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Water Bottle

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Posts posted by Water Bottle



    $10 off the Gold Account for one month for $15!

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    Get your likes for the event (or bomb but hopefully event) of the year! It's the Way of Water and as Water Bottle, I hope the water flows! To us! In the form of your donations!


    Okay I'll stop bring cringe.


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    This is a reminder that BOT is a non-profit forum where we pay for servers based on donations and the small ad money we get. But if you want to support us directly without seeing ads might I suggest donating? And now would be a wonderful time to donate since we have a sale going on!



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    (If you have any problems donating please use the donate button at the top with the amount then PM me and within 48 hours I'll give you the account you paid for.)


    Our donations have never really recovered from COVID and I know with inflation right now people are feeling the pressure but if you enjoy our forums, we hope you'll consider supporting us!

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  3. 11 minutes ago, lorddemaxus said:

    Checking Wikipedia was about the Mossad agent part. Honestly, I feel like that makes it worse than just her being an Israeli. I feel like it's akin to for example having Hawkeye being a CIA Agent in Iraq in 2003 being a part of his backstory.


    Really? There's nothing wrong with having Isreali characters or even Mossad agents. Just like there'd be nothing wrong with having Palestinian characters. 

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  4. 14 minutes ago, Torontofan said:



    Mooding here is not always based on the rules you guys have outlined I find though.

    Its more seems subjective blocking of topics that a mod does not agree with at that time.


    Like some people get warned for something and few posts before a person was doing the same exact thing but the mod agree with the viewpoint so it is fine?

    meaning users the mods like can get a free pass on many things but other users get heavily modded if they dont share the same opinions as the mod?


    Not trying to complain but I feel that is how it is like now and sort of just try to say what the mods like now lol 


    We don't announce when we warn users. It's possible they got warned and you just didn't realize. It is also possible they didn't. Maybe we missed it, maybe we didn't think the first user broke the rules while the second didn't, or maybe only one post got reported. We aren't perfect and this is a pretty big forum after all. If you feel a member is getting away with something, report the post. 

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, Torontofan said:


    What if the mods are being offensive to others and feel immune from criticism 


    If we felt immune from criticism, a lot of you would be warned/banned right now and your posts hidden away. As long as the criticism doesn't become personal, you are always free to give your opinion on the mod staff. And even if we defend ourselves when we feel we are right, we do take criticism from the community seriously. There are many times we have shifted our mod styles and internal rules based on feedback from the community. Often over time but we do listen.


    If you mean a mod has broken a forum rule, report the mod. There will likely be some internal discipline you don't see. If it's serious or consistent enough you may see them lose their mod status. 

    • Like 7
  6. It should be noted that while EC's post was pretty tame compared to some other posts he got warnings for, this isn't the first time we banned someone for a relatively tame rule breaking post because it put them at 10 points. 


    I know some of you are going "what's the line?" And the line is: just don't be a dick. Argue your points in a respectful manner. Does this forum skew young? Maybe. But that's no reason to dismiss members by going that they don't know what hard work is. Because a lot of the members here do know and even if they don't, they can still have an opinion on how you treat people in the workplace. EC could have defended Marvel in a way where he didn't disparage the forum community. That was on him. And while you can be like "that's not so bad suck it up", well kinda ironic coming from people who can't seem to suck it up and follow the rules. You think the mods are too strict now? Okay, well, maybe you right. But if the only posts you make are "wah wah I can't just post what I want the mods are too strict" well...maybe your posts should be less offensive. If you can't bring your points across without insulting people maybe your points aren't worth sharing (or you'll get warning points). 

    • Like 15
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  7. 20 minutes ago, baumer said:

    I'm not sure what you mean, wb. I just mean I don't think that something is going to gross something astronomical like Top Gun did. I mean if Gremlins three was announced I would probably say it would do 200 million. Passing Titanic is a whole other feat.


    I think if Gremlins 3 did 200 million especially since it's probably have like a 50 million budget max, the studio would be ecstatic.

