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Everything posted by dxmatrixdt

  1. -18% - Wild - $90k - 37.60 -42% - The Boy Next Door - $90k - 35.40 -9% - Penguins of Madagascar - $100k - 82.95 -15% - Interstellar - $100k - 187.90 -40% - Project Almanac - $140k - 22.10 -50% - The Seventh Son - $160k - 17.01 -15% - Into the Woods - $200k - 127.24 -16% - Hunger Games: Mockingjay - $210k - 337.00 -15% - Taken 3 - $220k - 88.33 -11% - Night at the Musem 3 - $270k - 112.33 -42% - Black or White - $290k - 21.09 -50% - The Wedding Ringer - $290k - 63.46 +15% - The Hobbit 3 - $330k - 254.79 -48% - The Theory of Everything - $330k - 35.58 -47% - Whiplash - $360k - 12.90 -7% - Selma - $410k - 51.00 -11% - Big Hero 6 - $460k - 221.47 -74% - Hot Tub Time Machine 2 - $630k - 11.94 -39% - Birdman - $1.18m - 42.10 -40% - Jupiter Ascending $1.27m - 45.16 -25% - Paddington - $1.35m - 72.11 -23% - The Imitation Game - $1.44m - 88.50 -9% - Still Alice - $2.47m - 15.65 -65% - The Lazarus Project - $3.60m - 15.89 -41% - The DUFF - $4.05m - 25.25 -40% - American Sniper - $4.46m - 337.13 -39% - McFarland USA - $4.76m - 28.76 -50% - 50 Shades of Grey - $5.23m - 156.09 -36% - Spongebob 2 - $6.89m - 148.83 -32% - Kingsman - $8.01m - 97.73 (new) - Unfinished Business - $11.40m - 11.40 -38% - Focus - $11.55m - 36.19 (new) - The Second Best Marigold Hotel - $13.76m - 13.76 (new) - Chappie - $16.97m - 16.97
  2. my guess - Focus 8.5, Lazarus 4, Fifty Shades 4.5, Kingsman 5.1, Spongebob 5. anyone think Lazarus can increase today since it has Olivia Wilde?
  3. -64% - 50 Shades of Gray - 30.88 - 137.07 -35% - Spongebob - 20.34 - 130.85 -51% - Kingsman - 17.64 - 67.15 (new) - MacFarland USA - 13.71 - 13.71 (-39%) - American Sniper - 10.03 - 319.88 (new) - The DUFF - 8.30 - 8.30 (new) - Hot Tub Time Machine 2 - 8.28 - 8.28 (-55%) - Jupiter Ascending - 4.16 - 40.00 (-12%) - The Imitation Game - 3.07 - 84.43 (-27%) - Paddington - 2.94 - 68.25 (+2%) - Still Alice - 1.72 - 7.30 (-45%) - Black or White - 1.48 - 20.09 (-64%) - The Wedding Ringer - 1.18 - 61.88 (-76%) - The Seventh Son - 0.98 - 16.03 (+28%) - The Theory of Everything - 0.95 - 34.53 (-1%) - Birdman - 0.85 - 37.75 (-72%) - Project Almanac - 0.77 - 21.41 (-27%) - Selma - 0.74 - 49.64 (+14%) - Whiplash - 0.66 - 11.38 (-55%) - Taken 3 - 0.50 - 87.65 (-75%) - Boy Next Door - 0.44 - 34.86 (-37%) - Big Hero 6 - 0.43 - 220.04 (-17%) - Night at the Museum 3 - 0.34 - 111.58 (-37%) - Hobbit 3 - 0.26 - 254.02 (-14%) - Wild - 0.24 - 37.31 (-4%) - Interstellar - 0.22 - 187.51 (-40%) - Into the Woods - 0.21 - 126.72 (-33%) - Mockingjay - 0.20 - 336.45 (-18%) - Penguins of Madagascar - 0.18 - 82.69 (-23%) - Unbroken - 0.17 - 115.34
