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Everything posted by Travod

  1. Top five movies ever. Quote from it more than any other movie and know pretty much every line.
  2. He's on screen for like four minutes and he's kind of useless. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...
  3. That was filmed and looked exactly like you would see something as your eyes did? Or do you prefer movies as they are, stylized and not as dirty?I think it would be interesting to have a gritty movie with no post-production touching up.
  4. As I said in another thread, I thought this was delightful. Funny in many moments and morbid in others. Audience loved it. And it was pretty to look at, thanks to Jeff Cronenweth.I'd campaign Helen Mirren but it would be solely for that one scene - "I cry for you when they are bad..." which is much longer and better than the trailer.
  5. Just got back from Hitchcock. It was delightful and sexy - meaning Jeff Cronenweth filmed it.
  6. I'll be really controversial and say Viola Davis should have went supporting like she really was, and she would have won.
  7. I doubt anyone will agree but this is my favorite from Kill Bill 1 + 2.
  8. In two sentences, explain what Holy Motors is about, please
  9. Never mind. Was going to do it but 25 is just too many to make me do xD
  10. I was close to seeing Flight tonight but I had no way to get to the theater so, alas, I did not.I kind of do want to see it but it's low on my priorities list.
  11. I just found out that Steve McQueen is black. For some reason that makes me view "Shame" differently xDMy gov teacher told us to watch Hunger (we're learning about Ireland) and she said, "It's directed by Steve McQueen" and I was like, "Oh, Shame!" and she was like, "Yea." o___________O I hope she didn't see it.
  12. I still want to see Flight, but I imagine it being the most slow and boring courtroom drama one could possibly envisage. So there's a CGI plane crash in the beginning. What could follow it?
  13. If this doesn't win Production Design someone should be fired.
  14. Were you team True Grit? If so, we were on the same team :DRight now I'd go for Life of Pi and Argo.
  15. Awkward... we watched this in Chemistry last year. I remember it having some terrible acting by the main guy.
  16. Not sure I would enjoy SLP winning.
  17. I'll keep it shorter by saying Jennifer Lawrence is great but I don't think her role is very flashy. Her voice can't go high enough to scream so those scenes are just completely awkward. Bradley Cooper was the best part of the movie by far, followed by Robert De Niro.
  18. OH GOD FINALLY.Basically totally amazing, heartbreaking, uplifting, beautiful, funny, emotional, etc.And then the last ten minutes when he discusses the "alternate ending" kind of rips you out of the moment and you leave extremely disappointed until you start pretending the last ten minutes never happened.
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