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Yes, he need a chance to steal part of our money and give for himself and all the riches of the country.

No, thanks.


I see, you're just swallowing Dilma's propaganda, it's a bit sad because it's completely untrue.

And rich people already take Brazil's wealth for themselves, Brazil is extremely unequal even with Dilma, and about corruption she clearly helps her friends and loyal supporters, look at what she's done to Petrobras...


You're naive, but let's hope you'll learn over the time.


And Aécio is winning for now :D

If he's elected you'll understand your fears were not justified and you'll vote for him in 2018. ;)

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Goffe, you should read this:


It's more easy for everyone say the fails and forget the virtues. Aécio has his virtues but he has so many fails which is hard the virtues overshadow the fails.



I hope this link changes your mind/vote, we all want the same thing after all

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Back to the Box Office ;)

Weekend Top 5:

1- Annabelle, $3m

2- O Candidato Honesto (Local comedy), $ 1.7m

3- The Legend of Oz, $1m

4- The Maze Runner, $0.6m

5- Gone Girl, $0.5m


It's a good start for Annabelle :) Raphael is probably happy ^^

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another good site to debunk the opposition lies


Yeah, Dilma and her campaign team are really good at creating fear and lies, like every people of this kind, they took their lessons from Venezuela and Argentina..And given how shitty these countries have become it's pretty scary for Brazil's future...she already stalled its economy, 4 more years can be dangerous.

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I hope this link changes your mind/vote, we all want the same thing after all


another good site to debunk the opposition lies

Where there's smoke, there's fire.

I do not doubt that these things were true, the same way I believe the case of the "correios" with the Workers' Party was true.

Opitions aren't good

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I see, you're just swallowing Dilma's propaganda, it's a bit sad because it's completely untrue.

And rich people already take Brazil's wealth for themselves, Brazil is extremely unequal even with Dilma, and about corruption she clearly helps her friends and loyal supporters, look at what she's done to Petrobras...


You're naive, but let's hope you'll learn over the time.


And Aécio is winning for now :D

If he's elected you'll understand your fears were not justified and you'll vote for him in 2018. ;)


Aécio is the vote for rich people. I am not rich, he don't will have my vote. 





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lol and he shows his true colors

poor agains't riches

what a bright future, war between the classes


Indeed, that worked so well in Venezuela and Argentina! Poor people love an inflation reaching 60% a year, everybody knows that.

Our dear TMR lacks economic knowledge, sadly it's the case of so many people, it always ruins an economy in the end, some people needs to see it by thrmselves to understand even that means everybody suffers from it.


I don't understand this jealousy, this kind of heinous feelings doesn't help, it just creates hatred and pain, I'm sad when people have hatred in their heart...I got rid of that because it's not healthy and I feel so much better now.

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lol and he shows his true colors

poor agains't riches

what a bright future, war between the classes

What a ridiculous thing to say. Poverty should not to exist. impresses me read what you want peace between classes... would not it be smarter and righteous to want equality?

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What a ridiculous thing to say. Poverty should not to exist. impresses me read what you want peace between classes... would not it be smarter and righteous to want equality?


We're not equal and we'll never be equal, it's a utopia nobody succeeded to implement because it's not natural, it's not human.

I don't say poverty is good, of course it's not, but you never reach this by class war, it never worked and it's always a disaster because it's not doable. Even ants aren't equal between them.

Hatred won't lead you anywhere, it's a stalemate, stop being so envious it's not healthy and you will suffer because you'll never see equality in your life.


Do your best by yourself, enjoy the free education you can have in Brazil to become yourself rich. Work, effort and will are the only way to have a better life, and after that if you feel guilty you will be able to share your wealth with poor people :)

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First: I'm no economist, but I think that comparing numbers of different eras are extremely wrong 

Second: I guess 58% of the voters are rich people according to latest poll Istoé/Sensu


Here some statscrescimento-pib-brasil-mundo4.jpg


Já que é covardia comparar com os grandes, vamos confrontar o Brasil com o Azerbaijão http://


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We're not equal and we'll never be equal, it's a utopia nobody succeeded to implement because it's not natural, it's not human.

I don't say poverty is good, of course it's not, but you never reach this by class war, it never worked and it's always a disaster because it's not doable. Even ants aren't equal between them.

Hatred won't lead you anywhere, it's a stalemate, stop being so envious it's not healthy and you will suffer because you'll never see equality in your life.

envious? hatred? I want the best for my country. 

I will not vote for who will favor the riches, they are minorities.

Edited by MazeRunner23
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