  4. (-66%) - 50 Shades of Gray - 28.92 - 135.67 (-42%) - Spongebob 2 - 18.49 - 126.83 (-50%) - Kingsman - 18.07 - 67.60 (-26%) - American Sniper - 12.27 - 323.44 (new) - MacFarland USA - 11.31 - 11.31 (new) - Hot Tub Time Machine 2 - 7.96 - 7.96 (new) - The DUFF - 5.69 - 5.69 (-45%) - Jupiter Ascending - 5.05 - 41.02 (-14%) - The Imitation Game - 2.98 - 84.13 (-40%) - Paddington - 2.41 - 66.63 (-65%) - The Seventh Son - 1.44 - 16.54 (-52%) - Black and White - 1.29 - 19.76 (-71%) - The Wedding Ringer - 0.93 - 61.50 (-76%) - Project Almanac - 0.65 - 21.28 (new) - Focus - 26.31 - 26.31 (new) - The Lazarus Effect - 17.74 - 17.74 (-43%) - 50 Shades of Gray - 16.46 - 160.82 (-33%) - Spongebob 2 - 12.44 - 142.65 (-32%) - Kingsman - 12.21 - 85.83 (-27%) - MacFarland USA - 8.25 - 23.50 (-34%) - American Sniper - 8.08 - 336.11 (-43%) - Hot Tub Time Machine 2 - 4.50 - 14.99 (-42%) - The DUFF - 3.31 - 10.64 (-41%) - Jupiter Ascending - 2.99 - 45.79 (-40%) - Paddington - 1.44 - 68.54 (-55%) - The Imitation Game - 1.34 - 86.56 (-50%) - Black or White - 0.64 - 20.92 (-55%) - The Wedding Ringer - 0.42 - 62.23 (-82%) - The Seventh Son - 0.26 - 17.29 (-69%) - Project Almanac - 0.20 - 21.69 (new) - Unfinished Business - 28.66 - 28.66 (new) - Chappie - 21.62 - 21.62 (-46%) - Focus - 14.28 - 48.58 (-50%) - 50 Shades of Gray - 8.22 - 174.14 (-38%) - Kingsman - 7.54 - 97.69 (-59%) - The Lazarus Effect - 7.36 - 30.19 (-43%) - Spongebob 2 - 7.15 - 152.12 (-29%) - MacFarland USA - 5.88 - 32.39 (-37%) - American Sniper - 5.06 - 343.78 (-64%) - Hot Tub Time Machine 2 - 1.62 - 18.03 (-59%) - The DUFF - 1.37 - 13.14 (-64%) - Jupiter Ascending - 1.09 - 47.84 (-55%) - Paddington - 0.65 - 69.46 (-59%) - The Imitation Game - 0.55 - 87.59 (-56%) - Black or White - 0.28 - 21.43 (-48%) - The Wedding Ringer - 0.22 - 62.58 (-54%) - The Seventh Son - 0.12 - 17.50 (-55%) - Project Almanac - 0.09 - 21.85
  5. i hope that Jupiter Ascending number can move up to 34 million total and that the 34m can be for opening weekend and this was all a bad dream and its real total is at 65
  6. rough early estimates (-72%) - 50 Shades of Gray - 22.66 - 123.08 (-38%) - Spongebob - 18.99 - 127.01 (-56%) - Kingsman - 15.71 - 62.76 (new) - MacFarland USA - 12.86 - 12.86 (-34%) - American Sniper - 10.82 - 321.21 (new) - Hot Tub Time Machine 2 - 7.97 - 7.97 (-46%) - Jupiter Ascending - 5.09 - 41.89 (new) - The DUFF - 4.89 - 4.89 (+58%) - Still Alice - 2.70 - 8.31 (-28%) - The Imitation Game - 2.54 - 83.64 (-45%) - Paddington - 2.30 - 66.93 (-58%) - Black or White - 1.08 - 19.70 (+21%) - Birdman - 1.05 - 38.00 (+19%) - Theory of Everything - 0.95 - 34.59 (-6%) - Selma - 0.95 - 49.79 (-72%) - The Wedding Ringer - 0.95 - 61.58 (-79%) - The Seventh Son - 0.88 - 16.11 (-75%) - Project Almanac - 0.68 - 21.19 (+12%) - Whiplash - 0.64 - 11.42 (-41%) - Big Hero 6 - 0.41 - 219.94 (-79%) - The Boy Next Door - 0.39 - 35.00 (-70%) - Taken 3 - 0.35 - 87.57 (-4%) - Wild - 0.27 - 37.34 (-29%) - Into the Woods - 0.25 - 126.69 (-40%) - Night at the Museum 3 - 0.24 - 111.31 (---) - Interstellar - 0.23 - 187.55 (-36%) - Hunger Games - 0.21 - 336.49 (-26%) - Unbroken - 0.17 - 115.35
  7. 50 shades - fri 28 + sat 42 + 22 Sun(fudged up a bit) + 8.6 thurs = 100.6. 10.8 Monday, 111 4-day approx. Kingsman - 1.4 + 10.0 + 14.7 + 9.13 + 4.89 = 35.23 3day 40.12 4day
  8. Best Picture: 8-American Sniper 1-Birdman 2-Boyhood 4-The Grand Budapest Hotel 3-The Imitation Game 6-Selma 7-The Theory of Everything 5-Whiplash Best Director: 3-Wes Anderson for Grand Budapest Hotel 2-Alejandro González Iñárritu for Birdman 1-Richard Linklater for Boyhood 5-Bennett Miller for Foxcatcher 4-Morten Tyldum for The Imitation Game Best Actor: 5-Steve Carell for Foxcatcher 3-Bradley Cooper for American Sniper 4-Benedict Cumberbatch for The Imitation Game 1-Michael Keaton for Birdman 2-Eddie Redmayne for The Theory of Everything Best Actress: 2-Marion Cotillard for Two Days, One Night 5-Felicity Jones for The Theory of Everything 1-Julianne Moore for Still Alice 3-Rosamund Pike for Gone Girl 4-Reece Witherspoon for Wild Best Supporting Actor: 4-Robert Duvall for The Judge 5-Ethan Hawke for Boyhood 2-Edward Norton for Birdman 3-Mark Ruffalo for Foxcatcher 1-J.K. Simmons for Whiplash Best Supporting Actress: 1-Patricia Arquette for Boyhood 4-Laura Dern for Wild 2-Keira Knightley for The Imitation Game 3-Emma Stone for Birdman 5-Meryl Streep for Into the Woods Best Original Screenplay: 2-Birdman 3-Boyhood 4-Foxcatcher 1-The Grand Budapest Hotel 5-Nightcrawler Best Adapted Screenplay: 4-American Sniper 3-The Imitation Game 2-Inherent Vice 5-The Theory of Everything 1-Whiplash Best Film Editing: 3-American Sniper 1-Boyhood 4-The Grand Budapest Hotel 5-The Imitation Game 2-Whiplash Best Cinematography: 1-Birdman 2-The Grand Budapest Hotel 3-Ida 5-Mr. Turner 4-Unbroken Best Production Design: 1-The Grand Budapest Hotel 4-The Imitation Game 2-Interstellar 3-Into the Woods 5-Mr. Turner Best Costumes: 1-The Grand Budapest Hotel 3-Inherent Vice 2-Into the Woods 4-Maleficent 5-Mr. Turner Best Makeup: 3-Foxcatcher 1-Grand Budapest Hotel 2-Guardians of the Galaxy Best Visual Effects: 5-Captain America: The Winter Soldier 2-Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 3-Guardians of the Galaxy 1-Interstellar 4-X-Men: Days of