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Posts posted by shayhiri

  1. 10 hours ago, filmlover said:

    Gonna be the same story with The Lion King.


    Yeah, well, scientifically - there are a lot of gay male lions.


    So of course it was just a matter of time Disney decided to LBGT-include one of them.


    The only question is who? First name that comes to mind is Scar - but then again, he is the villain, so making him openly gay will send a mixed message. 😕 But just imagine the unbelievably evil laughter he will be capable of!!


    PS: Now to think of it - they definitely may be going for a gay Jafar!! He looks gay, and everyone will confirm he sounds gay! But again, they may limit themselves to subliminal messages here - because making the villain openly gay is probably not a-OK, yet. Anyway, Jafar definitely seems to have a nice... closet. ;)

    • Like 2
  2. 28 minutes ago, Royce said:

    Some song previews including Naomi Scott's "Speechless"




    OMG, this is BRILLIANT!!!!!


    Why are they not showing it more?? Why is not Speechless all over the worldwide net yet??


    It is the new Let It Go, FFS!!!!!!


    WHAT. THE. F*CK. has the marketing been smoking on this????????????????

    • Like 1
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  3. 41 minutes ago, Alli said:

    No offense, but Shay is not an actor, so his looks are not important.  He has the right to criticise the looks of this actor when looks are an important part of why most actors are successful.


    Thanks, yeah this is how it works.


    However, having the looks I did (I've posted pictures in the past lorddemaxus might have missed), might be making me extra vocal when judging others on looks, when they are overpraised.


    Like in this case. I'm pretty sure I looked much better than this Arab when I was his age. :) Even as in body/height, I won't even mention his face.




    PS: I'll wait couple more days to see him in the movie, before judging his success - but I am pretty sure he is a total failure in this role, and he won't have another famous one.

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  4. 2 hours ago, TalismanRing said:

    When he was cast the internet reaction was overwhelmingly "Aladdin who?".   Hotness has it limits after all.  :rock:


    The internet is full of horny fat idiots. The dude was ugly as fuck, even before we heard his hilarious voice.


    Eventually Jafar will be remembered as the only villain that is hated not because of the character, but because of the actor, lol.

    • Like 1
  5. Fellas, it is time that the Shay raises up a tent in front of his best local cinema to wait for Aladdin opening (on Thursday).


    I've always had it pegged second best for the whole year (and this year looked magnificent):


    1. Alita

    2. Aladdin

    3. Star Wars 9

    4. Terminator 6

    5. The Lion King


    and so on. Alita didn't disappoint at all, so it seems the Shay was pretty spot on this whole time! :) Time for the next portion of 2019 cinematic bliss.


    • Like 1
  6. 47 minutes ago, Welfin said:

    Unfortunately, a dictionary will not help this movie's profitablity. Only reversing time and stopping Guy Ritchie from being a filmmaker may prevent this disaster.


    (The producers of King Arthur Legend of the Sword would also appreciate it)


    Arthur is a flop. Understandably and expectedly.


    Aladdin can NEVER be a flop. Even if it was a bad movie - and it is actually a fantastic one.


    So go call Endgame a flop. It will be just as true, so no difference there - but I'll like you much better. :)

    • Like 1

    OMG, when will they finally release the OST??!!


    This snippet here, though so small and low quality, is still much better than the original song - and shows all the songs in the new movie will be absolute gems. They be crazy to NOT showcase them like that!!


    I can definitely see the Shay now seeing this TEN times for the songs alone - and swaying, dancing and clapping in his seat while he does that! :)

  8. 18 minutes ago, DAJK said:

    no no, the second part about Latin America soap operas. It just seems like a cultural stereotype you're trying to perpetuate. I'm not Chinese Canadian, or latin-Canadian, and I'm not personally offended I just don't want you to offend anyone else on this board


    That is not offensive. They DO watch Latin soap operas in Latin America, period. It IS offensive to try denying it.


    The question is: what else do they watch in Chile? We've been told they do not watch good movies like Alita and Aladdin - so, what do they watch? Endgame??


    Also - no one really cares about the BO of small cheap countries, like mine (Bulgaria) and his. They make like half a million bucks even for the biggest movies out there.


    PS: Of course - there might be many other reasons for Aladdin failing in China. I can't access their BO data - so I'm just mentioning a possible reason I am aware of.

    • Like 2
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  9. 3 minutes ago, DAJK said:

    dude, the second part of your post is pretty ignorant, and I'd appreciate it if you could remove that bit :)


    I will remove it - because it costs me nothing, but first I want to know:


    1 why do you deny it - it is a very well known cultural fact

    2 why does it offend you? it is not offensive at all


    Are you a Chinese Canadian or something? :) Because that would explain your reaction.

