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Water Bottle

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Posts posted by Water Bottle

  1. 5 minutes ago, MysteryMovieMogul said:


    This isn't in the WGA's purview. They need to focus on their own members. I also don't like this new development, but also, I haven't read any articles written by AI because I don't read listicles, and never did before when humans were writing them.


    "They need to focus on their own members" "this isn't in the WGA purview" okay make up your mind cause a significant portion of writers on those websites ARE WGA members.

    • Like 3
  2. 1 minute ago, MysteryMovieMogul said:

    I truly hope that AI isn't the major sticking point that writers are choosing not to budge on. Because I agree with the writers on every single one of their demands regarding compensation, but I personally think the views about AI are shortsighted. It's a tool, and the WGA is too deadset on trying to stop a technology that's already here and being used.

    Actors, on the other hand, should worry more about AI because of Deepfakes and that tech.


    AI HAS to be the sticking point. Is it a tool? Yes. and a writer can choose to employ that tool (although why, I don't know? I guess if a writer isn't confident in their own ability). But what studios will want to do is have the AI write the script, bring in a writer to edit it, and then pay the writer way less because they are editing, not writing. That's the end of any real viable writing career and nobody becomes a writer to edit an AI script.


    Also it's not possible to say the writers are choosing not to budge when the AMPTP has refused to engage with the WGA period. 

    • Like 6
  3. Just now, FunkMiller said:


    I'm not suggesting it'd be a widespread thing, but if you had a situation where several creatives make a success of themselves on YouTube, you could well see others turning their attention to a platform where they can essentially 'self publish' narrative fiction, in the same way current YouTubers spend an awful lot of money to produce their content.


    The traditional movie industry really can't afford to piss off creatives too much for too long. Other avenues exist outside of them now where content can be created and disseminated to a lot of people. 


    Proper narrative fiction is expensive and then to properly market it, even more expensive. I have multiple short films on Youtube and I don't really see Youtube as a viable alternative.

    • Like 4
  4. 1 hour ago, dudalb said:

    Yes, but this was huge miscalculation on the part of AMPTP. It has backfired.

    Problem is the people in charge of big companies are capable of doing really stupid things.

    And yes, using the press as a weapon in these disputes goes back a far as union disputes have beenhappening. Both sides try to get the pubic on their side. In this case, AMPTP really, really, miscalculated.


    One time I had someone I know brag about how he would purposefully get intern's names wrong. I don't think the "starve the writers out" like comments are a majority position within the AMPTP membership. But I'm sure some of them did say stuff like that to Deadline.

    • Like 4
  5. 33 minutes ago, grim22 said:

    The threat of AI and declining streaming residuals hurt everyone and the refusal of the studios to talk about either is a big deal. It's caused a genuine sticking point the guilds can't move past without resolving.


    It's gonna be a bit funny if the directors have to take notes from AI while writers and actors ban AI. Obviously this means WGA/SAG get anti-ai language in but would be funny. 


    "This scene is too short according to the AI. It also needs two more trees." 


    AI gonna be the new focus group. 

    • Haha 3
  6. 51 minutes ago, filmlover said:

    What is the fall TV season even going to look like? Most (all?) shows have been caught in the crosshairs of the strike.


    Dominated by reality TV and maybe Canadian (maybe British) TV shows. Broadcast TV is dead anyways so the whole concept of the traditional TV season isn't really big like it used to be.


    I actually don't think the actor's strike will last that long if it happens, but I don't know if it even happens: deals tend to happen pretty quickly under a deadline or they can try punting the deadline again. If it does happen, maybe a week? Then the WGA probably gets it's deal pretty quickly. 


    If it lasts a long time, then yeah, I don't know. 

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, rebelscum86 said:


    It's unbecoming to be so partisan. The list this meme is based on had hundreds of Democrat names too. It's an issue in churches and public schools. The issue is abusers seeking positions that give them power and or access to kids.