Future Past Best Sound: 2-American Sniper 4-Birdman 3-Interstellar 5-Unbroken 1-Whiplash Best Sound Editing: 2-American Sniper 3-Birdman 5-The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies 1-Interstellar 4-Unbroken Best Score: 3-The Grand Budapest Hotel 4-The Imitation Game 1-Interstellar 5-Mr. Turner 2-The Theory of Everything Best Song: 5-"Everything is Awesome" from The LEGO Movie 1-"Glory" from Selma 4-"Grateful" from Beyond the Lights 3-"I'm Not Going to Miss You" from Glen Campbell: I'll Be Me 2-"Lost Stars" from Being Again Best Animated Feature: 4-Big Hero Six 5-The Boxtrolls 1-How to Train Your Dragon 2 3-Song of the Sea 2-The Tale of the Princess Kaguya Best Foreign Language film: 1-Ida 2-Leviathan 5-Tangerines 3-Timbuktu 4-Wild Tales Best Documentary Feature: 1-Citizenfour 4-Finding Vivian Maier 2-Last Days in Vietnam 5-The Salt of the Earth 3-Virunga Best Documentary Short: 2-Crisis Hotline: Veterans Press 1 3-Joanna 1-Our Curse 4-The Reaper (La Parka) 5-White Earth Best Animated Short: 3-The Bigger Picture 1-The Dam Keeper 2-Feast 5-Me and My Moulton 4-A Single Life Best Live Action Short: 3-Aya 5-Boogaloo and Graham 4-Butter Lamp (La Lampe au beurre de yak) 2-Parvaneh 1-The Phone Call
  9. % drops are 3-day drops from last weekend (new) - 50 Shades of Grey - 82.05 / 91.22 - 91.22 (-39%) - Spongebob - 33.72 / 43.00 - 107.56 (new) - Kingsmen - 22.62 / 26.26 - 26.26 (-25%) - American Sniper - 17.49 / 20.49 - 309.41 (-38%) - Jupiter Ascending - 11.43 / 13.35 - 37.34 (-16%) - Paddington - 4.36 / 5.83 - 63.93 (+6%) - Black or White - 4.80 / 5.53 - 20.18 (-2%) - Wedding Ringer - 4.61 / 5.32 - 61.63 (-40%) - The Seventh Son - 4.32 / 5.07 - 14.48 (-16%) - Project Almanac - 4.38 / 5.07 - 22.24 (-18%) - The Imitation Game - 3.86 / 4.57 - 80.64 (-39%) - Boy Next Door - 2.49 / 2.87 - 34.98 (+14%) - Selma - 1.93 / 2.28 - 49.35 (+5%) - Birdman - 1.36 / 1.62 - 37.22 (-41%) - Taken 3 - 1.25 / 1.44 - 87.16 (+15%) - The Theory of Everything - 1.14 / 1.37 - 33.77 (+3%) - Whiplash - 0.79 / 0.94 - 10.77 Into the Woods - 0.65 / 0.81 - 126.71 Wild - 0.59 / 0.72 - 37.34 Hobbit - 0.60 / 0.72 - 253.89 Mockingjay - 0.45 / 0.54 - 336.35 Night at the Museum - 0.40 / 0.52 - 111.10 The Loft - 0.44 / 0.51 - 6.20 Unbroken - 0.35 / 0.43 - 115.23 Big Hero 6 - 0.32 / 0.41 - 218.98 Strange Magic - 0.28 / 0.38 - 12.05 Foxcatcher - 0.25 / 0.30 - 12.10 Penguins of Madagascar - 0.20 / 0.26 - 82.40 Interstellar - 0.19 / 0.23 - 187.18 Annie - 0.17 / 0.22 - 85.27
