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Everything posted by K1stpierre

  1. Turtle, who I threaded together and swam on across the atlantic ocean while eating bon bons.
  2. This show is turning into a soap opera.
  3. Hey, it's all fair game. From their point of view, maybe they found Prim as a whiney, selfish bitch?
  4. My vote is a Hufflepuff too How could you look at her and think not hufflepuffy.
  5. When you think about it though, it kind of I guess makes sense (though not the 57th day part). Valentines day is a lovey dovey day (something I never got into) where couples are together. Makes sense that they'd go see Titanic, which is really 2 hours of lovey dovey crap, followed by the main event, which lasts 45minutes (I swear, when I watch Titanic I really just go to where the iceburg hit).
  6. Nice!!! Getting to COS will be close I think. DOM is looking like another 20M, so we're looking at OS getting at least 50Mish more.
  7. I think so. I think this can hit 425M.
  8. I just can't take it. CF is just beautiful. So deserved to be number 1. Let's hope MJ1 takes care of business
  9. Ugh. I still can't believe they are making another AIW. The first one was okay. They killing one of my old fav disney movies
  10. My biggest thing from Amy's was the whole "tip" situation. Screw that, day 1 I would of walked out. Everything was just crazy on that show. And don't forget Sammy either, that dude is also whack in the head.
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