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Everything posted by Travod

  1. I just love this movie so much. ASSSSSSSSSSSS YOUUUUUUUUUUU WISHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Oh, my sweet Wesley. -both fall for a minute-
  2. I don't even like Star Trek but Spock <3 I love him in this.
  3. Edna Mode. And guest.Great Pixar as usual. I love the babysitter. Mozart makes babies smart!
  4. I miss Will Smith And don't say MIB3 because I don't care about that.
  5. I didn't mean it like that. I meant that if you judge it purely as what it is and not any legacy it has created or anything like that.
  6. This movie is cray crayyyyyyyy. I love the cinematography and score. The mega film grain really adds to it.
  7. But how much do blockbuster movies make there? BD1's 3 million didn't add much to its overall gross.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwZBA5jKkSs
  9. Haywire 9:30 PM - 75 people Trailers 21 Jump Street Some movie about war that apparently has real life soldiers playing the characters. The trailer has a great song playing in it. A movie about an Edgar Allan Poe themed killer. Project X? A movie about a giant party. Movie: So honestly I just wanted to go to the movies to ask for a movie poster that they didn't have. Haywire had Fassbender and action and good reviews so I chose to see that. HOLY GOD THE FIGHT SCENES (of which there are maybe 10 that each last 5 minutes at least) ARE AMAZING. The choreography is perfect and it's really flashy yet still "real" with guns rarely being used. The girl is apparently some martial arts person in real life so I guess she already knew some of her character's (Mallory) awesome moves. Michael Fassbender is only in it for maybe 20 min but he's great, Michael Douglas is good but in it even less, Ewan McGregor (sp?) is pretty awesome, and the rest of the cast is too long to list. Just woa. I would see this again to watch the bedroom fight scene. And the one on the beach. And in the diner. And the one in Barcelona. And all the others. AND THE LAST LINE! It's hilarious! One thing I noticed was that the font used to name the cities the characters go to is like the same font they used in Contagion. Same director, who knew. Great cinematography. AND THE SCORE. AMAZING MUSIC. When each fight scene reached the climax the audience I was watching with all laughed at how friggin' amazing Mallory is and how she just owned that particular opponent. Hard.
  10. Haywire 9:30 PM - 75 people Trailers 21 Jump Street Some movie about war that apparently has real life soldiers playing the characters. The trailer has a great song playing in it. A movie about an Edgar Allan Poe themed killer. Project X? A movie about a giant party. Movie: So honestly I just wanted to go to the movies to ask for a movie poster that they didn't have. Haywire had Fassbender and action and good reviews so I chose to see that. HOLY GOD THE FIGHT SCENES (of which there are maybe 10 that each last 5 minutes at least) ARE AMAZING. The choreography is perfect and it's really flashy yet still "real" with guns rarely being used. The girl is apparently some martial arts person in real life so I guess she already knew some of her character's (Mallory) awesome moves. Michael Fassbender is only in it for maybe 20 min but he's great, Michael Douglas is good but in it even less, Ewan McGregor (sp?) is pretty awesome, and the rest of the cast is too long to list. Just woa. I would see this again to watch the bedroom fight scene. And the one on the beach. And in the diner. And the one in Barcelona. And all the others. AND THE LAST LINE! It's hilarious! One thing I noticed was that the font used to name the cities the characters go to is like the same font they used in Contagion. Same director, who knew. Great cinematography. AND THE SCORE. AMAZING MUSIC. When each fight scene reached the climax the audience I was watching with all laughed at how friggin' amazing Mallory is and how she just owned that particular opponent. Hard.
  11. He hasn't even seen the trailer for it. He knows that it is silent and that is all.
  12. 1/20 1. Django Unchained 2. The Hunger Games 3. Brave 4. Titanic 3D 5. Side by Side 6. Skyfall 7. TDKR 8. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel 9. World War Z 10. Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter
  13. How many times is that? I've seen it twice and would love to go again.
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