  10. ^ ^ 3rd weekend ^ ^ (-72%) - 50 Shades of Gray - 20.67 - 113.01 (new) - MacFarland USA - 13.86 - 13.86 (-40%) - Spongebob Squarepants - 12.15 - 74.63 (-37%) - American Sniper - 12.05 - 328.52 (-54%) - Kingsman: The Secret Service - 10.19 - 40.69 (-52%) - Jupiter Ascending - 9.98 - 77.89 (new) - Hot Tub Time Machine 2 - 9.59 - 9.59 (new) - The DUFF - 6.56 - 6.56 (-41%) - Paddington - 2.93 - 69.09 (-37%) - The Imitation Game - 2.61 - 84.31 (-62%) - The Seventh Son - 2.14 - 21.43 (-52%) - Black or White - 1.56 - 19.77 (-19%) - Birdman - 1.32 - 39.18 (-36%) - Selma - 1.30 - 50.97 (-64%) - The Wedding Ringer - 0.96 - 59.05 (-19%) - The Theory of Everything - 0.91 - 34.80 (-68%) - Project Almanac - 0.79 - 20.39 (-55%) - Taken 3 - 0.71 - 88.33 Whiplash - 0.39 - 10.57 Foxcatcher - 0.32 - 12.50 Interstellar - 0.28 - 187.69 Unbroken - 0.20 - 115.36 Wild - 0.42 - 37.43 Into the Woods - 0.41 - 127.46 Hobbit - 0.34 - 254.23 Big Hero 6 - 0.24 - 219.37 A Most Violent Year - 0.39 - 7.09 The Boy Next Door - 0.48 - 32.25 Strange Magic - 0.23 - 12.92 Penguins of Madagascar - 0.19 - 82.79 Night at the Museum 3 - 0.23 - 111.16 Annie - 0.15 - 85.49 Hunger Games: Mockingjay - 0.20 - 336.28
  11. (new) - Jupiter Ascending - 30.45 - 30.45 (new) - Spongebob Squarepants - 28.80 - 28.80 (-23%) - American Sniper - 23.53 - 282.60 (new) - The Seventh Son - 9.06 - 9.06 (-32%) - Paddington - 5.64 - 57.79 (-13%) - The Imitation Game - 4.38 - 74.17 (-48%) - Project Almanac - 4.28 - 14.94 (-32%) - Black and White - 4.20 - 12.58 (-43%) - The Wedding Ringer - 3.26 - 53.53 (-61%) - The Boy Next Door - 2.40 - 29.06 (-47%) - Taken 3 - 1.98 - 84.76 (-36%) - Selma - 1.64 - 46.15 (-52%) - The Loft - 1.31 - 5.01 (-17%) - Birdman - 1.23 - 35.06 (-20%) - A Most Violent Year - 1.21 - 4.80 (-69%) - Strange Magic - 1.05 - 11.78 (-7%) - The Theory of Everything - 0.91 - 31.92 (-54%) - Into the Woods - 0.88 - 125.82 (-53%) - The Hobbit - 0.60 - 252.81 (-35%) - Whiplash - 0.47 - 9.42 (-18%) - Big Hero 6 - 0.37 - 218.54 (-56%) - Night at the Museum 3 - 0.36 - 110.37 (-35%) - Wild - 0.36 - 36.28 (-55%) - Unbroken - 0.34 - 114.54 (-6%) - Penguins of Madagascar - 0.33 - 82.12 (-47%) - Hunger Games: Mockingjay - 0.29 - 335.60 (-83%) - Mortdecai - 0.24 - 7.71 (-26%) - Foxcatcher - 0.20 - 11.79 (-44%) - Annie - 0.18 - 85.04 (-11%) - Interstellar - 0.17 - 186.91 (THE WEEK AFTER - 4-day ) (new) - Fifty Shades of Grey - 81.42 (-9%) - Spongebob Squarepants - 26.23 - 60.24 (-18%) - Jupiter Ascending - 24.90 - 64.74 (new) - Kingsman: The Secret Service - 25.72 - 25.72 (-2.55%) - American Sniper - 22.93 - 312.97 (-25%) - The Seventh Son - 6.81 - 18.44 (+19%) - Paddington - 6.71 - 65.61 (+12%) - The Imitation Game - 4.92 - 80.73 (-9% ) - Black or White - 3.82 - 17.66 (-2.45%) - The Wedding Ringer - 3.18 - 57.70 (-32%) - Project Almanac - 2.89 - 19.18 (+49%) - Selma - 2.44 - 49.26 (+59%) - Birdman - 1.95 - 37.50 (-6%) - Taken 3 - 1.86 - 87.34 (-30%) - The Boy Next Door - 1.67 - 31.51 (+49%) - The Theory of Everything - 1.36 - 33.63 (+3%) - A Most Violent Year - 1.25 - 6.49 (+5%) - Into the Woods - 0.92 - 126.96 (+27%) - The Hobbit 3 - 0.76 - 253.78 (-39%) - Strange Magic - 0.64 - 12.62 (-60%) - The Loft - 0.52 - 6.00 (+42%) - Wild - 0.51 - 36.93 (+4%) - Whiplash - 0.49 - 10.09 (+22%) - Big Hero 6 - 0.45 - 219.08 (+29%) - Unbroken - 0.44 - 115.10 (+22%) - Night at the Museum 3 - 0.44 - 110.89 (+48%) - Hunger Games: Mockingjay - 0.43 - 336.02 (+12%) - Penguins of Madagascar - 0.37 - 82.56 (+118%) - Interstellar - 0.37 -187.34 (+35%) - Foxcatcher - 0.27 - 12.14 (+33%) - Annie - 0.24 - 85.32 (-37.5%) - Mortdecai - 0.15 - 7.94
  12. -46% - American Sniper - 35.00 - 252.62 (new) - Project Almanac - 14.50 - 14.50 (new) - Black and White - 9.84 - 9.84 -25% - Paddington - 9.25 - 51.34 -50% - Boy Next Door - 7.45 - 26.10 -43% - The Wedding Ringer - 6.43 - 48.91 -14% - The Imitation Game - 5.98 - 68.82 -43% - Taken 3 - 4.20 - 81.95 -29% - Strange Magic - 3.90 - 10.36 (new) - The Loft - 3.61 - 3.61 -34% - Selma - 3.56 - 44.44 -35% - Into the Woods - 2.53 - 125.00 +420% - A Year of Violence - 2.39 - 3.99 -50% - Mortdecai - 2.11 - 7.54 -5% - Birdman - 1.84 - 33.60 -50% - Hobbit 3 - 1.38 - 251.80 -13% - The Theory of Everything - 1.10 - 30.72 -53% - Night at the Museum 3 - 0.85 - 109.81 -60% - Unbroken - 0.83 - 113.94 -31% - Wild - 0.66 - 35.78 -37% - Whiplash - 0.50 - 8.43 -35% - Big Hero 6 - 0.44 - 218.05 -29% - Foxcatcher - 0.41 - 11.66 -56% - Annie - 0.35 - 84.81 -23% - Penguins of Madagascar - 0.30 - 81.65 -38% - Interstellar - 0.21 - 186.68 -68% - The Woman in Black 2 - 0.16 - 26.15 -63% - Inherent Vice - 0.14 - 7.69 -92% - Blackhat - 0.13 - 7.85
  13. 4-day estimates from the GOF Fifty Shades of Grey - 97.61 - 97.61 American Sniper - 44.80 - 385.01 Jupiter Ascending - 35.94 - 82.26 Spongebob - 31.52 - 67.35 Kingsman - 26.82 - 26.82 The Seventh Son - 12.35 - 32.03 Paddington - 6.57 - 70.03 Imitation Game - 5.89 - 84.69 Project Almanac - 5.82 - 33.60 Black and White - 4.04 - 22.34 Selma - 2.98 - 53.15 Birdman - 2.12 - 38.52 The Wedding Ringer -2.05 - 57.02 The Boy Next Door - 1.81 - 34.48 A Most Violent Year - 1.55 - 8.96 Taken 3 - 1.45 - 89.30 Into the Woods - 1.29 - 129.30 The Theory of Everything - 1.18 - 33.88 Hobbit - 0.72 - 254.11 Loft - 0.71 - 8.67 Wild - 0.63 - 37.67 Interstellar - 0.53 - 187.87 Big Hero 6 - 0.51 - 219.10 Whiplash - 0.43 - 9.88 Foxcatcher - 0.38 - 12.75 Museum 3 - 0.35 - 110.92 Penguins - 0.34 - 82.31 Mockingjay - 0.34 - 335.98 Unbroken - 0.29 - 115.46 Annie - 0.26 - 85.30 Strange Magic - 0.26 - 12.26 Mortdecai - 0.08 - 9.15 FINISH - Woman in Black 2 - 26.50 - Inherent Vice - 8.50 - Big Eyes - 14.75 - Blackhat - 8.25
