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Last Man Standing

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Everything posted by Last Man Standing

  1. If those reactions are accurate then the promotional material did the movie dirty, cause it looked so corny.
  2. I'm really not seeing how you're getting John Carter or Valerian from the trailer, considering one of the main compaints is the muted color pallete, which could not be more different than those movies.
  3. People complaining about the humor reminds me how LoTR fans (including myself!) complained about Merry and Pippin acting like clowns in the first LoTR movie. They'll get over it.
  4. For sure, but I think that + calling it part 1 suggests that they are pretty confident of the movie (way more confident than fans online!).
  5. Oh for sure, but if they're huge fans then for them it wasn't just 10 minutes, but 10 minutes+years of buildup. I'm not sure their reactions are THAT useful as a guage for the GAs feelings for this movie, but I think it's impressive that Denis managed to somehow exceed the expectation of the most hardcore fans.
  6. How good is your imagination? (I know early reactions from fans are useless, and early reactions from fans about a 10 minute preview are beyond useless, but still)
  7. The music seems like it'll be a big upgrade from the first trailer if the teaser is anything to go by.
  8. Exactly, everywhere I see this movie discussed it's all doom and gloom, basically accepting that it's going to bomb. Honestly I'm seeing pretty decent internet buzz, will it translate to ticket sales? Who knows, but I see no reason to dismiss this movie out of hand.
  9. I'm surprised RIPD did well enough to warrant a sequel.
  10. "Haunting", "cerebral", "mood piece" yup, the GA is gonna hate it.
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