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Posts posted by boomboom234

  1. 19 minutes ago, jb007 said:



    It will be close.


    I think it will do about 500M OS-C (2.5 Multiplier).

    China will do around 100

    Domestic about 370


    I think around 970 +/-

    No move that opened at this level missed a billion it just doesn't happen it out opened tdkr in every territory it was the best Warner movie in every territory you are sailing the worst legs imaginable in every territory domestic won't be 370 when 380 is the absolute floor potter legs aka the worst legs of any major movie.

  2. 6 minutes ago, KP1025 said:


    It's too bad it isn't better received in China. The analysts in the China board are saying it has a chance to finish under $100 million, which is less than half of Ultron's $240 million gross in China.

    True but twice as high as tdkr it most territories it's o/u ultron so far we will see how it lasts but 99% sure it's going to hit a billion after this weekend gross

    • Like 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, grey ghost said:

    Warner Bros biggest franchises:



    Harry Potter spin offs




    They have alot riding on DC.

    They will probably get bond, but also only disney can say they have a stronger list of frachises with marvel, star wars, pixar, and their animation. paramount and sony are gone lionsgate is done and universal has JW and FF but thats it. Fox has X men and I can't really think of much else

  4. 4 minutes ago, grim22 said:


    Here's what we know for sure.


    BvS opened to 75% or more of MoS's FINAL total in these markets:

    - Mexico

    - Brazil

    - Russia

    - Italy

    - China

    - Hong Kong

    - India

    - Most of Asia Pacific


    A few other markets opened 60% or more of MoS's final total

    - Spain

    - Japan

    - Philippines

    - Scandinavia 


    And every single market opened to way more than MoS's OW and most of them exceeded even TDKR's OW.

    In UK highest SH weekend ever. In germany higher than MOS and all marvel movies

  5. 1 minute ago, SWXII said:


    Can't see Star Trek flopping. And the new Apocalypse trailer is radically better than the last. Made want to see the movie. Not sure when The Rock and Mr Hart' s movie shows up bit I expect it will do very well. Amazing summer. Amazing year.


    very crowded summer, star trek won't break 200 million neither will Independence day honestly. Apocalpyse will serve to sever civil war late legs but will decrease from DOFP bourne will do around 150, CIA will do around 100. The only movie with space to itself is suicde squad in august. In june and july its one massive tentpole after another and they will eat each other

  6. 1 minute ago, grey ghost said:


    Early reports are saying CW is really good so good buzz is coming.


    Characters like Black Panther and Ant Man who can carry their own movie will fill seats far better than the side characters (Scarlet Witch, Quick Silver, lol) added to AOU.


    Kids love Spider-man and we've already seen Hulk and Thor fighting with the Avengers. Spider-man with the Avengers is brand new territory.


    JW was a direct sequel to JP3. :ph34r:

    If black panther opened right now it would flop ant man was a mid size hit

  7. 2 minutes ago, Telemachos said:

    Yes, it's true. You guys found out our hidden secret. Shawn and WB and I are a secret cabal and we decide which films the mods are allowed to root for and which ones they can't. I send a PM giving all the mods their marching orders and make sure they praise the films we want them to, and trash the ones we don't. 


    I thought we were clever enough to keep it all hidden, but you guys were too smart and you figured it out. 

    Let's dispel once and for all with the ficiton that Tele doesn't know what he is doing, he knows exactly what he is doing

    • Like 5
  8. 2 minutes ago, White as Snow said:

    Hello guys.


    Sorry if my question is stupid. I've read here on this board some time ago that JL may actually be delayed if BO numbers will be bad. So, I take it 400+ millions WW for OW is good number. Does it mean that JL will not be delayed, even after poor response by critics to BvS? Or is it yet to be seen? Thanks :D

    It won't be delayed for those reasons but it may move to a different date because November is a pretty stupid idea imo

    • Like 1
  9. 1 minute ago, grey ghost said:


    Spider-man, Black Panther, Ant-Man, much better quality, more buzz, more compelling conflict, better trailers...

    Doens't have more buzz, we don't know quality, and 2/3 of those charecters mean shit all to anyone. Spider man is a plus but the lack of thor and hulk might cover that in addition to AOU more tepid reaction. The cast is the exact same and this is a direct sequel. It may out earn AOU but it will not open higher than it

  10. 2 minutes ago, department store basement said:

    Let me just say that sometimes critics DO have an agenda against a film.


    I read the reviews for The Choice last month and they were basically all "NICHOLAS SPARKS MOVIES SHOULD DIE!!!". Almost none of them were reviews of the actual movie.


    However, that's not the case for BvS. The critics who didn't like it went into good detail about why they didn't like it. Their reasons were convincing.

    Some critics did have an agenda against the film saying they were waiting to pan it but not all

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