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Water Bottle

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Posts posted by Water Bottle

  1. Just now, dudalb said:

    Too bad the basic laws of physics say the replicators on Star Trek are impossible.

    Hey, the writers of Star Trek themselves think that the magic replicators were one of Roddenbury;s sillier ideas they had to live with.








    Nevertheless, we're working on it.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Plain Old Tele said:


    Admittedly I'm not up to speed on every aspect of the DGA, but I don't think it was particularly bad for them, with the wild card of how "generative AI" is interpreted and how it could be applied to directors, ADs, etc. At the end of the day, the new contract did get ratified by a fairly substantial margin, so DGA members were generally okay with it. (Most of the details were along more specific little details, like an extra day to give notes on TV episodes, an extra paid hour for ADs on shoot days to deal with prep paperwork and such). 


    No doubt it would've been hugely beneficial to the industry at large had the DGA chosen to wait for their fellow unions to get a new deal, but.... it's the DGA. I don't think their members are actively hurt by the new contract though.


    Yeah, like I think they could have gotten a BETTER deal if they had waited. But I can't fault them for taking the deal either. 


    Also good on Fran/that guy pushing back on Fran's work Italy trip being used against her.

    • Like 1
  3. Just now, Cmasterclay said:

    Except without actors and writers all these capitalist business moguls literally have zero product and thus they have zero leverage, so fuck em.


    I'm not anti the system, I just want the system to work for the people who actually work within the system. Like if businesses stopped being greedy dicks and treated their employees well and worked to improve the lives of it's workers, you'd have a lot less anti-business sentiment rising up.


    Like how can I have be anti-business when I technically own my own business? 

    • Like 5
  4. Just now, MysteryMovieMogul said:

    Regarding your first paragraph, that's fine and not what I mean by using AI.


    As for that second paragraph, that's what I'm more worried about: Writers using it for that reason and not having to disclose that fact. 


    Just because you're an ethical writer doesn't mean every writer is going to use AI in an ethical way.


    I think the WGA would probably impose sanctions of any writer who tried to pass off the AI as their own work. 

    • Like 3
  5. 1 minute ago, MysteryMovieMogul said:


    I agree with this, but writers like David Simon seem to think it's not okay for Studios to use AI but it's okay for writers to use it. So, it's okay for writers to exploit other writers, but not studios? Why the double standard? Either ban AI for everyone or no one. No weird in-between that gives writers leeway to exploit AI themselves.


    Hi. Non-union writer here. If I were to use AI it would be to come up with names, proofreading. I could also use AI to look up information (basically use it as a research bot or as a google) such as when things happened or slang of the era or how a real life person died. These are all rather small things that I could do that could help me.


    I wouldn't use AI to actually write the script or any part of the script. That's the key difference: I would actually use it as a tool. Studios would want to use AI in a very different way: they would try to replace me as much as possible with AI. 


    The ONLY part of the script I could see the AI directly helping write is background dialog. Even then, I wouldn't do it myself. But if another writer was like yeah I'll have the AI write this news blurb that you maybe hear in the background before editing it myself, I wouldn't care. But I wouldn't want the studio to be the one to make that decision.

    • Like 2
  6. 2 minutes ago, Plain Old Tele said:

    Simple question: why does AI *need* to be used? The only people who claim it’s vital and not going away and it’s important to use in creative endeavors are, almost to a person, people who AREN’T in those creative fields.


    I fully support David Simon’s position: if a writer feels it helps their process at some point or whatever (dubious shrug but sure), then fine, but it has to be 100% in the control of that one individual writer. 


    I like this notion that AI is here to stay and being used when:


    A) Hollywood isn't using AI to write scripts right now. 

    2) WGA can add a no AI provision to their contract with the AMPTP.

    3) Meaning the studios CAN'T use AI.


    AI won't go away. But we can limit where it CAN be used. WGA CAN tell studios they can't use AI to originate scripts and then hire WGA writers to edit them. Just cause the technology is there doesn't mean it has to be used lol. 


    "Make it so any writer whose script is used to train AI gets royalties" would also be an effective way to kill AI though if you properly implemented it (studios would of course deny any script was used to train AI to get out of paying that writer royalties). Because if studios DID pay every writer royalties used to train AI, they would pay so much to use AI that it'd be cheaper and more effective to just NOT use AI ever. 

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