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Posts posted by Orestes

  1. 1 minute ago, ddddeeee said:

    Even if the movies endsup being miraculously amazing I'm stubbornly hating Solo Han Solo and Boba Fett on principle. The Sebulba/Jabba spin-offs people joke about literally sound better than those. Even Pink's Sio Bibble one would be better.


    I was ready to be right there with you but Lord & Miller make it difficult.

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  2. As much as I hate to say it, cutting Qui Gon from the script probably needed to happen. Or at least changing/reducing his role while expanding Obi-Wan's, along with an older Anakin, probably would've worked wonders. Having Qui Gon as the main character, then dying, wastes characterization and development that could've been better spent on Kenobi and Skywalker.  Especially with his death occuring so early in his training of Anakin, it hurts the series going forward. Maybe if they'd conveyed that he trained Anakin for months instead of apparently a few days, having Jin's death play a part in his slide to the dark side would've been more convincing. Toning Jar Jar down a tad and having him stay behind in the Gungan city would've been good, as well. Also, Lucas giving the tiniest bit of a shit about the actor's performances would've been nice.

  3. 5 minutes ago, moviesRus said:

    Still confused as to why everyone thinks there has to be a twist. Literally only 1 SW film has a twist and it's the only actual twist in the entire saga. 


    And even "twists" aren't really surprising anymore cause people on forums have stuff figured out years in advance. Like the Snape backstory was pretty much the prevailing theory on mugglenet for years before DH came out. 


    The IM3 twist I didn't see coming, but for the most part yeah. But I think that's one advantage of not using Mystery Box marketing, it can be easier to hide things when you aren't telling everyone you have something to hide.

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  4. 4 minutes ago, Ozymandias said:


    Weird, I thought the old cast was the weakest part.  Carrie Fisher was unrecognizable and her face didn't move.


    For me it was her voice that was the most off. But i guess it makes sense. Leia probably started hitting the space whiskey and death sticks pretty hard after Alderaan was destroyed, finally caught up to her.

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