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Everything posted by Mango

  1. If we're talking pure numbers they did beat them. Of course Disney benefits greatly from this too. I'm not sure what the new deal was for box office revenue and all that or how much Disney gets percentage wise, but regardless if Sony gets 50% or 100%, Disney will be getting merchandising money and all the extra shit like that pretty much all to themselves.
  2. Sony is also seemingly the only major studio left fully committed to 100% theatrical runs. I'm happy to see this pay off for them twice this year.. three times if you count the very solid Ghostbusters numbers. Disney claims to support theatrical, but doing stuff like Black Widow hybrid release (after F9 made solid money) and Encanto getting shoved onto D+ before a lucrative Christmas bump could happen make it pretty obvious they don't actually care, or their resolve is flimsy at best.
  3. We couldn't have fudged this $22k to get that sweet $60k theater average? In any case those are amazing, spectacular, and superior box office numbers. Glad to see it happening. Set targets for Endgame and TFA and take it all home, Spidey.
  4. Nightmare Alley directly against Spidey was piss-poor scheduling anyway. The two are supposed to have different enough audiences and should co-exist, but you can't go up against a 4-quadrant event film and expect not to get creamed. The few that have managed that are the exceptions, not the rule.
  5. Not that I’m ungrateful about this AMAZING number but goddamn it we needed $160k more for a $60k PTA
  6. The first one is a fine enough movie. It kind of falls a bit flat since it doesn’t really do enough to differentiate itself from the 2002 movie which was a great origin story. The second one is a real mess though. Weird choices abound though the suit is good and Garfield/Stone do the best with what they have to work with.
  7. I haven't seen much of the TV shows and miniseries. Some episodes of What If? are cool but not really anything amazing. Black Widow was okay for the first two acts but instead of trying to keep it a fairly grounded spy film they went with a dumb cgi castle in the sky. Shang Chi is similar for me I really liked the first two acts but then things got too fantastical when I wish they would have stuck with martial arts. Eternals was boooooring and just plain uninteresting to me.
  8. I also see a significant boost for Multiverse of Madness. Idk if it will do $400 million, but it's prime to have a similar increase as Thor did between it's 2nd and 3rd films.
  9. If someone would just randomly open a long awaited movie on a Thursday (properly, not previews) then yeah I don't see why it won't.
  10. TFA and Avatar both dipped around 33/34% so that definitely gets us to $42 million.
  11. Coming from someone who also had to sit through Godzilla 2014 after getting blue-balled by marketing on how much Cranston was in it, I was unsurprised at Edwards inability to write characters tbh
  12. Coming off the high of TFA, Rogue One is one of the most boring movies I've ever seen. Great plot idea, good actors, but damn it just did nothing for me. That said I will simp for Felicity Jones until I die
  13. Star Wars Holiday Special is the best Star Wars. It's so good Lucas won't let anyone see it because it makes everything else in the franchise look shitty in comparison
  14. Wait so is Thor in Guardians 3 or are the Guardians in Thor 4? I've seen both scenarios thrown around or maybe I'm confusing them
  15. I've become pretty tired of the clapping and cheering. I guess I should start catching these fan-heavy movies at 10am Sunday morning or something. No Way Home wasn't that bad, it was the usual moments you'd expect and didn't last long enough to really ruin a scene. Endgame was a fucking nightmare though. Every time a character made a sideways glance the audience lost their goddamn minds. I'm pretty sure the entire last hour was nonstop audience yelling.
  16. Any idea how far Sat might go down? Right now $121.8, $73.8, and $63 gets us to $256.8. We’re close to IW but looks like it could go either way by just a bit
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