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Everything posted by Juby

  1. She wasn't a robot in BR2049, she was a hooker. THR article
  2. Just awful promotional picture. They're starting marketing bad. Davis looks so unattractive on this photo (her haircut is from Simple Jack from Tropic Thunder LOL). How did this happen? She is so beautiful woman.
  3. The article also could have outdated info (underestimate). Variety in 1998 had T2 at $312 mln overseas and - if I remember right - in the book "Titanic: Anatomy of a Blockbuster"author claimed T2 overseas gross was $310 mln. But I'm not sure, maybe this was different book. Ghost overseas numbers for years were overestimated at $300 mln. Mojo updated it at $288M for the first time in early 2004: https://web.archive.org/web/20040406113035/http://boxofficemojo.com:80/movies/?id=ghost.htm
  4. Another article proves that E.T.'s numbers on Mojo (and everywhere alse, cause almost every site copy data from Mojo) are bullshit. Foreign gross is overestimated around $23M. https://www.upi.com/Archives/1993/10/04/Jurassic-Park-sets-worldwide-box-office-record/6745749707200/ 'E.T.' grossed $359.2 million domestically and $281.3 million overseas in its initial 1982 release, and tacked on another $40 million domestically and $20 million overseas during its re-release in 1985 for a combined $701.4 million worldwide.
  5. It was 1993, T2 was still in theaters around the world that time. Just... different times. Ex: Polish premier od T2 was in May 1992 and it was still in theaters in 1993. Ghost is one of my all time favorites movies. Absolutely perfect mix of action, drama, fantasy, romance, based on a PERFECT script. 100% movie magic and great entertainment.
  6. M:I:3 - the smallest b.o. success in the franchise - opens with $67,5 mln with today's ATP (with smaller number of theaters and without 3D). Anything under $67,5M OW for Fallout will be a sad start. I hope for +70 mln.
  7. In Poland they change the release date to 10th Aug due to the World Cup. I hope for some previews, cause it's the most anticipated movie of the summer for me.
  8. Very bad explenation. Yeah, 80s were great, the style, music, clothes, streets, "(...)us at our most extreme", I lived in 80s... bla bla bla. But what about Wonder Woman character? We saw her origin already, we saw her adventures in the present (BvS, JL), why go back again(!) to see her adventures in 80s if we now that she'll be fine? Besides, Snyder's films clearly showed us that Wonder Woman wasn't active between end of the WWI and BvS events. Itmakes no sense. But You may not listen to me, cause I'm Wonder Woman hater... I mean not the character (I love WW) but the film (the most overrated movie od 2017; weak first and very bad the third act).
  9. Great IMAX poster: This version should be the main poster! Not the one that is on IMDb film site.
  10. Reviews are so far! The most anticipated movie of the summer for me! Cavill's comment will have no influence for b.o. run of the film, but I agree with Henry 100%. I mean, I know what he wanted to say in his tweet, but as we all can see, someone was nit-picking about the words he use ("rapist"). The situation with #MeToo become weird, and he's right by thinking that many people started to use it against people even just for a typical flirt. #teamCavill ❤️
  11. If we consider only the original releases of all animated movies, than probably the biggest are: 1. The Lion King (1994) around $682-686 million adjusted 2. Shrek 2 (2004) $650.83 million adjusted And there's no other true +$600 million animated grosser domestically. Incredibles 2 might have become the third biggest animation ever in tickets sale for a single run!
  12. It's still in some theaters in Poland. After 10 weekends!! Incredible for a superhero movie. Final OS should be over $1.37B by the August 14th.
  13. Jurassic Park - very strong 9/10 The Lost World - 7/10 Jurassic Park III - 5/10 Jurassic World - weak 5/10 Fallen Kingdom - 3/10 This series since the very first sequel is getting worse and worse with each installment.
  14. ^ This. T3 is a very well paced, good blockbuster and a good action film. I was a little disappointed after watching it in cinema in Aug 2003, but after next viewings on VHS, and later on DVD, I started to like it (solid 7/10 for me). It's just not worthy of the first two films, it's not a good Terminator 2 sequel. And it always feels like spin-off for me, with all this changes in dates/timeline (Sarah birth date / age is different in T3 than in T1-T2, John is 23 and should be 20, but 10-years-old kid didn't fix into the story about kissing Kate Brewster during some basement party in Mike Kripke house, etc.). Though, T3 is still the best continuation of T2, better than The Sarah Connor Chronicles (which were fine... sometimes), much better than Terminator Genisys (or this one removed T2 also, and is only a T1 sequel? I can't remember), and even better than Universal attraction done by Cameron himself, which was fine, but to kitschy. I hope the new "Terminator 3" by Miller will be at least as good as T3 by Mostow. I'll be already happy then. Salvation is something opposite to me. It's a better sequel to Cameron films, and I was "wowed" when I saw it for the first time, but only one year later (when I saw it for the fourth time, for the first on DVD), I aware this movie is so dumb, so irrelevant to the series, so bad directed, so PG-13 (that's why I prefer Extended Cut) and more boring than fast paced T3. I like some scenes, some characters like Marcus, great vfx and cinematography, but after re-watching it in 2015 I can't give it more than 5-6/10. Genisys is the worst by far. Terrible casting (2xClarke, Jai Courtney as Kyle Reese - WHY?!), messy plot, more action sequences than a story, too much - completely not funny - jokes, and superhero mid-credit scene as a set-up for another film. And it removed from timeline almost anything, including the greatness of T2! Only Arnold and '1984 act' were fine. Saw it in cinema (opening weekend), and I still didn't re-watch it. Maybe I'll try before this one..
