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Water Bottle

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Posts posted by Water Bottle

  1. 3 minutes ago, The Dark Alfred said:

    Paramount are a bunch of idiots. Yes, nobody saw this coming from BARBIE a year ago, but that film was never a problem, different demo. They underestimated Nolan, which is criminal. You market the film to be watched in PLF which gets 37% of the business and then you lose all of that a week after. Maybe they were gamling that Universal would move the film. Summer release is perfectly fine for MI, it just needed a different date. Then suggesting to move it to September when the SAG strike is happening is also criminal. 


    Remember when Paramount had a Star Trek movie (Beyond) coming out during a Star Trek anniversary and like did nothing with that free marketing opportunity? 


    I think this movie in June does SO much better. Even without the PLF lost, Barbieheimmer hype just meant people were going to pick one or both of those movies instead. June 20th though? You easily beat out No Hard Feelings and Indie wasn't a real threat. GIves the movie more time to have it's own hype.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, ZattMurdock said:

    And I agree wholeheartedly. Because Tom Cruise is, well, Top Gun. I don’t even know the name of his character really, I think it’s Goose and I just remember this name because in the MCU, the cute alien cat pet that Carol Danvers has is named after a Top Gun character, while in the comics the cat is called Chewie.


    It must be wack having your entire pop culture knowledge be based entirely on MCU references.


    Also his code name is fucking Maverick. Top Gun: Maverick

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  3. 3 minutes ago, ringedmortality said:

    I feel like I've heard "TV's are getting better and you can have the cinema experience at home for cheap" for like a decade now


    And it's worked for a lot of people. Lots of people prefer staying home and not going to the theater because their TV gives them a good enough experience for them.


    Of course, TVs can't match the actual theatrical experience for most of us no matter how good the TV gets. We just don't have big enough homes.


    Because in the end, it's the size of the screen that matters.

    • Like 6
  4. 1 minute ago, von Kenni said:


    I can add another interesting sub case. I bought in Europe a lifetime -50% subscription for HBOMax about 2 years ago. I could use those logging info when in the States and of course the offering changed but the predicament where I'm now is that the US has it as Max and Europe (at least my home country) has it still as HBOMax and now my logging info doesn't work in the States with Max. I haven't inquired it yet from them (read: not so active HBOMax user...last one was Spy/Master and when there's some new series it gets more timely) but it'll be interesting to see what happens with it. If they restrict users to their specific regions. I've also wondered how long "lifetime" in reality is...


    It's incredibly dumb that they went from calling it HBO Max to just Max. HBO Max uses the HBO brand which is pretty strong. Max is a meaningless name. 

    • Like 5
  5. 37 minutes ago, Eevin said:

    imo i think the success of Barbie/Gerwig also boils down to a very specific thematic overlap that is not easily replicated — Gerwig’s consistent reflections on womanhood are a perfect match for Barbie as a concept, but i don’t know how easily you can do that with like, gi joe  


    You can easily do a consistent reflection on what it means to be a military soldier, tackling toxic masculinity (vs say healthy masculinity) in GI Joe. Whether it would be good or not is a different story. 

    • Like 1
  6. https://forums.boxofficetheory.com/subscriptions/


    We are proud to announce for this weekend and the rest of the month we have a special sale going on!


    Are you tired of boring old Gold? Wish you could be a little more pink or go nuclear with red? 


    Now you can! We now offer Pink and Red Accounts but only for a limited time! Wear your pink with pride! Or show off your explosive red! With the same benefits as the Gold Account!


    $5 for the first month and $15 after but remember you can only sign up for these accounts this month! 


    (If you are currently gold account, and wish to be pink or red, please let an admin now and we can change your group.)

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, ZattMurdock said:

    Ant-Man 1 and 2 are some of the  smallest box office receipts for all the MCU, even if we take covid into consideration. Spider-Man: No Way Home was less than 2 years ago and made $2B while we were very much still in the pandemic. All you have is silly wishful thinking based on an Ant-Man film performing very much in range with all the other Ant-Man films.


