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The Big Bang Theory

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I really love he show, but writers sacrifice consistency any time they want.For instance in one episode Sheldon voluntarily visits an hospital to have a lot of tests performed and in an other episode he is afraid to visit an hospital because his germ phobia.In one episode they discuss that pets are not allowed in the roommate agreement because of Sheldon's allergies, in another episode Sheldon buys 20 cats.

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The writing in this show has gotten pretty shitty lately. Nothing happens with the plot and it`s only marginally funny. The really need to change up their schtick and actually make something happen with the characters. Sadly I don`t see that happening so it will probably continue being mediocre.

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The writing in this show has gotten pretty shitty lately. Nothing happens with the plot and it`s only marginally funny. The really need to change up their schtick and actually make something happen with the characters. Sadly I don`t see that happening so it will probably continue being mediocre.

Hmmm? Howard is a completely different character from season 1 due to his growth, Sheldon is slowly opening up, and I feel that Amy and Bernadette continue to elevate every episode their in.
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How has Sheldon opened up? He's even more of a 2D caricature now than in the beginning of the show. I guess Howard has changed the most but he's my least favorite character so I don't really care. Amy's pretty much the same as she was when she was first introduced and the only reason Bernadette is progressing is because she's going through the marriage thing with Howard (which buy the way happens in basically every sitcom).

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How has Sheldon opened up? He's even more of a 2D caricature now than in the beginning of the show. I guess Howard has changed the most but he's my least favorite character so I don't really care. Amy's pretty much the same as she was when she was first introduced and the only reason Bernadette is progressing is because she's going through the marriage thing with Howard (which buy the way happens in basically every sitcom).

I'm not sure why you felt the need to point that out? Of course it happens in every sitcom and it's going to happen in every sitcom in the future. The Big Bang Theory has never meant to be a revolutionary show in plot-it's meant to just be a funny show. Frankly this season was way better than the season before it.

And Sheldon has opened up due to Amy. He's agreed to hold hands with her and she's slowly turning him into something dateable. And Amy is completely different than when she was first introduced-she was exactly like Sheldon, and she turned into her own character.

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I just feel that a marriage is a lazy way to develop a character, of course they're going to have to change once they get married. If it wasn't for the marriage, Bernadette would be pretty much the same for however long she's been on the show. I guess it's mostly my personal opinion then, but even if the characters have changed, they haven't changed in a very interesting or notable way to me. It's a problem with a lot of mature shows that the plots and jokes and character's reactions get repetitive and stale and this show is no exception IMO.

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I just feel that a marriage is a lazy way to develop a character, of course they're going to have to change once they get married.

It's a tried-and-proven way and as I said, it's not like this show was ever revolutionary. Not every show has to be at the forefront of everything.
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I think they totally miss the chance to exploit the asymmetry of these chracters. Penny by far the best looking girl of the group should suffer more from her basic ignorance. Ok she does not know what a Higgs Boson Particle is, that would not hurt anybody. They made the joke, that she thought Cold Wars were only fought in winter. In one episode she contemplates her lack of college education. But only once Leonard and Penny were hurting each other by telling each other their basic shortcomings.

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I think they totally miss the chance to exploit the asymmetry of these chracters. Penny by far the best looking girl of the group should suffer more from her basic ignorance. Ok she does not know what a Higgs Boson Particle is, that would not hurt anybody. They made the joke, that she thought Cold Wars were only fought in winter. In one episode she contemplates her lack of college education. But only once Leonard and Penny were hurting each other by telling each other their basic shortcomings.

A dumber Penny would not work. Penny represents the audience within the ensemble. We must be able to identify with her. Her basic function within the Sitcom is to serve as a "mirror° -- and only that makes it possible to enjoy the crazyness of those nerds.Penny in Big Bang Theory = Monica in Friends = Carrie in King of Queens and so on.
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A dumber Penny would not work. Penny represents the audience within the ensemble. We must be able to identify with her. Her basic function within the Sitcom is to serve as a "mirror° -- and only that makes it possible to enjoy the crazyness of those nerds.Penny in Big Bang Theory = Monica in Friends = Carrie in King of Queens and so on.

Did you ever see the unaired original first pilot of BBT, that was around on the internet? Only Leonard and Sheldon were kept. Sheldon had a butt-fetish. Katie (the proto Penny) was a mean street tough. Leonard had a nerdy love interest who opposed Katie. - luckily they changed a lot.The ground premise of BBT is 4 nerdy geniuses with a lack of social skills (and unaware of that) are shown their deficiances by a mere waitress.But that is not true. With the exception of Sheldon they are well aware of their problems. From the second episode on Penny feels sky high superiority over the 4 and often lets them feel it. She is the only of the 5 who uses physical violence. She hits Howard and has threatened Sheldon. She fought with another girl and kicked Tarzanecki in his private parts. For me the best scenes of BBT are where she shows her vulnerability. Her weakneses are lacking education, picking the wrong partners, an resolved father issue and financial problems.I think BBT could profit from plots involving her lack of knowledge of things, that are not thought as nerdy or too scientifc.Only three times has Penny tried to learn from Sheldon. Once when she suffered from a gaming adiction, when she wanted to start the Penny-blossoms business and another time, when she wanted to impress Leonard with knowledge in physics (Gorilla-project). Sheldon took 2 acting lessons from her, because he wanted to master the craft. The best scenes in BBT are when they help each other. Penny buying clothes for Sheldon. Sheldon driving a car for Penny.They must not make her dumber than she already is. Her being in difficulties could lead to them helping her in a nerdy way (like when they helped her with the IKEA-media-center). Edited by Rudolf
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Wow, I would like to watch this first pilot. Sounds very interesting. Where did you find it?(And now I must go to bed because I just returned from my birthday party.)

many happy returnsatm I only find the first 3minutes of ithttp-~~-//youtu.be/jftzOTnB30I
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Thanks for all those links. I'm a big fan but this stuff I completeley missed...The unaired pilot was never aired because it sucked, as even Lorre admitted. It just looks too "nerdy" and therefore they had to introduce a new character, Penny, to allow the mainstream audience to identify.And, hey, those characters are not REALLY aware of their problems. Otherwise they would solve them. They all are happy to live the life they have in the end because there are more pros than contras.

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