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Everything posted by Mango

  1. Also I didn’t realize it until the second time around but Flash’s book is titled “Flashpoint”. Hilarious dig since Marvel managed to beat DC to that point too
  2. I'm thinking (if $63M Sunday) Mon: $34M (-46%) Tue: $32M (-6%) Wed: $27M (-15%) Thurs: $30M (+10%) 23rd of Dec is usually an up day for box office Fri: $22M (-27%) Christmas Eve, down day Sat: $37M (+70%) Sun: $40M (+8%) Post Xmas Sunday increase is fairly common with this yearly calendar based on 2010/2004 $480M total after Christmas weekend. Weekdays through New Years will stay strong and likely have a total near or north of $600M by then.
  3. Black Panther had President's Day holiday, so not a very apt comparison. TFA is probably a better one, but I'm thinking 40% drop too.
  4. The scene in Happy's apartment complex where Holland's Peter kept slugging him in the face only for him to not react/budge at all and just grin/laugh? Fucking flawless.
  5. This movie is kind of a fever dream, so I saw it a second time tonight to kind of take it all in. This is definitely Holland's best venture as Spider-Man. His supporting roles in the greater-MCU films were great, and I liked him in his first two outings but those movies just don't touch this one for him. He really rises out of the shadow of the other MCU characters here and take the helm of this one big time. Much more emotional/personal weight as well. Somehow even fresh off the sting of Stark's sacrifice in Endgame, his trauma in FFH feels like a minor boo-boo compared to this one. I can't believe they managed to do "with great power..." again in this one and it have emotional weight and not have it feel like "someone has to say it". The supporting roles for MJ/Ned were a lot more involved this time around too and felt a lot more natural to the plot than in FFH where they kind of felt shoehorned in. Stuff was actually on the line for them too. All the legacy characters were great. Definitely some plot points and holes regarding them that you could nitpick at but honestly fuck it, it's literal "magic". Tobey/Andrew were such a fun sight to see. Of course opening night crowd went nuts for them. I loved Tobey's movies when I was younger, never really cared for Garfield's films but I never disliked him in particular. Garfield really was a standout here. The scene with him saving MJ and getting his "redemption" got me teary eyed. Great acting from him for such a short bit. I'm glad they gave him some room to shine and I have to say it'd be really stupid of Sony not to include him in Venom 3 or whatever with that side going forward. Even if nothing further happens for Tobey/Andrew's Spider-Men, I'm really happy they got to take the stage again in this one. Molina and Foxx were on point and appreciated them getting to have some moments with their respective Spideys. Willem Dafoe fucking NAILED it too. So absolutely hammy and insane, you could really tell he was having a hell of a time revisiting this role. This movie also really showed me that, team-ups aside, Holland's Spidey really hasn't faced off against super strong villains. They posed threats, but neither could really challenge him strength wise like some of the villains the other two faced. Goblin absolutely manhandling him that first fight was wild. All in all, I loved the legacy stuff, glad we got to see a lot of these characters again and loved how they were handled. Coming full circle to why this was Holland's best, there really was a lot of the emotional/personal weight we know and love from the character that kind of got taken away being Stark's protégé. The spell Strange casts at the end where he agrees to let everyone forget who Peter Parker is, essentially sacrificing any and all personal life and accomplishment he's ever gotten for the greater good... THAT is Spider-Man. Then when he walked in planning on (attempting) to explain it all the MJ with a prepared speech and all, only to stop after he see's the bandage on her head. Fuck, so goddamn fantastic. We're basically now at soft-reboot status for Spidey in the MCU. After this, I'd absolutely love to see Holland do at least another movie or two just doing the "Friendly Neighborhood" Spider-Man thing. Hell, do some street level team-ups with him, I know they didn't bring Charlie Cox in for nothing.
  6. Probably better to look at it true friday to sat TFA True Fri to Sat: $62.1 to $68.3 (+10%) IW: $67.3 to $82.1 (+22%) We've already been told not to expect an Infinity War type increase, but hopefully it can manage something. It only needs 12% from True Friday to Sat to hit $80 million.
