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Everything posted by WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot

  1. Did DoS Did DoS billion dollar at the box office? I thought it came up short?Just saw it came up short. I... Have my doubts how it'll perform WW. Not that I don't think it won't do well, but it may not do as good as TF4.I wish Mockingjay would destroy the WW record this year.
  2. LOL, I figured, but I still hedge my bets, just in case something happens and it falls off a cliff over the next few weeks.ETA: isn't there a Minion movie that's supposed to come out soon?
  3. Though a 56% drop is greater than I was hoping for GOTG, still a very healthy, reasonable 2nd week outing. Was hoping that WOM would push it higher. Hope it finishes above estimates, Though before last week, I was hoping that GOTG would somehow find its way to $180 million. That it'll do that much at the start of the third week is unbelievable for me. And that we're talking $600 million WW. I love that it has a legit shot to win summer.
  4. Yeah, mine is 2 1/2, and he loves his comic book action, but seeing it motion sometimes can be a bit... Overwhelming. So we're pretty limited in what movies we can bring him to.
  5. God, I loved that part so much!I don't know... I think it fit the rest of the tone of the movie, so I think most people were pleased with the way it was executed. I was surprised how much of that final act balanced LOL moments with some real emotional stuff.Marvel gets its fair share of criticism. Thor 2 and IM3 are eviscerated pretty heavily on these boards and on the 'net. And there's always Ant-Man if you're looking for something to gang up on Marvel for. And people (not critics) give their favorite franchises a pass for the most part. So, honestly, I don't think the sentiment that Marvel can do no wrong is inaccurate and unfair.
  6. The only thing I wish is that TMNT was age appropriate for my toddler son. I try to get excited to spend $30 to go see something like Planes 2, and I just can't! And I don't think he'd make it through GOTG without getting scared during some moments.Like, I basically keep thinking what if TMNT was as all-ages family oriented as The LEGO movie had been? Or, if it had been directed by Lord & Miller?
  7. I'm a huge fan of Gunn's work, so the odd tones/humor worked for me big time. Basically, GOTG was like watching one of my favorite cult directors get a ton of studio money and told, "Go to town!" For me, it worked and it was a wonderful experience.I'm also a big Marvel fan. At worst, their films are an entertaining distraction. At best, they are, for me, pop culture gems. So I guess the answer to your question is, they're both. And there's nothing wrong with that.
  8. Stay golden, GOTG! A 54% drop is great! Better than I was expecting. Hope tomorrow's hold stays or improves.
  9. Agreed! Which is why I have a hard time with the whole, "Hollywood only produces crap!" arguments. Clearly, this summer showed that blockbuster production and critical acclaim can coexist with each other. These movies may not have "broken out" the way we wanted them to, but they're making a shitload of bucks overseas and enough at least to continue with their respective franchises. This has been an outstanding summer for both original and adapted sci-fi. While I'm not having any sort of break down over it, every time I see the GOTG estimate drop, I get all antsy and nervous about it dropping below $40mil. I really don't want it to drop more than 56%.
  10. DAT MICHAEL BAY EXPLODING GIF!!Yes for the current projections. Happy GOTG is staying above 56% drop. But what is up with tracking data for August? Like... Everything's getting all underestimated LOL! As an aside, hate it when "fans" troll shit. So silly.
  11. The really sad thing is that I forgot all about that movie :(Why can't every kids movie be The LEGO Movie?
  12. Two and a half, LOL! He does like some comic violence, but... *shrugs*
  13. Damn!I really want to take the kid to a movie. Kind of think GOTG would be too much for him, but he loves Groot and Rocket.I can't wait for the next family movie to come out....
  14. This is really all I wanted What age of kid would you guys say the new TMNT is suitable for? Would an under-4-year-old kid be okay going to it?
  15. :(I just need GOTG to stay above 40 mil. at this point. I want it to have the best drop of the $90mil. club. The sinking estimates always get to me early on in the weekend. Why the hell does Nikki even post?!
  16. Man, not even my nostalgia boner, Megan Fox, or my son's interest in turtles could get me to the theater to see the new TMNT But, I am hoping for a good box office to give the summer some positive closure, so good on Turtles.Man, if Guardians manages a 53% drop.... AWESOME!
  17. I haven't been tracking it, but how badly did Apes collapse after the second week? This is a good number for Guardians yesterday. I'm hoping it can somehow stay at number one this week, or at least, stay in the $40-$45mil. range.
  18. That is the most adorable gif! Man, $90mil. plus is insane. Do people here consider that a breakout?
  19. I've been hanging out all day with a friend, so I'm just now reading through this thread...GUARDIANS LIKE A MOTHERFUCKER! I never would've thought that not only would GOTG be the best reviewed CBM of the year (so far!) but that $100mil. OW is possible. This is amazing.
  20. I can't get excited about a possible $100mil. wknd, simply because I don't want to be let down if it misses the mark and/or gets to $80mil. (which would be stellar). But dear sweet Lord if this breaks out.
  21. I meant according to our (US) standards for what to budget for a movie to look and do the things like SNOWPIERCER did. Though I wonder how much it would've cost had it been an American production? ETA: THOSE VOD NUMBERS. I'm going to watch the hell out of my digital copy again this weekend. (I feel like I need a quality Chris Evans fix in the weeks leading up to CA:TWS digital release!)
  22. I''me really surprised how much I loved Scott Adsit as Baymax's voice. He has a lovely soft quality that brings out the charm of the character.YES TO MORE ALAN TUDYK!
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