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Everything posted by Mango

  1. That was incredible Jandrew. Really looking forward to see how we interact with Skull Island.
  2. A big part of it is the "I'm not feeling it". I hope I'm wrong, I loved the first and would really enjoy seeing this summer have a breakout. But you are right that just because nothing so far has broken out doesn't mean nothing will. I will put it this way, if any two movies this summer are going to make a run at $300 million, it's Dragon 2 and TF4. It's just for some reason the closer we get to the dates for both I just feel less and less like they will do it.
  3. I thought both were contenders earlier in the year but I'm having serious doubts now. I think HTTYD2 is looking to underwhelm (based on this forum's standards) and TF4 I think is going to suffer from the same fatigue that plagued Pirates 4 (which was also supposed to be a "fresh start" for the franchise though technically still a sequel). I think Bay himself has even said TF4 isn't a full fledged reboot, it's a sequel that starts a new story while taking from the original trilogy as well. I'm thinking sub $250 for both. I've just kind of accepted this is just a pretty lousy summer.
  4. We really need some good numbers soon to keep us going. We're running out of things to derail threads with.
  5. I guess they were making up for the first couple of weekends where they greatly overestimated the Sunday numbers.
  6. It's going to be kind of hilarious if the next project James Cameron greenlights ends up being something original after all this time cockteasing Avatar 2.
  7. A goddamn disgrace if I've ever seen one. Shame on you, MGM.
  8. Thank god DOFP had a great Saturday. I was getting worried there. Hopefully Sunday can hold below 33%.
  9. This thread has taken a really depressing turn. This is what "meh" numbers does to us.
  10. I still can't wait for the slew of Mark Wahlberg quotes that we're gonna get from Transformers 4.
  11. Someone needs to be sent back in time to prevent these numbers from ever happening.
  12. Great first part, Jandrew. The Monstars are about to own this. I call the ambiguous Super 8 alien.
  13. I just kind of stopped caring that I'm gonna be insanely in debt in a couple of years. I kind of feel its inevitable no matter what we do.
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