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Everything posted by ban1o

  1. I don't think there was conspiracy or anything but I do think Aladdin was definitely better than BATB and I feel there was a portion of critics not wanting to like the movie due to all the online vitriol it had for no reason. It doesn't make sense for Aladdin to be rotten but BATB to be in the 70s.
  2. I actually agree there doesn't seem to be much of a difference. Like how can you prove you've seen it? Anybody could easily do that if they want to downvote a movie. But tbf these type of movies aren't the ones that usually get reviews bombed.
  3. I'm not one to automatically snide at critics but Aladdin is definitely better than BATB lol. Like not even a question. The reviews are very weird for these films.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oafj6Wl2syg&t=215s like have people not watched the original
  5. this is exactly how it happened in the cartoon though. I think people forget it's a kids movie lmao
  6. Saw this with my mom. We both loved it. I think reviewers were being petty lol. I don't really see how this can get bad reviews but BATB got in the 70s
  7. I mean the fact that they revealed there was a shocking twist already basically tells you what it is if you're familiar with Tarantino at all. I haven't read the wiki description but a review basically spoiled it for me
  8. oh wow I didn't realize Pulp Fiction had such a high average score. But yeah, films from before the internet are harder to compare.
  9. Ludwig Goransson. love him And a spy movie. That's awesome But still a weird title. It's so...short.
  10. so I'l concede that this film ended up dropping like a rock reviews wise. Still think it will do well at the box office though lol. Jafar looks awful but everything looks great to me.
  11. I’m not even a Tarantino hater. I like all his films. I just think he’s a dick lol. Also I think the backlash on twitter is overblown but he did it to himself. People will be over it by the end of the week.
  12. Tarantino is practically known for his dialogue. He has 2 best oscar wins for screenplay. The journalist said nothing about her being a female character or misogyny. That's what you seem to have be inferring from the question but it was not there. MOST people including myself, thought Sharon Tate would be a big role in the film considering it was initially billed as a Manson Murder film and much noise was made about Robbie's casting. According to a review I read, Margot Robbie really doesn't have much dialogue, and even many scenes she is in she doesn't speak. It's a fair question to ask why a director renown for his dialogue and writing would make the choice to not have her character speak much in the film, especially when casting an actress of Robbie's caliber. This is such an obvious question to ask. You seem to be judging the journalist because god forbid a female journalist ask a question about a female character in the film. Press conferences or for journalists to ask questions about the film. If Tarantino does not want to be asked question about choices he made he should not be having press conferences. If Tarantino did not answer the question the way he did nobody would be talking about it now. But instead of answering the question like a normal adult he answered it like an emotionally stunted one. Thankfully Robbie was there to redeem him. I ❤️ her. Anyway I don't want to clog up this thread. I think I'll stop talking about it now.
  13. bullshit. You haven't given any reason why the question was ludicrous. stop replying to me if you are just going to be an ass.
  14. how was the question Ludicrous. Margot Robbie is third billed, playing Sharon Tate and was at the cannes festival. How is a question about the creative choice to not give her much dialogue a ludicrous question. According to a review I read she says nothing for the first hour of the film lmao. Obviously it might have been a creative choice but why didn't he just say that. The question was fine. The reviewer might have expected Sharon Tate would be in it more. Robbie handled the question like a normal person.
  15. Then why didn't he answer the way Robbie did. The journalist said nothing about her being a woman or a female character? She asked about the creative choice not to have Tate have much dialogue. Y'all are so defensive of Tarantino. He was being a dick lol, but thats not unusual for him. I mean this was initially billed as a Manson Murder movie and Sharon Tate was the face of the Manson Murder's. It's a fair question. I mean the film looks good but why go to a press conference and get mad at a question.
  16. tarantino is really a dick though lmao. I just saw a video from the press conference at cannes where someone asked a question about Robbie's lack of dialogue in the film and he was like "I REJECT YOUR HYPOTHESIS" Thank goodness for Robbie's grace she basically saved the whole cringeworthy encounter.
  17. Jesus I just read a spoiler lmao. It was in an article about the film. They warned about a slight spoiler but didn't say how explicit it was lmao. I can longer post in this thread.
  18. Where are you getting 66 from I’m seeing 77? I feel like we are all seeing different scores lol.
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