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Everything posted by SpiderByte

  1. Because there's plenty of evidence of times where premiere invites and the like end up with the movie still receiving negative or mixed reviews, from every studio. When's the last time you saw a studio begging journalists to stop being mean to their blockbuster movie because they're worried they'll look bad because they didn't handle it properly, and that it's journos duty to make studios look good so they can make money, in a press release?
  2. If it weren't Nolan I'd assume the plan would be an international release where they can and then digital everywhere they can't after a window. Maybe Mulan takes that route?
  3. "It’s important that any reporting about Tenet reflects the unique circumstances surrounding its release” “fair coverage should reflect that [the reporters covering the industry need us to succeed]”
  4. This is insane. I don't want to hear people claim "reviewers/journalists were bribed because they got lunch at a press junket" bullshit ever again if Warner Bros is literally saying "give us positive coverage because it's good for business" in a secret press release
  5. Havent they been on FX for ages now? I know Deadpool definitely has. HBO Max has (or at least had last I checked) the original X-Men film and that definitely wouldn't be under that kind of deal
  6. Shit if anything Batman is too popular at DC, so much of what they make is Batman centric. Out of DC's 63 animated features, 28 Batman movies. Among the ones that aren't, 15 of them either star Batman or feature him.
  7. That's definitely a ton of horseshit. Batman has been DC's most popular character for decades, with comics, toys, cartoons, the Burton films, long before Nolan's films. The fucking company is named after the comic Batman first appeared in.
  8. Maybe it's just for the sake of my club, but crazy theory time: what if Disney bought out the last year of the Fox/HBO deal so they can start putting more Fox stuff on Disney+ and Hulu? It'd explain why suddenly a bunch of the X-Men films are now gonna be on there. And that at SDCC they announce this is going digital...somewhere. It'd also explain why Antlers is at SDCC, which doesn't have any kind of release date at all and is also a Fox movie.
  9. I don't know if you've seen the news lately but guilty people escape legal action all the time
  10. A pro tip since you clearly need one: if a girl begins "sobbing in pain" during sex, it's rape.
  11. Well they aren't going to go on an Oscar press your with a credibly accused pedophile
  12. Disney fired James Gunn over pedophile accusations that were made up by the alt right, they're definitely firing the guy credibly accused by someone with texts and photos with him
  13. They can recast him with Alden Ehrenreich. I can't see Disney keeping him after being repeatedly accused of pedophilia. EDIT:There's photos.
  14. Wide theatrical releases don't happen overnight, there's a reason tickets go on sale weeks in advance. Stuff needs to get set up, which they're gonna have to start doing well before July 17th
  15. There are a few (non-substantial) reports that Disney might be considering putting Mulan on VOD in some form. It's very likely not making it's current release date. They might just bump One and Only Ivan or something and move Mulan to early fall but July is looking real out of reach
  16. The reason they didn't do that before is that it's because it's unaffordable to do so How long do you think it takes to make a vaccine
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