    • Like 2
  10. 4 hours ago, salvador-232 said:

    Chilean presales are bad, like, worst on (my very limited) record bad, worse than Alita Battle Angel bad. 


    And God knows how much fun I made of Alita for doing so badly in Latin America. 



    God may not care - but the Shay knows.


    And do you even watch anything down there - except for Latin soap-operas?


    PS: The Chinese are inherently racist, I wouldn't expect many of them to enjoy Arabian-cast Aladdin. Nothing of value is lost here.

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  11. 5 hours ago, Seth Irskens said:

    Sooo does a review embargo lifting day before thursday showings typically means that disney has no faith in this and this going bomb critically? Does that mean our worst fears is a reality?😱


    No - only if it's a Marvel movie, or some other Superhero. They always keep the embargo till the last day - and they almost always suck.

    • Like 1
  12. 3 hours ago, RichWS said:



    1. GREAT CLIP, as I expected - better than AWNW, which we've seen only small parts from.

    2. Everyone should see this clip!

    3. All songs, as evident, will be enormously entertaining! Worth alone numerous viewings of the movie. And they are NOT worse than the dated original, they are much better!!

    4. I was going to see the movie in cinemas at least FIVE times, no matter what!

    5. Now that I've seen this, the Shay is upping the minimum to TEN TIMES, maybe more!

    6. To top all - even the Aladdin guy looks great here! I didn't like his casting, looked a bit on the ugly side in the trailers so far, acting aside. But here I can see why they chose him. He's got that cartoony face that can literally replicate the drawn faces in the original. :)

    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, Mulder said:

    Keep in mind this year there's more Disney remakes then there is Marvel or DC movies....think about that.




    Think about what exactly?!


    Funnybook flicks (Marvel and DC)  are in no way superior to timeless classics updated for the modern age (Disney animations). The world would be much better with less superheroes.


    PS: We are almost there though, which is really good. Marvel are practically dead now that the Avengers are finished. No one wants to watch their recent SJW stuff. And DC were never alive to begin with. Fox and Sony also died, officially and terminally. The Superheroes will soon all be dead.


    I hope Deadpool kills all that remain, single-handedly.

    • Like 1
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    • Knock It Off 3
  14. 14 minutes ago, lorddemaxus said:

    Because he directed the two best episodes of one of the best TV shows ever and two amazing movies? He also won a DGA. Just because you watch crappy films, doesn't mean that Rian Johnson is a nobody.


    LOL, only crappy movie I've watched lately is Episode 8.


    And if we go far back enough in time: Looper was insanely bad, I remember sh!tting all over the internet about how bad and overrated it was, and how the director should be fired.


    If only Disney suits read my prophecy in 2012. ;)


    PS: I hate TV to the point of not acknowledging its existence. Same for videogames and any sort of games. I believe only cinema and books are art - TV and games are fodder for the working class.


    • Like 1
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  15. Looks like 40mil movie tops. The CGI is the worst I've seen since 1994.


    Which is terrible - but I thought at least was gonna help it at the BO. Was terrified when I found out today budget was 150m!!! (Alita made like 200 times more with similar budget!!) How did they manage to murder so much money?? They will never repay this at the BO.


    Only good thing in the whole movie is RR - and they've shown all of him in the trailers. (The pseudo cyberpunk setting is not bad - but only for 15 minutes or something.) Third act is just bad-kind-batshit-crazy. I almost left the cinema earlier.


    A deserved flop, and it won't win any first place in anything - but it really had a chance to be much better than this.

    • Haha 2
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    • Knock It Off 1
  16. No other way to go but DOWN now - or, the inevitable downfall of the MCU post 2020


    This is a Shay treatise in the making you'll have the honour of reading first, as it's being created.


    Highlights include:

    1. The MCU couldn't even take the crown - neither the Domestic, nor the Worldwide, beaten by legends like JJ's Star Wars and the Lord Himself's Avatar.

    2. The incredible 2 decades' long accumulation of creative talent and the public's good will only got the MCU so far - and will now effectively destroy itself, because it is impossible to replicate, now that most of the classic heroes are history.

    3. Knowing full well the MCU is a dead horse now, instead of further beating it, Disney wisely jumps ship to a worthier vessel: Avatar, non-RianJohnnson Star Wars, etc. - which is exactly what we've witnessed with their latest announcement of release dates.

    4. DC swiftly moves in the now open Superhero niche with smart movies like Aquaman 2, 3 & 4.



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