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Everything posted by ban1o

  1. I agree people who deny that international audiences are somewhat racist are lol. Like China is obviously racist lmao. I guess you can say European countries would rather watch a movie where they can seem themselves? But I actually think the idea that there's no racism in European countries ridiculous. European countries are mostly white which is why you don't hear as much about racism but I think people are finding out it's def there. Like unfriended was released in 40 countries and it only made 31 domestic lmao . We'll see how many Get Out is released in.
  2. Great Number for Logan. Happy for Hugh. I'll get around to seeing it eventually. Great hold for Get Out but not surprised. It's the type of movie that you just HAVE to talk about after awards. Hopefully it can get to 140 million
  3. Oh god lets see how it holds against Logan before we get crazy. I will be happy if it gets over 100 million which isn't guaranteed with all it's competition
  4. I mean we already knew it was having amazing WOM. It's Sunday hold was way way better than Split's despite it being Oscar Sunday.
  5. i don't think it's counterprogramming. Are the audiences that different between Logan and Get Out?It will definitely hurt it.
  6. lol I was wondering something similar actually. I think it just had very strong word of mouth over the weekend.
  7. I think preferential ballots have a lot to with this surprise win. And they are the reason for the increased BP/BD split.
  8. https://criticstop10.com/ Critics lists- Moonlight on 641 lists, on 162 top spots La La Land on 436 lists, on 99 top spots
  9. Tons of students are already going to screenings of it. It will be popular especially in inner city and urban schools
  10. Honestly it was kinda Warren's fault. He should have said "I think I have the wrong card and asked the producer to come on stage." He obviously knew he had the wrong card. But he just wanted to rush.
  11. tomorrow all the headlines will be "La La Land shockingly beat for Best Picture in huge Oscar mixup" Instead of saying Moonlight won. Society continually ruining moments for black people lmao.
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