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Everything posted by Travod

  1. I watched the first few episodes for... the traveling. And the French lady <3
  2. Finally saw it. This was my status: I mean, husband in wife on vacation in Morocco, wife gets shot by children playing around, huge international terrorist accusations, worldwide media attention, while simultaneously their kids have been taken into Mexico by Consuela, their illegal babysitter, and on the way back to the US they get stranded in the desert and then she leaves them alone in the desert to find help? Then there's a deaf girl in Japan - obviously I loved this part because it's Japan, but.. WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
  3. Very pretty, awesome music, and one shot where the boy spots Arrietty and it zooms out quickly and she drops the sugar and it makes a loud banging sound is really cool, but the story isn't as "epic" as I thought it was going to be.
  4. Soundtrack + pretty black, blue, white, and red colors = awesome.
  5. After finally seeing The Hurt Locker... it's pretty great. And No Country... is amazing.
  6. I don't like when movies heavily rely on music music. TWILIGHTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT.
  7. I read the book so I think it's pretty valid. The games didn't start until welllllll into the book and were cut short.
  8. The Hunger Games. Everyone told me CF was going to be sooooooooo much better but it was quite disappointing. I just imagine all the characters being 40+ years old... Playing in an arena?
  9. There Will Be Blood is great but I'm a sucker for the Coen brothers.
  10. When you put it this way oh my lord new by far.
  11. I can't decide if I want to see The Grey or not now.
  12. SH2 - 2,472M = "Two billion 472 million dollars"
  13. When Twilight sells, what, 400 million copies and makes, what, 7-8 billion dollars in movies, then it might be a fair comparison.
  14. I used to love it but it's not that good now. Like, all the annoying music that randomly pops up out of no where and then goes away after like 30 seconds.
  15. This year it seems way more predictable because I've been watching/following every single awards show, even the critics ones. Last year I just watched the Oscars.
  16. She means in real life. Some girl wanted to marry him and he said no.
  17. My mom despises George Clooney because of what he did to that girl. IDK they broke up or something. And she hates The Descendants because of him. And every time he or it is mentioned in the list of nominations she basically spits xD
  18. I remember she ate fried chicken but that's about it. I love her too, but for TOL
  19. In The Help? I don't even remember Chastain. She didn't do anything. If only she got the nomination for The Tree of Life.
  20. Dujardin won, hmmmmmmmmmm...
  21. Hey it's Glenn Close. Happy she didn't commit suicide yet.
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