  14. American Sniper - 60.85 - 196.57 (-32%) Paddington - 12.75 - 40.42 (-33%) The Wedding Ringer - 11.88 - 39.93 (-43%) The Boy Next Door - 11.84 - 11.84 Strange Magic - 7.77 - 7.77 The Imitation Game - 6.43 - 59.95 (-5%) Selma - 6.36 - 39.98 (-28%) Taken 3 - 6.33 - 74.74 (-57%) Mortdecai - 4.83 - 4.83 Into the Woods - 4.09 - 121.70 (-40%) Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies - 2.49 - 249.27 (-49%) Blackhat - 2.29 - 7.70 (-41%) Birdman - 2.25 - 31.24 (+46%) Unbroken - 2.11 - 112.44 (-50%) Night at the Museum 3 - 1.65 - 108.47 (-57%) The Theory of Everything - 1.37 - 29.15 (+41%) Wild - 0.95 - 34.70 (-34%) Foxcatcher - 0.92 - 11.36 (-6%) Hunger Games: Mockingjay - 0.83 - 334.12 (-56%) Annie - 0.79 - 84.26 (-60%) Big Hero 6 - 0.52 - 217.29 (-51%) Woman in Black 2 - 0.42 - 25.80 (-75%) Penguins of Madagascar - 0.37 - 81.24 (-29%) Interstellar - 0.35 - 186.36 (-36%) Inherent Vice - 0.34 - 7.36 (-70%) Big Eyes - 0.28 - 14.05 (-47%) Horrible Bosses 2 - 0.11 - 54.28 (-39%)
  15. 4-day estimates... 1. American Sniper - 55.66 - 59.15 2. The Wedding Ringer - 30.26 - 30.26 3. Paddington - 25.14 - 25.14 4. Taken 3 - 23.39 - 74.37 5. Selma - 15.15 - 33.07 6. Imitation Game - 9.10 - 52.91 7. Into the Woods - 8.94 - 115.94 8. Blackhat - 8.91 - 8.91 9. Unbroken - 5.76 - 110.02 10. Hobbit 3 - 5.24 - 244.74 11. Museum 3 - 3.79 - 104.87 12. Wild - 2.63 - 34.11 13. Inherent Vice - 2.48 - 7.89 Theory of Everything - 2.43 - 28.86 Annie - 2.30 - 82.47 Mockingjay - 2.26 - 332.90 Birdman - 2.21 - 29.01 Woman in Black 2 - 1.54 - 24.94 Big Hero 6 - 1.23 - 216.27 Interstellar - 1.21 - 186.49 Big Eyes - 0.83 - 13.75 The Gambler - 0.62 - 33.70 Penguins - 0.51 - 80.59 Gone Girl - 0.40 - 167.63 Exodus - 0.39 - 64.52 Nightcrawler - 0.23 - 32.36 Horrible Bosses 2 - 0.22 - 54.10 Top Five - 0.22 - 25.27 The Interview - 0.20 - 6.10 Dumb and DUmber 2 - 0.20 - 85.94 St. Vincent - 0.18 - 43.90 Fury - 0.14 - 85.90 Book of Life - 0.13 - 49.89
  16. to me it feels like Interstellar can almost be regarded as a documentary. It is like a survey of ideas and a sociological cautionary tale on where we could be headed. I love Nolan for doing this, but i do see it as sort of a documentary-drama. Hunger Games felt soo redundant to me but after Catching Fire and now Mockingjay with Katniss saying "if i burn, you burn with me." =)
