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Big Hero 6 | November 7, 2014 | Now available on home video

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I imagine WDAS will release a non photo realistic film sooner than later. I think The Lego Movie as well as Sonys recent animated films have gone towards non realistic visuals and given that animation is very crowded, hopefully animated films will start looking less generic


That's the way best way to stand out. Try to do what the other studios aren't doing.

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THR: John Lasseter Dismisses Notion of Rift with Marvel Over 'Big Hero 6'





Disney-Pixar chief John Lasseter, the film's producer RoyConli and co-directors Don Hall and Chris Williams teased the movie Wednesday by revealing 25 minutes of footage at a gathering of Oscar bloggers at the Disney Animation building in Burbank, a clear indication that Disney intends to give the film a major awards push.


While Lasseter emphasized that the film was "made 100 percent here in the Walt Disney Animation Studio," he also noted that Disney "worked very closely" with Marvel and dismissed any notion of a rift between the two companies. "We have a fantastic relationship with them," he said.



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A few days ago, Bleeding Cool reported on an agreement between Marvel and Disney for Disney Publishing to have all publishing rights regarding the movie/comic Big Hero 6 produced by Disney and loosely based on the Marvel comic.


It didn’t answer why exactly Disney weren’t publishing the Big Hero 6 manga in the US, letting Yen Press have the rights.


Well, after publication, I was contacted by a number of people at both Marvel and Disney wanting to have their say.

There was some contradiction, but there were some very common threads. That specifically before this agreement between Disney  Animation, Disney Publishing and Marvel, there was considerable conflict.


Initially, Marvel wanted the movie aimed at an older audience and Disney refused. Marvel then refused to publish comics to support the movie. So Disney told Marvel they would publish comics themselves (not the manga, but original comics by US creators). It was then that Marvel went, and I quote, “apeshit”.


Cooler heads prevailed and an agreement was drawn up. That Marvel wouldn’t get involved with Big Hero 6 at all, the marketing the publishing and the like, but Disney Publishing were not allowed to publish Big Hero 6 comics in the US. Hence the Yen Press deal for the Disney Japanese Big Hero 6 manga.


An uneasy accord was arranged, and everyone was then singing from the same songsheet. Until Marvel EIC Axel Alonso‘s comments on CBR, “We wanted the Disney folks to be able to create their own unique style and story, unencumbered by those older stories” and then certain folk at Disney Animation kicked off again… as Marvel clearly didn’t want that.


And those eBay and Amazon prices? They keep on going up…




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From my experience, more like 90/10.


They've rare;y been wrong, especially when it comes to the comic side of things.


While that's not true, this is not purely comics but also relates to Disney and Disney Animation. Look at that other report on Josh Trank revealing FF tidbits on Twitter. Turns out that may not be Trank's Twitter account at all! 

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While that's not true, this is not purely comics but also relates to Disney and Disney Animation. Look at that other report on Josh Trank revealing FF tidbits on Twitter. Turns out that may not be Trank's Twitter account at all! 


That was just reporting what other outlets had reported.


When it comes to Rich Johnston getting stuff directly from his sources, he's been right most of the time. Breaking stories like the Death of Wolverine a year before it was solicited, Romita Jr's move to DC and taking art duties on Superman, Marvel publishing a Miracleman annual with a story by Grant Morrison, DC's Blood Moon event, Superman "killing" Dr. Light, everything do with Before Watchmen, Andy Diggle leaving Action Comics, The New 52, One More Day, the Superman/Wonder Woman romance, David Finch on Wonder Woman, several of the Marvel Now! creative teams, Bendis on Guardians of the Galaxy, Geoff Johns leaving Aquaman, Loeb on Nova, etc.


Off the top of my head, I can think of maybe three or four things that he's been wrong about.

Edited by Mitsuru Kirijo
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Yes, his previews for DC/Marvel comic events are usually right. Usually. However, in this case, it is reporting much after the occurrence of the events discussed in the article, and involves players like Disney, Disney Animation and Disney Publishing. And when it comes to anything outside of the publishing arms of DC and Marvel, his sources suck.

Edited by Spidey Freak
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Yes, his previews for DC/Marvel comic events are usually right. Usually. However, in this case, it is reporting much after the occurrence of the events discussed in the article, and involves players like Disney, Disney Animation and Disney Publishing. And when it comes to anything outside of the publishing arms of DC and Marvel, his sources suck.


While not as consistent as stuff that's strictly related to the comic book side of things, I wouldn't say his sources suck regarding other things.


If I'm remembering correctly, he broke some character details for Episode VII, Disney/Panini conflict, Karl Urban as Judge Dredd, etc.


I wouldn't rule this out as untrue, especially since he was contacted by people from the Marvel Comics side of things.

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