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Posts posted by shayhiri

  1. 50 minutes ago, Valonqar said:

    How is it doing OS? Anyone knows? It's getting a slow rollout no?


    It's doing spectacular in Bulgaria (opened last Friday). Young people are flowing to the cinemas, while old communists are foaming at the mouth (they really hate the man, lol).


    PS: Checked the data: it's made for the first weekend HALF of what Toy Story 4 made for its entire run. And weekends in BG are not what they are in the US: they are 1/10th of the whole run at best - not 1/3rd or even just a half, sometimes.

  2. 15 minutes ago, lorddemaxus said:

    Considering the performance of the movie in the rest of Europe I'm not surprised that it's doing well in Bulgaria.


    And I don't really agree that this was a step back for Tarantino. I think this is Tarantino at his most mature work yet. Although a lot of the meaning gets muddled because of the almost abstract plot, I feel like this movie has way more substance than any film he's made since Jackie Brown.


    Also, wow are we really having a conversation where we aren't bickering at each other? Hopefully we can keep this going.


    I agree. Tarantino doesn't have a bad or even a mediocre movie. They are all 8/10 to 10/10. They seem to be rather different though - because most people (me included) adore some and are a bit indifferent to others.


    I am pretty sure I will like his older movies much more if I see them again now. There are great scenes in this one too, and as a whole, one never feels bad for watching a Quentin movie. I would take my girlfriend to see this (and see it a second time with her) - but I'm really not sure if she's going to get this. She loves the 60ies and 70ies, the music - and strong men (like Booth), but I don't think she knows or cares much about the movie business.


    PS: Always a pleasure to NOT offend people in any way. The fact that I can do it well in verbal form doesn't mean I like it one bit. Sorry for often being a nuisance. Please just call me out on that here, if I manage to do that again - and I'll be glad to apologize sincerely.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, lorddemaxus said:

    On a side note, I couldn't pay attention to some parts because I watched this movie two of my friends and I had one of my friends leave close to the end of the movie and had to convince that other to stay till the end. 5 other people from my screening also left.


    Wow, that does sound bad. Feel a bit sorry for you.


    I do live in a f*cked up country myself, but my IMAX showing (just now) was unprecedentedly full, people cheered and even stayed till after the credits.


    Also, the Tarantino Fest I held at my bookshop this weekend was a welcome success. I am pleasantlty surprsied how famous Tarantino seems to be in Bulgaria.


    Me myself - I am not that much of a fan. I still appreciate him though. I've seen Django like 8 times, Hateful 8 - 3 times - but couldn't be bothered to see any of his other movies a second time. Unfortunately this one here is a step back - after the exceptionally strong stories of Django and H8. It is just a single high concept (not very original, but bold), and everything else is extremely watered down "character study", "atmospheric journey", whatever. Still I liked it, and would kill to have a man like Booth by my side. No such luck though, no such good men in real life.

  4. I don't think you people realise what you are talking about. It will actually turn out quite the opposite.


    Quick facts:


    1. BW movie will make now more than any other time before, had it been released earlier. Maybe twice more.

    2. It doesn't matter if she lived or died, if this is future or past. Her character is much more well known and loved now: so people would kill to see a bit more of her - especially knowing that this is their last chance!

    3. Still, delaying her solo movie till after her death, maybe Marvel will use this for some neat narrative/character dynamics? Nah, who am I kidding. That's just the genius storyteller in me talking, few people strive to do this - or are capable of it.

    4. All Marvel needs to do is - give us more of Natasha, like in Winter Soldier. There's only ONE way to fuck this up - and it seems they are going exactly that way, lol. They MAY try to introduce a new BW in this movie - but Scarlet still has to be in the spotlight, like 80%. Less than that - making this a movie about a nobody - and the movie will indeed flop, but for none of the reasons you people are all talking about.


    5. (and most important) Classic MCU heroes are unimaginably more powerful (power over the viewer) than most new ones. This will eventually bring terrible problems to Marvel (as foretold in the now famous Shay prophecy about Phase 5) - if they indeed start acting stupid and go on the suicide SJW course the way they supposedly did with their comics. BUT this will also ensure that movies about the old heroes (even strange movies like this one) will always do better that what you are expecting here.


    Yes, Marvel movies will bomb left and right. But it will be their new characters.

    • Like 1
  5. Tyrese is such a tool. The nobodies always have the biggest mouths (see above post).


    I'm not siding with him. He - and Dom/Diesel are the worst. The Rock is actually a step up. I just hate everything F&F.


    Just saw this trainwreck - in IMAX - and the hall was almost empty. There were WAY more people two days ago when I saw Aladdin for the 11th time.


    The way things are going, they will keep showing Aladdin in October - long after all summer trash has been washed off and forgotten. A true phenomenon - that the Shay is proud to have been a part of from the start. :)

  6. 40 minutes ago, Avatree said:

    In what world is a global opening weekend of $180M a bomb?


    Really? I thought Domestic was ALWAYS OH SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT.


    Moreover, this brain-killer wasted 200+ million fucking bucks on budget alone - while still managing to look like shit, even fans said its green screen was the worst they've ever seen, etc. I'm betting they invested MUCH more in adds - which is wise, because otherwise NO ONE would have seen their turd to begin with. :)


    Third - it needs at least 750m to just break even - because much of its take comes from distant countries that don't provide much BO%, like Latin America and China for example.


    Fourth: these movies have the WORST OW to final gross ratio. Which is completely logical, because the worse a movie - the harder it falls after OW. And these are just the dumbest.


    With such OW, this is hardly grossing 750m. Which means a great step back - a terrible disappointment, and probably - yes, a mild flop.