  17. 4-day projections Hobbit 3 - 65.10 - 184.46 Into the Woods - 49.82 Unbroken - 42.33 Night at the Museum 3 - 19.40 - 47.38 Annie - 18.23 - 44.06 The Gambler - 16.02 Exodus - 12.59 - 56.49 Mockingjay - 11.77 - 306.32 Wild - 6.90 - 16.15 Top Five - 5.74 - 20.06 Interstellar - 4.43 - 177.93 Big Hero 6 - 4.12 - 197.77 Penguins of Madagascar - 4.11 - 71.21 The Theory of Everything - 2.68 - 23.34 Horrible Bosses 2 - 2.02 - 51.08 Birdman - 1.26 - 23.90 Gone Girl - 0.56 - 165.94 Dumb and Dumber 2 - 0.52 - 84.63 St. Vincent - 0.32 - 42.84
  18. Wed - 31.00 Thurs - 10.90 Friday - 19.00 Saturday - 24.00 Sunday - 17.50 60.5 3-day, $15,613 average. 102.4 5-day
  19. 1. Hunger Games - 21.52 - 257.74 2. Penguins of Madagascar - 12.32 - 51.00 3. Horrible Bosses 2 - 11.23 - 38.41 4. Big Hero 6 - 8.74 - 178.41 5. Interstellar - 8.21 - 158.63 6. Dumb and Dumber 2 - 4.48 - 78.35 7. Theory of Everything - 3.79 - 14.57 Gone Girl - 1.34 - 162.65 Birdman - 1.21 - 18.92 Beyond the Lights - 1.04 - 14.14 St. Vincent - 1.01 - 40.64 Nightcrawler - 0.96 - 29.89 Fury - 0.94 - 83.26 Guardians of the Galaxy - 0.38 - 332.38 The Judge - 0.35 - 46.53 John Wick - 0.34 - 42.12 The Equalizer - 0.30 - 100.44 Alexander - 0.26 - 64.46 Ouija - 0.24 - 50.66 Boxtrolls - 0.20 - 50.15 Maze Runner - 0.20 - 101.31 Book of Life - 0.19 - 48.60 Best of Me - 0.07 - 26.53 Annabelle - 0.06 - 84.23 1. Exodus - 52.20 - 52.20 2. Top Five - 15.40 - 15.40 3. Hunger - 13.68 - 277.90 4. Penguins - 8.63 - 62.66 5. Horrible Bosses 2 - 7.21 - 49.00 6. Interstellar - 6.48 - 167.92 7. Big Hero 6 - 6.28 - 186.79 8. Theory of Everything - 3.96 - 19.83 9. Dumb and DUmber 2 - 2.86 - 82.66 Birdman - 0.85 - 20.19 Gone Girl - 0.72 - 163.81 Fury - 0.48 - 84.06 St. Vincent - 0.46 - 41.45 Nightcrawler - 0.34 - 30.53 Guardians of the Galaxy - 0.27 - 332.77 The Judge - 0.26 - 46.90 Beyond the Lights - 0.24 - 14.64 John Wick - 0.22 - 42.45 Alexander - 0.20 - 64.73 Equalizer - 0.20 - 100.74 Maze Runner - 0.18 - 101.55 Boxtrolls - 0.16 - 50.36 Book of Life - 0.15 - 48.80 Ouija - 0.14 - 50.87 Best of Me - 0.05 - 26.60 Annabelle - 0.04 - 84.29
  20. if Penguins goes up 325% on Friday, it's Friday # would be 3.44. 7.22 Sat. 4.20 Sunday. 14.86 weekend. 53.54 12 day total. (-42%). expansion worldwide. $132 million budget. Dec 8th - Dec 11th should average 0.5 million per day. 55.54 16-day total. 2.22 Friday, 4.88 Saturday, 2.90 Sunday. 10 Million 3rd weekend. (-33%) 65.54 19-day total. Penguins 4th weekend will face against Annie, The Hobbit, and Night at the Museum. It should still be at over 3,000 locations. somewhere around 3,150 locations. by New Years day it should still be at over 2,000 locations. Until Paddington comes out, it should be looking at roughly 750K per day over the holidays. 80% chance it hits 100M.
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