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Everything posted by Travod

  1. But we don't know how well this new system works. Perhaps the way it's set up means there will always be like 9-10 noms and therefore they should make the 5% rule or whatever it is 10% or something.
  2. I have to think about this. I think The Social Network has the best cinematography ever, but I don't consider it to be visually beautiful.Avatar is one. Tron Legacy.
  3. I know the answer is obvious because they have their own category, but why don't directors win the award for BP? It's like for producers.
  4. Still pulling for a Moonrise Kingdom nomination, though with this 6 minute trailer I'm now a Cloud Atlas fanboy.
  5. Her best scene was when they were sitting in the bedroom and she was like, "Why do we have to defend ourselves" or something.
  6. Nothing very good this year.Without giving it though I honestly think Haywire had some of the better music.
  7. PlatoonSaving Private RyanApocalypse NowJoint Security AreaThe Master
  8. Except Amelie But yea I pretty much meant American.
  9. Of course. I almost always see movies on opening day, and if not, opening weekend (probably Saturday, lol).
  10. Was excited for an epic history piece and was sorely disappointed upon opening the thread.
  11. The movie was /all/ closeups of people's faces.
  12. I thought JSA was just a good B movie. I also think that it's borderline pretentious to list foreign films in a "best ever" setting amongst friends because western films really are just better.
  13. I was not aware that Looper was at like 97% with over 30 reviews or something.
  14. Do we mean the original Ring?I thought it was very cheaply made and not scary at all.
  15. Hm... The first 20 minutes is all about Joaquin Phoenix and it's very hard to sit through. Imagine if all of Sean Penn's scenes in The Tree of Life were in the beginning of the movie. You certainly come to hate him, and I believe it was fishnets who said he's unlike "bad" characters like the Joker and the guy from TWBB who both had a certain charisma - I agree. You really hate him and honestly in the future if there's a movie with Phoenix in it on in the future, I'm probably going to skip it. He gets very annoying. He laughs for no reason and then he'll curse the heavens and he has this Stallone like lip thing and he puts his hands at his hips (on the way out I saw people making fun of it, rightfully so). The scene with the wall and the window just, ugh. PSH is good, though only in a select few scenes, like one where he has an argument with a non "Cause" person. And Amy Adams has one nice scene. No one else is worth mentioning. About the 70mm - maybe I'm not as keen on these kind of things as I thought I was, but it brings almost nothing. The only scenes I thought looked better than regular movies were whenever they showed water and some - some - closeups of people's faces, which show up as often as random scenes looking up at the sky do in TOL. The music wasn't special except for one song that is in the same sound as the one that plays when the oil thing explodes and he's running to his kid with all the weird drums and stuff. I feel like the theme or message of the movie is applicable to all religions - people seem to be brainwashed into believing these things. There's a great little scene near the end that shows this, when you see the movie, you'll probably spot it. Yea. It was very crowded and some people clapped at the end, but it sounded more like the clap you do when you feel you're obligated to clap. And then it was weird because during the credits, in which nothing happens, no one got up to leave so my friend and I were just stuck sitting there as everyone stared forward like robots. IDK. I had no expectations going in. I'm probably going to give it a 6 on IMDb.
  16. So literally 15 minutes ago I told my friend he should buy the tickets now so he did.And now every show time tomorrow is sold out.
  17. How many theaters is The Master? And does theater average count Monday and Tuesday? ...Are Jewish holidays even counted as 5 day weekends? lol.
  18. I went to the Ghibli Museum in Tokyo and it was amazing.
  19. Oh my God Baumer, Office Space is one of the funniest movies ever, I can't even. illjustsetthebuildingonfire.
  20. There are too many people involved there.So was his message "I never stopped loving you" ?
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