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Everything posted by Travod

  1. Fassbender wasn't as good as I thought he would be.
  2. Shame, Dragon Tattoo, and The Artist were all very crowded today between 2-3 PM. Dragon Tattoo was sold out.
  3. Shame Clearview's Chelsea Theater - 2:45 PM - 85% full. I also walked in to The Artist at 2, 90% full, and Dragon Tattoo 2:30 Sold Out. Trailers: Missed most of them because I was waiting for the ticket checker guy to leave. Albert Nobbs - Do people in the movie really believe she's a guy? Movie: It's pretty okay. Fassbender really isn't that great, but Mulligan (sp?) is pretty awesome. The movie has less dialogue than The Artist (not really, but pretty close to it). There's little editing - in one scene he goes for a run that lasts around 5 city blocks. Then when she is singing New York, New York is stays on her face for the whole song, and since she sings it really slow it's there a while. Pretty graphic movie that really didn't need to be. GREAT score with some awesome strings though. Yea.
  4. The last few movies are a little dark to just be "fun fantasy films for kids."
  5. Very pretty movie, but I like Rio's plot better.
  6. I don't look anywhere near 18. Thanks for the tip as hoodie + bag is usually what I do at the movies
  7. It now appears that Shame, if I can sneak it, will be the first movie I see this year
  8. My friend said that we're going to buy a ticket for The Artist, sit in Dragon Tattoo, check out Shame's theater and if there's no one there walk into it and if there is, stay in Dragon Tattoo. And here I am waiting to see The Iron Lady
  9. How does one accomplish this? Shame is only playing at those small theaters or very large ones that check tickets everywhere anyway. Assuming we can buy tickets for other movies (though most are rated R and are not playing near Shame's showtimes) what happens when we get to Shame's door? Apparently people are being ID'd THERE. Poop.
  10. I messed up this post but it's old anyway so whatever
  11. Will you guys be here live when the nominees are announced? I make a party out of it at 8 AM.
  12. Baumer, I'm actually not in love with it. I don't want it to win any awards, though I'm not bashing its brains out like you are, because it really is a good movie. I haven't seen something like this in 2011, or perhaps the last like eight decades, and though the story is VERY VERY VERY light and predictable, most stories are, and it just does it well.
  13. What's annoying me more about The Artist is how much baumer is criticizing it. You're taking it wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too far, going out of your way to make sure everyone knows you hate it and want to kill every person who was involved with it.
  14. So Transformers is like a negative twelve, right?
  15. Wow, At World's End wasn't even nominated? Huge shame, it's the best orchestrated score everrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
  16. What the hell happened with that scene? The brooms looked horrrrrrible.
  17. Slumdog Millionaire is one of my favorite movies ever.
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