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Everything posted by SpiderByte

  1. No? That's not what that means at all. It means the new shows premiere separately. Daredevil Daredevil (2), Jessica Jones Daredevil (3), Jessica Jones (2), Iron Fist And so on.
  2. It's perfectly ironic that by trying to kill it North Korea made this one of the most anticipated releases of the year.
  3. My ass. http://variety.com/2014/film/news/sony-could-lose-75-million-on-the-interview-exclusive-1201382506/ It says it only covers part of it. Sony is still taking a big loss.
  4. Sony: We need to cut costs and be more responsible with our finances! *literally dumps 40 million dollars and does not make one single cent on it*
  5. Sony Hackers Threaten "9/11 Attack" on Movie Theaters That Screen ‘The Interview’ http://variety.com/2014/film/news/sony-hackers-threaten-911-attack-on-movie-theaters-that-screen-the-interview-1201380712/ So....that'll hurt the box office for this.
  6. This is clearly something Disney found in Lucasfilm vaults and figured if it's this far in they might as well extract 8 bucks from it.
  7. Statistically they're bound to make something above 'not terrible' at some point.
  8. It says a lot about both Disney and Marvel's brand that this looks like it's going to beat out a film from the director of Dark Knight and Inception.
  9. Vin Diesel hinted that this is the Phase 3 film he was in talks to be part of before Guardians discussions began. So he's probably Black Bolt. And after the success of Rocket and Groot there is no way that Lockjaw isn't in this.
  10. Are you shitting me? Are you ignoring the fact that Tangled and Wreck-It Ralph were hits as well?
  11. Dawson is definitely playing someone from Daredevil though, so it's more likely that she's Elektra, since they began casting for Jessica Jones after Dawson was cast in her Daredevil role. If Cage has already been cast, it's reasonable to think Jones and Iron Fist are cast as well, since Cage is being released last. Also, the specific wording of Elba's statement actually means it still might be him. He said that an actor had already signed on. The phrasing of that is vague enough that the person in question could still be him. He didn't say "someone else signed on", he said an actor had already signed. He didn't actually answer whether he was cast...interesting. I'm predicting a big on-stage roll call of the Defenders a 'la to the Avengers panel from SDCC10, announcing the new actors at the end of the Daredevil panel, with early logos and a first photo of Daredevil in his show. I'm also willing to bet that they'll announce the Captain America 3 title and confirm Phoenix as Doctor Strange, and maybe (big maybe) announce the other 2017 films outside of Guardians 2, which I'm betting will be Thor 3 and Inhumans/Black Panther/Captain Marvel.
  12. Idris Elba said on an AMA that he isn't playing Luke Cage, but he did say the role was already cast. Which is odd since his show is the last to be released. Maybe a Defenders roster announcement at NYCC?
  13. So, I just came across some spoilers. You know that rumor about the fight scenes
  14. They're having a panel at NYCC in October, so we're bound to see at least a logo or promotional picture by then.
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