    Any more questions?


    PS: All Dumb Franchises Go to Die Eventually - even F&F, even Transformers. Losers mourn them - smart guys cheer.

    • Haha 1
    • ...wtf 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, lorddemaxus said:

    Lol, first of all there is nothing called being statistically smarter (unless you are a human machine learning program which you aren't) and second of all, I have literally never see you talk about box-office or the numbers on this forum. 


    Yeah, I do not like crunching numbers - and there are enough people here who do it better. Mine is more of an arcane knowledge.


    BUT the Shay has been on this forum since the Great Persian Wars of the previous decades - which probably predate your birth. And you've been here for what - months? Can't have seen much.

    • Thanks 1
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  8. 25 minutes ago, lorddemaxus said:

    It's ok, whining about it is going to do nothing.


    Of course. All the whining in the world can not save Dune. It's mathematically impossible. Wonder why some people still try.


    The Shay has been known here for decades to like and defend such films, and champion them - to glory or bitter defeat. I WANT Dune to succeed more than any of you, Frenchie lap dogs. But I am statistically smarter than you - so I know when to say "leave it, it is doomed". And I'm not going to say it again - you'll remember what I've said anyway.

    • Haha 1
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  9. Quote

    Why is the prick who shall not be named still not thread banned? He's made a dozen troll comments and clearly trying to instigate a fight but no thread ban yet. Hopefully the mods see his buffoonery after my report and thread ban him.

    The above written by @lorddemaxus


    The Shay's answer:


    Oh, I'm a prick - you lying snitch??


    Your pathetic personal attacks and lies here don't faze me. They just show the level on which some types and places apparently operate.


    See you all next year - when I release my club "The Doom of Dune" with the exact same text of my last post in Dune's thread. And see you 6 months later again when it all turns out exactly what happened.

    • Like 1
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  10. 41 minutes ago, Ozymandias said:

    lord villinueve or whatever his name is will give us LOTR's scifi equivalent or close to it


    You are probably joking - but this is EXACTLY the opposite of what can and will happen.


    Stop discussing this movie. It is dead in the womb.


    Dune is:

    1. unfilmable

    2. very far from any GA interest

    3. actually dumb - not that it matters much

    4. few people heard of it, no one really read it


    The Frenchie is:

    1. Box Office poison deluxe

    2. blind as a mole = all his movies insufferably dark

    3. you thought the late Nolan was COLD pretentious f*ck - wait till you see this Nolan-wannabe here

    4. he doesn't know, nor feel what the GA wants


    As a result this will turn out like BR2049 and/or John Carter. (Though JC was actually a great movie - but it was still betrayed by its source.) And it will make exactly as much. December will help a bit - but still, bombs away, unsalvageable.


    Quote the Shay, whose just hatred for the Frenchie may save you all form betting on his latest - and last - lame horse in this race.


    • Disbelief 1
    • Knock It Off 5
  11. 8 minutes ago, dudalb said:

    Your shtick lost whatever entertainment value is had a long time ago..


    Yet I still like trampling on opportunistic Marvel zombies... Go figure.


    2/3rds of Endgame was insufferable bore-fest (only the middle part, with Fat Thor and Hulk was some fun). Too bad that from now on it has to be Marvel's biggest film ever. They had much better ones - back in the day when Tony Stark was still fresh.

    • Thanks 1
    • Knock It Off 1
  12. 1 hour ago, shayhiri said:

    Hi there! New to the thread. Any love for The Last Jedi around here?


    No? Great, that's what I thought. Keep up the good work.


    Still, the Shay would like to share this exponential image:




    So, THIS is basically, Episode 8 (TLJ):


    1. It gets everything wrong - completely opposite, to be exact.

    2. It is bad and nasty just for the sake of it.

    3. Someone may still like it - but to do so, he has to make a conscious choice, and to pretend to forget about the good and normal things (of the previous SW movies).





    • Haha 1
    • ...wtf 1
  13. On 7/30/2019 at 6:32 AM, FrozenUnicorn said:

    If it's the music you love, Pasek and Paul get the praise for Speechless. They did the songs for La La Land, The Greatest Showman, and Dear Evan Hansen.


    I do adore the movie as a whole though.


    I cried each of the 4 times I watched La La Land in cinemas too. (The Greatest Showman was a total bore, though.)


    The big thing here though is, in musicals presentation matters just as much as music - and actually much more. I don't cry when listening to these songs at home. But seeing them on the big screen with the timing, body and face language of the actors, and the exact directorial rhythm (of Ritchie, here) - that always works and chokes me.


    Same for the soundtrack though, to be honest. Many scenes in normal, non-musical movies - that always bring me to tears - would not be capable of doing so, if not for the MUSIC kicking in the right moment! :)


    That is why Movies ARE and always be the best art ever - because they marry ALL other arts in perfect experience! And, no, Games will never be Art - [MOD EDIT].

  14. 14 minutes ago, NYer4Life said:

    Congrats to Aladdin $1 billion!


    Well deserved. Out of the 3 Disney releases this summer Aladdin takes it as the best.


    Over 2 months later and I’m still listening to Speechless.



    The Shay cries like a lil bitch EVERY time when this plays in cinema (10 viewings and counting).


    Guy Ritchie should be making mainly musicals from now on!!

  15. On 7/24/2019 at 9:49 AM, BK007 said:

    My question is why did any of you expect any different? 


    Why did you even pay to support this crap given that Aladdin, BATB, Maleficent and Alice in Wonderland already exist? 


    *shakes head*


    What the FUCK??!!


    As if there's something better than Aladdin in current American film-making...

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