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Everything posted by Mango

  1. I remember all my life I would occasionally hear box office related stuff on TV or the radio. I remember all the big hubbub of The Phantom Menace sellouts, and when everyone was going crazy about Spider-Man hitting $100m+ opening weekend. I started noticing a lot more when I heard about Dead Man's Chest in 2006, and the big May showdown of 2007 also caught my eye.Regardless, I never really cared or thought in depth about numbers until Iron Man's first weekend in 2008. Starting then I began making (horrible) predictions for that movie (for the record my initial try at a "prediction" ended up ending with like $700m domestic). Though over the summer I began to look at many older movies and their respective runs via Mojo and was learning from mistakes with Indy and Incredible Hulk and by the time Wall E and Wanted came out I was following everything pretty easily. That said The Dark Knight still absolutely blew away my predictions (I was expecting $125m/$380m a few days before release) and it was then that I saw how oddly fun the entire box office world could be.
  2. Avengers should have it's best hold yet this weekend, and I could definitely see the 4-day going to $50 million. I know a few friends of mine are planning on seeing both it and MIB3 this weekend so I don't think that demand for Avengers is anywhere near going away.
  3. ... Amazing. Honestly, I knew The Avengers was going to be absolutely huge, but I had NO idea it would end up shattering the opening weekend record. I mean, even when taking the 3D and IMAX into consideration, it was just slightly off from The Dark Knight and Spider-Man 3- And the estimate could end up going... well, up. That said, this further proves that appealing movies can help cure any "recession" the box office might be having. (As The Hunger Games also did in March) I just wonder though- How far will it go? Taking out the midnight, the film's Saturday number went UP 13%. Even in May, that's unprecedented for a movie with this much hype- Especially when the Friday numbers were already huge without the help of a "monster" midnight serving.I know many people who still haven't seen the movie, and several, myself included, plan to see it again. The word of mouth is just incredible. Maybe this wasn't a very "in-depth" plotted movie, but the plot was good and fun to follow, fueled by a witty script with well timed action/spectacle and comedy, but led most by the well thawed out characters played by perfect actors/actresses- In other words, not just popcorn entertainment, but a true "spectacle." I think this has a legitimate shot at $500 million domestic, as well as a shot at a $85-90M+ second weekend record.
  4. I really get the idea they're waiting until they can show the trailer off with The Avengers (distributed by Disney, remember) and then put it online.
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