  7. Yeah I’m not sure that if Covid were still a major concern for most moviegoing wise we’d be looking at a top 3, possibly top 2 opening weekend here. It just took some (well, a lot) of time and the right movie to get us back to something resembling a normal playing field.
  8. Damn was really hoping this could take a swing at Infinity War’s Sat. Fantastic numbers regardless, I’m sure the boosted holiday weekdays will come into play to make up the difference. Still hoping for $250m+, what a rebound this weekend is.
  9. Just really happy this film is kicking ass. I hope it can keep it up through Christmas/New Years.
  10. We're at the point where $3-5 million can drastically change the average end result. $120 million would be huge, since that's a $70m true Friday. Something like that could put Infinity War's Saturday within reach, whereas $115m it's a lot less likely.
  11. That's a pretty high bar. Optimistically I'd like to see this as the first true glimpse of normalcy, hopefully boding well for 2022 so we can turn this decade around after a less than stellar start.
  12. Absolute worst case from $65m true friday is $115/60/40 and that's still $215m and assuming it drops of a cliff entirely and was uncharacteristically frontloaded for a marvel/spidey film. Realistic range seems to be $235-250m based on that number.
  13. If Spidey does $120M+ total Friday I'm breaking out the tequila and throwing a rager in celebration
  14. I have noticed Spidey seems to be on less overall screens for some reason. Maybe not less than TFA but definitely less than Endgame. My theater last night had Spidey on around 6 while Endgame was playing on at least 10.
  15. I assume they mean the entire building. Either way if NWH misses $200M this will be the new theme for the holidays:
  16. The concept isn't totally new. It's not unlike Days of Future Past or even The Force Awakens. The whole multi-verse angle is just this film's version of time travel from DoFP.
  17. Not sure if I'm on board with that quite yet. It would take quite a lot for that to happen, and we are still in a recovering climate. That being said, Black Panther is roughly around the same adjusted for inflation as Spider-Man 2002 and the first Avengers. To match that it's gonna need at least a little over $700M. I think I am fully on board for $600M though. At this point I just can't see how it misses unless the concept of "holiday season legs" have gone out the window. Even the most mixed-received Star Wars title managed nearly a 3x multi.
  18. I'm all for the audience getting really into a movie especially after the past couple of years but I do hope when I see it tomorrow night the crowd controls themselves a bit. Several scenes in Endgame I missed dialogue because the crowd was going bananas.
  19. Honestly I knew the hype was there for it. That being said, I was really worried anyone who wasn't a "super" Spider-Man fan was going to be turned away by all the would-be fanservice and this would end up with less warm reception. But apparently people are absolutely loving it, which means everything is really lining up. This is the movie people have been waiting two years for, the one to finally get people back in theaters. Tenet, Wonder Woman, Godzilla, Widow/Shang-Chi... out of all the would-be "theater savers" this is the one it has all led up to. This is gonna be a hell of a weekend, lets hope it's the catalyst for something good for theaters. I won't get to see it until 10:30pm tomorrow... waited too long and the 7pm screening was sold out, but I will absolutely be there. Hopefully this can make it to ticket-attendance heights for the character we haven't seen since the Raimi days.
  20. It's going to shift to being more weekday-focused, or at least spread out through the week rather than one or two huge days. Friday (the Christmas Eve) will likely see a decent decline, things jump back up Saturday, and then see minimal drops (or maybe even slight gains) on Sunday and on-through to the weekdays. https://www.boxofficemojo.com/date/2010-12-24/?ref_=bo_di_table_8 Adult centric films get bigger increases on Christmas Day while family skewing films had more muted increases, but went up on Sunday and basically stayed flat or even increased into Monday. Being a four-quadrant film I'd expect something in the middle of that performance from Spidey
  21. Theater hours might be altered, usually closing early on Xmas/New Year Eve and opening "late" on the actual holidays but they are open regardless. Movies usually decline a bit on the Eve holidays, and have big increases on the actual holidays. 2010, 2004, and 1999 had similar calendars if you want to check out how movies performed in those years.
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