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Everything posted by Robertron

  1. Holy shit!Call me delayed, but fuck those are some nice increases!
  2. Just checked Hoyts Broadway - they are basically full for the entire evening !Big opening day coming - even bigger Saturday (I can feel it!)
  3. RTH, how'd midnights go?!Can't wait to get some numbers!!
  4. So, finishing at 3.30, because we needed someone to do stocktake.The midnight session did pretty well - just under half of New Moons business, but still pretty decent for my work.
  5. Nope. Finishing at 1.30HIGHLY doubt that WE would have that sort of demand.It would define "unprecedented"
  6. Holy crap midnights are going to be massive.My works sales have doubled since this morning!Can't wait to start work tonight!
  7. Wow Monster Inc against DM2? Someone's gonna lose their job there!
  8. Ok thats good to hear.Seeing on Saturday night - so pumped!
  9. If TDKR opens over $6m, I wouldn't rule out a $23m OW - but I'm not getting excited at all.
  10. New Moon got over 4 without 3D and public holiday.I know Batman isn't THAT frontloaded, just saying its not entirely impossible.
  11. My work has added a second midnight sessions for TDKR and it has officially doubled TASMs midnights - walk up is always big at my work.
  12. Oooh ok. Interesting. And our very own RTH is among those at the Premier?!And did I seriously see DAVID KOCH?! That guys a fuckface and I CANNOT stand him!!
  13. Private booking for people who work for Warner Bros?That's one guess I could take.
  14. I remember when my works biggest was around 3-350 (it was just when I started that we lost over half our capacity).350 now seems like a huge number to me, I can't even begin to explain what 1700 is :S
  15. Fucking hell - 900 seats!?My works biggest is 200! It's overwhelming for us when that sells out - it seriously hurts my head to imagine NINE HUNDRED people in ONE session!
  16. George St is around number 3 in the world isn't ?Behind those two in New York?
  17. My bad. I forgot you were talking about Top 50 only!
  18. Just checked ticket sales for my work, and since I posted that comparison on Sunday, ticket sales for the midnight session have almost doubled.I'll keep an eye on it today to see how it goes!
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