  15. My God, I almost forgot how I love her in this role. ❤️ More Sarah please...
  16. OMG! After +$180 million opening, with lack of competition this summer (only Hotel Transylvania 3 opens month away, Christopher Robin in August), great reviews and great audience reception ("A+" on CinemaScore, 8.6 on IMDb) this should easily broke $600 million domestically as a third movie this year!!
  17. Great hold domestic this weekend. IW is deffinetly heading for over $680 mln.
  18. Good one. It's hard to believe that after +$2.7B of the first Avatar, its sequel could go under $2B worldwide, especially after 11 years of growing tickets prices, 3D and IMAX screens, exploding OS markets like China, and great audience reception of the first film in 2009. But I can give You my first and absolutely lowest, worst-case scenario, unrelistic forecast for untitled "Avatar 2". Domestic: $550 mln ($154 mln opening - twice as much as the first Avatar did - and more/less typical December multiple for a blockbuster) + Foreign: $1.01B (at least couple of millions more than The Force Awakens). + China: $410 mln (at least twice as much as the first Avatar did in 2010 and more than any Hollywood film did for now) = Worldwide: $1.97B
  19. Agree. The film is heading to $2.04-2.05B worldwide. It won't catch TFA (shame, but maybe next time). . .
  20. GwtW was released 7 times... before even Jaws came out in 1975 And the film wasn't available anywhere till the TV premiere in 1976. Than it was re-release another 2 times, in 1989 and 1998. In term of the original run, GwtW probably wouldn't be even in Top5 of the biggest domestic movies of all time. Titanic would've been in Top3, maybe Top1. The argument about lack of competition in 1998 is an absurd. There was no competition, because Titanic destroyed all the movies, and nothing could break out. People talked only about Titanic! But end this off-topic. IW is a huge blockbuster. Comparing it to Titanic is just stupid. Different times, different event movies. It's great on its own.
  21. CGI in Fallen Kingdom is fine/good, sometimes even very good, and animatronic models (lying Blue and T-Rex) are terrific. Dinosaurs looks much better than in the first JW. But of course, nothing come close to Stan Winston puppets (and IL&M T-Rexes from the first two films, which are still one of the best CGI of all time). This CG-shot is unbeatable, 100% photo-realism (there's plenty of them i TLW)
  22. The second most mysterious... The first is $652 mln made by Jurassic World (basically a Syfy channel film with $150 mln budget and A-list star, nothing special in reviews and audience scores, nothing special in marketing, not even close to be an event as the first Jurassic Park was, and yet, almost as huge success as JP if we look at its adjusted number, also bigger than The Avengers). And Star Wars was 2nd worldwide only for 9-10 years (Terminator 2 beat it somewhere in 1992 with $519.8 mln, SW made $513,040,132 before 1997 Special Edition). Titanic will top that next December.
  23. This could have been the most anticipated movie of 2019 for me... if it was the first Terminator film since Salvation. But only 4 years after Genisys, with so many similarities between them (again ignoring everything after T2, another planned trilogy, again old Arnold with elder human tissue, again Brett Azar as his stunt-double...), I am not so sure what to expect. I hope it'll be good, but I don't think it's going to be a huge b.o. success. Everything with Terminator brand for the last 15 years is more or less flop (T3 barely make even(?), Salvation and Genisys were flops, T2 3-D Universal attraction was shot down last year, TSCC was shot down after its second season, T2 3D-release was a box office disaster due to terrible marketing and limited releasing), which proves that Terminator was a monument of its times (80s/early90s), but now no one really wants another film about it. Time-travels and evil-AI isn't something people want to watch these times, Schwarzenegger isn't the biggest movie star in the world anymore, and no one thinks anything new with the Terminator could be as good as the first two. Miller and Cameron should drastically shift tone of the story, do R-Rated movie with budget $100 mln max. (like James Mangold did with Logan), than this could work. If they're going to do another "superhero" PG-13 film with mid-credit scene, like Genishit, than they better stop it now. #IBelieveInCameron&Miller
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