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Last Man Standing

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Everything posted by Last Man Standing

  1. People are acting like SMH had a 70% drop or something, it's a movie featuring Ironman and Spiderman, I don't think it's a surprise it had some rush factor. Outside of that you're also dealing with reboot fatigue, and the movie being in the MCU probably limits its reach more than a truly fresh Spiderman movie would've been.
  2. Maybe not, but the writers somehow thought it was a bright idea to do the same meta self-referential humor five years late, like people are too stupid to recognize derivative writing when they see it. Hollywood in general still haven't got it that at least in the domestic market, people have developed a higher standard for writing than what they've been serving up.
  3. That's no coincidence. One of the reasons that WW is gonna have such fantastic legs is that the reception of previous DCEU movies suppressed its OW.
  4. Isn't that a spoiler considering Supes is currently "dead"?
  5. If you called a Wonder Woman movie being more popular than a movie featuring Superman fighting Batman five years ago, people would've thought you were mad.
  6. She's a superhero who actually feels heroic, we haven't had that in a while. She enjoys saving people, fighting for what's right and all that jazz. People miss that sort of thing.
  7. This, and it's a good way to encourage them to make good films. Also, WW going over BvS second weekend means I still haven't lost a club, even when I joined some that were considered long shots(Zootopia over 300, TFA over Avatar dom, and Tammy under 100m which I started and NO-ONE JOINED). (and yes I'm aware I'm 100% jinxing my next club right now)
  8. Who knows, if they manage to do an awesome job depicting an underwater environment it would be something really fresh, I could see it breaking out.
  9. I dunno about completely different, but I think this is the first cbm that skews female, so we're in uncharted waters here and I don't think you can reject x3 multi out of hand.
  10. Nice try, but Tele was there for the first telling of the Illiad by Homer.
  11. I think he's just not a good character, period. He is purely reactive, and has little motivation beyond not letting Zod destroy everything, he barely emotes, and he gets none of the good dialogue in the movie. I still like MoS, because while it may not be a good Superman movie, it's a great Zod movie.
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