    And saying that "multiple shows (are) struggling" shows how ignorant you are about the whole situation. We don’t know how well or how bad these shows are doing.

    Social media gets on fire and trending for every single episode of every single Marvel Studios, even the ones that a bunch of people fall for the Samba numbers - which isn’t traceable or reliable at all - and get this: a lot of times as much as Black Mirror or any of the big Netflix popular shows. Do we know how much people watch these shows? No. Is social media a valid gauge for this? Absolutely fucking not, piracy is also a thing. We don’t know how much people watch this shows. We don’t know how successful they are. And petty shit like you are doing here only favors studios, since what WGA and SAG-AFTRA biggest demand during the current strike is transparency on how well these shows are making. If you go to the WGA and SAG-AFTRA thread, you will find several writers and actors tweets talking about their residuals and how little they make; it’s doesn’t matter if it’s a She-Hulk screenwriter or several Gilmore Girls or Orange is the New Black actors; all of them have something in common: they receive absolutely shit for their work in these productions.


    Disney+ has currently 157.8m subscribers. That’s the second biggest streaming service in the world. If they are "failing", it’s hard to explain how much Disney+ grew up as fast as they did since what they are is basically a big Marvel and Star Wars wallgarden, with Disney productions there in between. We here are like Charlie Brown trying to kick ball and falling waiting for streaming services to go away and they keep growing stronger. You and others keep saying shit like MCU is falling and meanwhile, WB is making their DC Studios in order to finally get their shared universe right. Mattel is considering their own shared world too. Because you liking this or not, Hollywood and big blockbusters today are about brands, and their power to bring people to movie theaters. If you don’t want to see movie theaters go the way of the opera, I’d advise to get down with the program. You might not like the alternative more than getting to see Marvel Studios and other brand films dominating the box office consistently throughout the years.


    Thinking Hollywood is about the brands is why the studios feel they can screw over WGA/SAG members actually. I know, I know. That's a tough concept for you to get. Marvel consistently underpays VFX workers while demanding they worked harder and faster for a reason. It's not about the people. It's about the brands. They gotta deliver the next Marvel movie after all. 


    I'd rather movie theaters go the way of opera than fight to only get bland, shallow CGI fests that keep trying to extend a story beyond it's natural lifespan because it's part of a "brand" that has lost all meaning. "See this movie to get hints about the next movie so that maybe five movies down the line there's a payoff but that payoff will come with hints for the next movies". Like give me a break. You enjoy that? Fine. I used to until Endgame wrapped up the universe for me. And now I want to get more from the big studios than just money grabs brand exploitations.


    There will always be Marvel movies. Depending on ONLY brands has worked fine for Disney and it's starting to catch up to them. And now, pointing this out doesn't hurt SAG/WGA. A big reason for the strike is how the industry has changed. And yeah, blockbusters being only brands now has been a negative change for the industry.  A more healthy balance between sequels and original big budget movies would ACTUALLY help SAG/WGA.


    (and for the record movie theaters going the way of the opera would not be the end of movie theaters since opera is still kicking around)

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, ZattMurdock said:

    It’s failing with Guardians as one of the biggest box office receipts of the year? I wish I could fail as much as the MCU does. I bet that every other studio too.


    One hit movie with multiple shows struggling to find viewers and the non-guardians movies seeing a decline in the box office with ant-man 3 being a notable disappointment. 

  9. 24 minutes ago, Plain Old Tele said:

    He can write to his heart’s content. He cannot reach out to any AMPTP signatory, and neither can his agents or managers — no business can be conducted at all (and even a vague general meeting is business). However, as soon as the strike’s over he can send it to whoever he likes. 


    There's going to be such a gold rush as soon as the WGA strike ends lol


    good luck to all writers

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