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Posts posted by Orestes

  1. Just now, Chewy said:


    If it makes you feel any better Marvel burnout is inevitable too


    And Star Wars can have 1 movie a year, you'll just never see another Star Wars movie be the event this one is. Like, ever


    That would happen even if they kept the every 3 year release like with the OT and prequels, though. None of those sequels ever matched up to the first films.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, MovieMan89 said:

    Indy 5 needs to be taken away from Spielberg/Lucas much like TFA was from Lucas or we will just get the same Indy 4 stuff. 


    I'm assuming Lucas would be as out of the picture there as he was with TFA, maybe even moreso. They need to politely ignore Crystal Skull the way TFA ignored the prequels. Mutt's just a big screen cousin Oliver, no need to ever mention him again. Recast Indy and go.

  3. 1 minute ago, Baumer Fett said:


    I hate saying this because it's such a mind blowing number but at this point, I think Avatar is done, and it's not even a question.  The Wom on this is outstanding.  I think the minimum it does is 800.  I'm giving it a 3.5X which puts it at 875.  But if it hits the magic 4X, GULP....we're talking a billion in play.  Those numbers just fry my brain.


    It'd be like A New Hope all over again.

    • Like 1
  4. 33 minutes ago, Cmasterclay said:

    My goodness, the "Rey couldn't have beat Kylo Ren" stuff is probably the most annoying post TFA storyline, unless somehow the "Han died offscreen" camp gains momentum. It's established early on in the movie when she beats up the gang members that she is skilled in hand-to-hand combat. These same people probably would have watched ANH and said "How could this untrained pilot possibly take down this super station without using his computer?!?! It doesn't make sense!!!!!!!" Luke was established as being a crack shot and decent pilot early on in the movie, and he's able to use the Force to transcend these skills and nail the shot. In this one, Rey is shown to be a street-tough survivor who knows how to fight, and she lets the Force in and wins. They're both able to win because she embraces the Force and uses it to guide them. They even spell it out for you when Obi says "Use the Force" and Rey stops and closes her eyes and says "The Force..." THAT'S THE ENTIRE POINT OF THIS FUCKING FRANCHISE. The entire saga is based around ordinary individuals using the Force to do amazing things. And even then, she barely beats a critically injured guy who just killed his dad and is actively trying to recruit her. This is some mentality straight off the IMDB boards or something.


    I would say there is more basis for Rey being able to beat a wounded Ren than there was for Luke being able to blow up the Death Star. We actually saw Rey hold her own in the fight with the muggers, we only had Luke's word for it that he could bullseye womp rats back home.

    • Like 6
  5. 5 minutes ago, grey ghost said:

    Titanic had a love triangle.


    So did Avatar. :P


    Don't think Titanic is considered "genre," but I could be wrong. In any case, that was like 18 years ago so it's not a common occurence, which was my point. As for Avatar, much like the rest of the movie, I don't remember that :P.

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