    This is the terrible juxtaposition the left has gotten ourselves in and all the other comments reflect that to me. You dislike people so much you invent reasons to disagree with them when you should be happy there is some moral agreement, which then makes them suspicious. It's pettiness and insecurity, not malicious like the conservatives interpret, but progressives definitely fumble on this issue and make the whole side look bad.

    And if you dig deep into progressive literature, we have a real issue when it comes to kids, sex, and age of consent that has never been properly rebuked. Kinderladens, 68ers, Marxist and Queer theorists have a lot of unfortunate quotes and ideas that shouldn't exist unopposed by the rest of the left.

    this is Derek Jensen, he is probably one of the furtherest left educators in the US, but he was abused as a child and this is him unsucessfully trying to call out some of the problematic ideas from the left.

    When ever you get your feathers up and refuse to agree with others bad thing is bad, these are the issues they see you identifying with.

    I saw some one in the thread asked why the left is reacting like this? It's not malicious, it's insecurity. Any security issue the left worries the right is going to look better on. there is fear that heightened call for security is going to lead to less personal freedom, and much of the trafficking issue is helped by open borders. And my final thoughts are, you look bad on this issue when you fight it. You come out ahead by saying hell yeah that's awful lets do more about it.


    "If you support open borders you support child trafficking"


    If you make it easier to enter this country legally (meaning opening up the border) then so many people wouldn't need to hire coyotes to cross the dangerous border...


    The actual evidence shows that the more you try to close the border the more people turn to human traffickers. Closed borders actually increase trafficking. 


    And yes it should be a goal to fight trafficking while protecting personal freedom. I don't see it as a binary choice here but I guess authoritarians do. Yeah let's do more about it. Let's increase international cooperation. Let's make it easier to enter this country legally and get rid of arbitrary quotas. Let's increase support to the communities impacted the most by trafficking. 

    • Like 13
  8. 1 minute ago, SchumacherFTW said:

    Well, if there's any consolation..... Ummmmmm..... Errrr. I dunno, hard to look on the bright side when Verstappen is still doing his thing


    My consolation is people peer pressured me to do this when I had just finished a night shoot and was exhausted and just did it based on what seemed right to my very tired brain. 

    • Like 1
  9. 1 minute ago, XXR Electric Touch said:


    I don't think anyone thinks child trafficking isn't real nor an enormous problem. I think the only contention around this film is that the people who are responsible for it are wildly conspiratorial and are using a very real problem to layer their conspiracies on it via promotion. The actual film not having these conspiracies is moot to the point people are bringing up. 



    It's pretty obvious that even if there's a lot of question about the authenticity of the movie's events, if it had come from a politically neutral cast/crew then the focus would be on the issue the movie is raising and not on the politics of the cast/crew. 

    • Like 7
  10. 25 minutes ago, baumer said:


    Two days ago I would have dug into this post eric. It's a little bit out of line, and that's being kind.


    The film first and foremost is about fucking child trafficking and how it needs to be stopped. Period!!


    Yeah no shit child trafficking needs to be stopped. 


    You can think that and not want to see the movie or support it or like it or support the other beliefs of the people behind it. The movie doesn't get a pass just because it is about something important. 


    But regardless, this place is meant to discuss movies and box office. 

    • Like 16
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  11. 2 minutes ago, interiorgatordecorator said:


    you should watch rise of gru, its the same basic illumination movie as Mario but done much better


    Now that you tried to build something up by tearing something else down, I now know Rise of Gru can't stand on it's own two feet and isn't worth checking out.

    • Like 2
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  12. 1 hour ago, expensiveho said:

    Current Pokemon generations are not accessible and not really mainstream anymore. 


    Not mainstream anymore? Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have sold over 20 million copies so far. That's almost as much as Gold/Silver and more than Ruby/Saphire. Sword/Shield sold 25 million...that's more than Gold/Silver (and equivalent to sales to Super Mario Odyssey, the latest main Mario game). 

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