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Everything posted by WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot

  1. Jessica Chastain or Christina Hendricks for Medusa. Make it happen, Marvel.
  2. I… think I missed that! Only in my wildest dreams Then again, I would've loved for Guardians to drop <10% every week.
  3. For once (well, actually for a couple of times now) I agree with Jack.
  4. If I let the most vocal leave a bad impression of an entire fanbase or franchise on me, I'd end up liking nothing. Which actually leads me to the conclusion that I shouldn't ever go on boards for things I like LOL!
  5. Surely you jest Opinions are like buttholes, everyone's got one!
  6. Well then… this thread got real fun fast, didn't it?
  7. Like, for real though… #notallMarvelloonies Most of the Marvel "fans" on this board (Esctasy, Chewy, Sam, etc….) have been rooting for TMNT for weeks now to at least do well, or at least make sure the box office is successful. It's a vocal minority that keeps trolling things, and every franchise has them. It's just a little stupid to single out one fan base constantly for the behavior of a loud few.
  8. I'm not prejudging TMNT at all in my posts. I'm just not that interested in seeing it in the theater, but mostly b/c I can't take my kid to it just yet. I'm glad that August is having a banner box office year this year.
  9. This! I was almost afraid to say anything b/c I'm so new here, but I lurk and I kind of know how things go! LOL!!
  10. Okay… I wanna know if they'd even consider including Kamala Khan in this. Sure, she's new, but she's mega popular and pull in more teens (especially teen girls!) to the audience, I think. And who would they get to play Medusa? Christina Hendricks comes immediately to mind, not just for the curves but the hair and the attitude.
  11. …. Oh Baumer! I've seen plenty of people on here hating both Marvel and Bay. They're both mega popular and have devoted fans and haters.
  12. LOL! I love posting over at SHH, but I tend to ignore the more trolly shit that gets posted over there. I have made a lot of friends on that board though. There are some good peeps on the forums where I hang. However, there is no swearing or foul language (or slashing on the Avengers boards!) on that forum. So, y'all get all my vulgarity! You're welcome
  13. God I hope that I don't come across like that! I admit I'm a Marvelite, but I try not to be (too) obnoxious about it. Well, I joke about it, LOL! I do think there was some baiting on both sides. But, eh, it is what it is. I'm just glad there's shit to finally talk about this summer!
  14. I like some Michael Bay movies (hell, I outright LOVE The Rock!) and some of his stuff doesn't do it for me. But hell, peeps need to chill with the extremism. Bay's saving the summer B.O. Big deal. GOTG's making some big huge dollars. Should really be no big thang. I'll ignore the ones who go all dumbass on the 'net.
  15. Ugh, I hate the fringe insanity of fandom. Those who automatically go to death threats, murder, rape, etc. when things don't go their way. Kills the fun immediately.
  16. Heh. So did I.I am sooooooo very glad I was wrong.Also, what a great weekend for August box office
  17. I am all good. I got my sub 56% drop for GOTG. Yay!GO AUGUST!! WERK!!
  18. I think the new overseas BO business is fascinating, and it's a big reason why I decided to start following box office trends. Hollywood marketing to China in particular, and the money reaped from it.I realize we have to take the "good" with the "Bay", so I'm not pressed that TF4 did gangbusters there. I'm still shocked that Captain America raked it in as much as it did. Incredible performers all around!
  19. I like a few of the writers for that site... But some of the commenters are really, really, totally idiotic. And sexist. They really have no idea what they're talking about
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