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Everything posted by K1stpierre

  1. So literally anyone of some of the crap movies mentioned could have moved.
  2. Or you could also have taken out man of crap and iron crap times 3.
  3. Lol! So glad and relieved to see CF! I. I was gonna start burning shit if CF didn't make it!
  4. When I first heard there was going to be a Frankenstein movie, I thought it was going to be based off of the book which I was excited for. Then, I see the trailer and I'm just like: wtf is this? Clearly I must have skipped a bunch of chapters Van Helsing was a big dissapointment. I was pumped as the cast looked good, trailer looked good, only for it to just sink.
  5. Yeah, Van Helsing was pretty bad. Couldn't do much to save that one, same goes for this one. Difference though was that Van Helsing looked to be good vs. this always looked like shit.
  6. Really? I see CA being more popluar in both DOM and OS. The first one was after all "The first avenger". He's the face of TA, and I think we'll see a pretty good OS boost.
  7. I wouldn't say locked. CA is the big face on TA (other than IM). I could see an avengers effect here.
  8. I didn't see this on here, so I decided to make one for it. This show is awesome! I love it! If you love food competition shows (like Hell's Kitchen or Masterchef) then you'll love this! I love all the judges (including the new one). I like how this show is so fair, as the tasting is all blindfolded so they have no idea who's food it is they're tasting. They could be picking a worst dish that could be someone from their team, as each of the 4 judges have 4 people each and they help them as mentors. If you love food like me, and love competition, then you'll love this one! It's on Thursday's from 8-10pm, but I DVR it so I can fastfoward through comercials!
  9. I still very much like the first movie by Gary Ross. It's different, it's dark, raw, and serious. I liked that he kept it true to the book and didn't turn it into something it's not (Percy Jackson anyone?). There are things that he did I didn't like, like the overuse of the shaky cam and the upclose shots of everyone, and the ending. Shaky cam I'm good with, but it was done way to much in this movie, I think he needed to pick and choose when to do it (like two or three scenes). Instead, the entire movie was shaky. I mean, the worst was right at the beginning of the movie when Katniss walks through district 12. Why did he use shaky cam there? There was no reason for it, and I was so made because I wanted to see what 12 looked like and couldn't see anything. The upclose shots of everyone's faces were annoying. It just made the world Panem feel so small. Like, when watching the movie, I never felt that the world they lived in was big. The ending I felt was very rushed. They totally needed to have the dialouge exchange between Katniss and Peeta where Peeta finds out that Katniss was acting for the cameras and not for love. My family and friends who didn't read the books, were very confused about that part, they either thought the romance was bad/awkward (which is kind of is, but not for the reasons they think) or that they both really like each other. They never picked up on the fact that is was an act. I think the dialouge that the book had at the end would have made it much more clear. Okay, I know it sounds like I'm hating on the first movie, but there were big flaws with it. I still think Gary Ross had the harder movie to do vs. Lawrence, as filming kids vs. kids killing each other but at the same time making it pg-13 but also violent enough, is super hard. I'm sure Gary tried everything to make it work out. Not to mention, it was Gary who gave us this incredible cast of stars who are mostly all good. The tone of the movie was perfect. The good Gary brought to THG definitely outweighs the bad, it's just natural to nit pick when it's a book adaptation you love. I still give the first movie an 8/10. I think Gary turned the first book, which is an amazing amazing amazing book, into a good movie. Not perfect, but not bad either, it was good. Here's a general question to everyone: WHY DO PEOPLE THINK MADGE IS SO FREAKING IMPORTANT??? Uuuuughhh. People are still complaining after watching CF about Madge not being there. Like, seriously??? She's a midget of a character. In no way a "major character" at all.
  10. Went to the bar to drink up all his problems
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