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Everything posted by Travod

  1. A Separation 2:00 PM - 50 people. Trailers: In Darkness - nothing Some movie about how a guy's dad accidentally wins the nobel prize that is really his? IDK. Movie: Woa. SO deserves the screenplay nomination. This movie is non stop fighting and arguing. Everyone puts in tonssssssssss of emotions and they all feel like real people, which never happens in a movie. Dayum. They all should have gotten acting nominations. The lead actor was the best, his daughter was also great (it must suck to be her in this movie, what she has to go through), and everyone else was all still great. It's about how the guy hires a lady to look after his dad while he's at work. Yadda yadda yadda drama drama drama herunbornbabydiesandit'sawhodunitmysteryandwhathappensiscraycray... And in the last scene the girl has to make a pretty difficult decision, but it doesn't tell us what her decision is which kind of annoyed me. But oh well. A Dangerous Method 4:05 PM - 50 people Trailers: In Darkness - nothing Movie: Keira Knightley plays a stutterer in the beginning. And she's insane. Pretty good acting. Michael Fassbender is the main character but he doesn't do much. Then everyone else is pretty meh. The story isn't about anything in particular. He's a doctor, Freud is a famous doctor (I learned about him in my Psychology class ) and they disagree that sex is the origin of like, all desires and motives, they fight, they break up (seriously I think there was a relationship between the two men) and the movie ends.
  2. Best Picture:Want-Midnight in ParisWill-The ArtistDirector:Want-Woody AllenWill-HavansihjgsbdidgfbshiusActor:Want-George ClooneyWill-SameActress:Want-Rooney MaraWill-Meryl StreepSupporting Actor:Want-Jonah HillWill-Christopher PlummerSupporting Actress:Want-Jessica ChastainWill-Octavia SpencerAdapted:Want-Tinker TailorWill-MoneyballOriginal:Want-Midnight in ParisWill-Same
  3. OH MY GOD YES.Start with movie trailers, soundtracks, characters, whatever we didn't end up finishing.
  4. The nightmare in The Artist is pretty great.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OP96Bg5Av9Q
  6. Forgot Jane Eyre! Edited my list on first page.
  7. I'd love for Real in Rio to win but Will.i.am ruins it horribly. Kind of like every Black Eyed Peas song in the last 5 years.
  8. In the beginning he walks around his apartment twice in the same path and the camera is penis level, and then he pees and you watch him pee from the back for like 30 seconds. Just peeing. That's about it I think.
  9. It's not really on screen long enough to do any precise measurements. ?
  10. In Shame, Also the three way surrealist heavy string music sex scene near the end.
  11. Lol, mine and Alfred's are the only ones that show up...
  12. The very last scene in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.
  13. I'm predicting it wins that one sound nomination it got.
  14. This one is paraphrased: "Once you can sit again, which may be a while I must admit, we will go to my bank and tell them that I alone have access to my money. After that you will never contact me again. Each month you will prepare a report of a meeting we will never have. In it you will describe how well I'm doing, how sociable I'm becoming. Then you will negotiate with the court that I have my declaration of incompetence lifted. And if anything should happen to me. If I get run over by a car, if you run me over with a car... I'll kill you." And then: How can a 23 year old be a ward of the state? I'm mentally incompetent and can't manage daily life. Since when have they said that? Since I was 12. What happened when you were 12? I'm sorry that's none of my business. I tried to kill my father. Burned him alive. Got about... 80% of him.
  15. I like it for the lights dimming and the kiss
  16. One of the reasons I thought DH2 had awesome cinematography was because of how the camera does that stretching wonky thing, like in Snape's memories. There's also a shot outside the boathouse I think where it zooms out in a cool way. If that makes any sense.
  17. LOL, I have that EXACT La Mer video favorited because of Tinker Tailor. That whole montage was great.And the elevator scene.And The Prince's Tale of course.
  18. I don't really like the movie, but...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WvuJwMFPz4Amazing.
  19. I got Drive on iTunes the day it came out
  20. http://www.accesshollywood.com/movies/rooney-mara-on-her-2012-oscar-nomination-i-wasnt-expecting-it_video_1381071
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