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Everything posted by boomboom234

  1. Pacific rim was a terrible movie no story no characters sure it looked pretty but it was stupid. Mad maxs marketing was ten times better and hopefully it is much better when I get around to watching it after finals
  2. I'm worried about were their going with stannis really hope they dont kill him off this season
  3. That's true I like the crazy Dany but can't stand that the killed Barristan but still show us that inane Grey Worm Missandei romance that and Olly are achieving almost jar jar binks level of annoyance for me
  4. They are hinting to kill off stannis this season which if it occurs will be end to my viewing of the show. There making daenerys appear more mad than the books, acting like her father probably so that Tyrion when he arrives can advise her better. Lack of plot progression nothing really happened and they really are making olly into a chekov's gun the subtlety of the wall story line has been abandoned. Valyria was cool but it made no sense to sale their and who is sending those letters to maester Aemon. Everything else was kinda pointless
  5. The problem is it is that in certain storylines it doesn't even capture the spirit but goes counter to it
  6. You are right but it is hard to do but some of my points were ignoring the books at all. In show it mkaes no sense for littlefinger, Jamie, Varys,to act as they have done, Loras is bad by any defintion show or book. The show is losing narrative cohesion and trying to substitute drama in its place. In addition adaptation doesn't mean free range to do whatever if characters are suddenly fundamentally different from their book counterpart that is a valid criticism to call that out
  7. Taken alone this show is great, its well directed,well acted, funny at times and captivating but increasingly it shows a misunderstanding of the very nature of certain characters and story lines. Look at last night with the scene with arya giving up her items its great and well done but in the inside the episode d&d refer to arya's inability to get rid of needle as it is her instrument of revenge, this is simply not true in the context of the books needle is all Arya has left of her family it is " Jon snow's smile" to her that's why she can get rid of it not for a potential Chekhov's gun. Tyrion is the most egregious example of this the character on screen is so fundamentally different from the character on the page that they are different people, Tyrion in the show couldn't have sex with that sex slave ( who for some reason willingly would go with him without payment) when in the book he has sex with every prostitute he can find in the same time span. Tyrion is so white washed he has transformed from the interesting morally grey character of the books to a paragon of virtue. Tyrion of the books had people tortured had a singer put into a stew daydreams about raping and killing his siblings and their children but in the show he is a white knight. He calls renly a good man, when on earth would tyrion call renly a good man. Loras is quite possibly the most butchered character quite to a homophobic degree. Loras in the books is gay but it is done lighly jokes are made by all characters but it is not the core of his personality. Loras in the books is a brave, headstrong, protective warrior who joins the kingsguard to prtoect his sister and when giving his reasons for giving up sex he says "when the sun sets no candle can replace it". In the show he is that gay guy only to be used to show the occasional gay sex scene to counter the claim that the show is only showing women, he is simply that gay guy every other aspect of his character is gone, they have him talk about fashion, have a prostitute boyfriend. That is not loras that is simply a gay guy d&d inserted into the show. Cersei as well in the books she is an increasingly insane ruler who only truly dares about her children as an instrument of power, she is quite honestly the most misogynistic character and has innocent people tortured and raped, she not joffrey had robert's bastard killed. In the show she is a tragic misunderstand villain who truly loves her children Jaime now is again cersei's dog doing as she bids without a second though even having sex with her in the white sword tower an act that book Jaime strongly refused. Instead of evolving into the strong independent figure he becomes in the books Jaime has digressed back to season 1 terrtory. Littlefinger and Varys are beyond butchered they make no sense even in the show's universe. Their plots are contradictory, why would littlefinger abandon his two strongest pieces, robin and sansa to men who have no reason to be loyal to him. Yohn royce has no reason to listen to littlefinger and indeed in the books would rather have him killed then follow his orders but in the show littlefinger simply leaves robin in his care and trusts his loyalty why are the lords of the vale suddenly littlfeigner's puppets abandoning sansa to the boltons is even more stupid done more for the drama than narrative sense especially in light of the next episode where he says he expects stannis to win. So littlefinger's master-plan is to deliver sansa to the boltons who have no reason not to kill him and promise him his support with the army of the vale which has no reason o be loyal to him only to expect the boltons to lose and stannis who would somehow save sansa afterwards to be his ally when ke just tried to ally with the boltons. And Varys the spy who tries to have dany killed and reports her actions to tywin is now her biggest supporter. The abandonment of the rvierlands, the brotherhood,edmure, the blackfish, making mace tyrell into a complete moron. The show is increasingly making poor decisions and increasingly isn't an adaptation of the novels but an original and relatively poor story that only uses the names of the books