    • Like 1
  8. 38 minutes ago, baumer said:

    All right here's some random thoughts on my part.


    1) First of all make it a year ago but even funnier how about 5 years ago, who would have ever thought any film starring Tom Cruise let alone a Top Gun sequel would pass Titanic domestically? It just doesn't compute. I think it's fantastic for the box office that a film like this has hit the zeitgeist. 


    2) But on the flip side of this I also think that because Hollywood is such a copycat business, and rightfully so, there's going to be all kinds of '80s and '90s well liked movies they're going to be given sequels or reboots and I think this one is lightning in a bottle. I don't think you going to have another film do this well at the box office again just because it was a well liked 80s film.



    6) Speaking of gremlins I've heard rumors that they are working on a third movie and I would love to see Joe Dante and the rest of the crew come back and make another really good Gremlins film.


    😎 And finally I'll end it with a Netflix comment. For me the Six million dollar man will always be the best television show of all time because it's the first TV show that I went absolutely bananas over. The bigfoot episode is the single best episode of TV in the history of TV... in my opinion of course.


    But after watching four full seasons of stranger things I really had to question keeping the 6 million dollar man at number one. Stranger things, for a guy like me at least, someone born in the 70s and grew up in the '80s and can appreciate all the pop culture references in the series, all the homages to different films in the series, the '80s synthesizer kind of music and everything else that the series offers, just makes it one hell of an incredible show and between that and Ozark and now the karate kid also being on netflix, it certainly makes my 15 bucks a month money well spent.


    Anyway back to the box office. Glad to see minions with a huge number today.






    We have a sale! As you know, during the COVID lockdown year, the box office shutdown and donations to this site plummeted since as a box office forum with no box office to talk about, it makes sense. We manage to weather the storm through advertisements but our donations haven't really picked up even though the box office is back!


    So if you like this site, and would like the benefits, I encourage you to donate! 


    For the GOLD ACCOUNT ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, we are offering it at $120 offer! This is a pretty good deal!

    But if you only want to get one Month:

    Gold Account for $10 for one month instead of $15!

    Premium Account for $7.50 for one month instead of $10!

    Silver Account for $5 for one month instead of $7.50!


    We hope you choose to donate and thank all of you for helping make this the best box office community on the internet!

    • Like 3
  10. 2 minutes ago, charlie Jatinder said:

    May be forced is not right word. Read forced as in just put there. Also didn't meant like minorities as in race but sexual orientation. 


    I hope they actually give them something substantive to do, as normal as they would do for any straight people, not just few seconds of screen presence.


    I see what you mean now. Yes, that would be great. :)

  11. Just now, charlie Jatinder said:

    I do think these roles in MCU or Disney on whole looks mostly forced.


    I hope they do it better.


    I don't know I feel like Michael Pena naturally fits into the Ant Man movies, or Don Cheadle in the Iron Man movies, or Mackie in the Captain America movies feels normal. Brie Larson does a good job as Captain Marvel. And ScarJo always fit in well as Black Widow.


    I'll admit a certain character in DS2 could have been introduced and handled better but that'd be true if she was a white male. 


    Unless you mean the little shoehorned in gay representation in Disney movies. In which case...I don't see how it's forced? They barely take up any screentime and usually people around them don't make a big deal out of it. If that's forced, then maybe that's more you and less Disney. But to me it never feels "forced". It usually just amounts to nothing substantive.

    • Like 4
  12. 20 minutes ago, Eevin said:

    literally can someone tell me what the “woke agenda” is for the MCU because i seriously have no idea. if stuff like MoM pisses you off which literally has ONE (1) 30-second reference to a lesbian couple then it makes me think you just don’t really like seeing gay people lol


    "Woke" and "identity politics" are just a way for a certain kind of person to say there are minorities in a movie/tv show/book/whatever and they don't like it because all they can see is the otherness of the character. 

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