  8. Not even true it's just when d&d alternate to far from the books they usually get sub par results. All the best scenes were adapted almost completely from page to screen
  9. They were saying it was unimportant he was stressing her threat telling them to do something. That was like episode 6 I doubt he changes his whole mind in in show like 2 days
  10. In season 4 he provides information to tywin that he purely didn't have to and only served to weaken her war effort. Varys more than anyone is stressing her threat and that provokes a response by tywin
  11. I'm watching some old seasons the varys and danaerys thing d&d made up. He literally sabotages her effort at every turn trying to kill her and relaying her goals to tywin removing her best advisor from her service. They didn't plan this ahead of time and probably just decided to cut aegon before this year and said fuck it lets just have varys support dany instead
  12. This is very good but now I think that to enjoy it more I shouldn't have read the books I used to tell memy friends that they should but I will stop now. On its own it's great television, it lacks the subtlety and scope of the novels and I will always prefer them more but it's time to decorate the two of them in my mind at least they are not the same. Though I will not watch next season if wow hasn't come out yet I don't want the books to be spoiled for me
  13. I get it but it makes no narrative sense in the shows universe either. It's literally saying you know what we be dramatic and shock viewers this they didn't think it through at all and besides that it is by far the biggest departure I have seen and again it makes no damn sense for any of the characters involved
  14. The Winterfell stuff d&d have completely lost the plot this is now fan fiction rather than an adaptation
  15. There is no duck but there are a field of ducks and a griffin and a young Griffen to and this is good confirmation
  16. Per your logic unless we can open the books of every single studio and examine what makeup their reported profits for each year we can never determine who truly won the year. What numbers is saying Disney is doing extremely well relative to other studios for their movies provide them right now. Unless you are Bob Iger posting on these forums you don't have these numbers you site an article which similarly provides nothing to prove its ultimate point using out of context quotes and statements to prove its message why should we believe it if it provides no proof. It provides statements not data we can only judge based off the information we have.
  17. HOw can you clearly determine that they are making the most profits we don't have nearly enough info. You are just claiming Disney won the year use no actual data to determine that fact just trust my word. The article itself does the exact same thing using out of context quotes and conjecture to reinforce a narrative provide hard data about the profits of the movie studios and only the movie studios, not the parent company's, over the last decade using your own Hollywood reporter article "Thanks to the global success of Frozen, a 2013 release, Disney was most profitable among the Big 6 studios in 2014 with $1.7 billion — marking the first year since THR began its analysis in 2010 that Warner Bros. hasn't claimed the top spot." So Warner is generally more profitable than Disney what are you exactly are you arguing. You further argue that Disney releases less movies but these movies are almost entirely tentpoles and when they fail the studio is demolished revist mars needs moms and John Carter for evidence of that, the two biggest bombs of the modern day by far.This thread is not a subjective one but one that should be based on hard data, the fact is Disney is not doing significantly better than the other studios and citing one clearly biased article without nay data is no proof of anything.
  18. I read the article not only is it unsourced but on the disney point it seems biased. It mentions Disney shelling out huge sums to purchase Ip's yet somehow its immune to the profitability movie on blockbusters that impacts all the other major studios, if anything that would put Disney in more trouble as to justify its huge purchases its blockbusters have to do even better than everyone else
  19. They haven't won a year since 2003 so they must be terrifying everyone else
  20. Old spongebob is still really popular all the way up with college kids it was a great show
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