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Everything posted by Robertron

  1. Wow that really puts it into perspective how big this weekend is going to be for Ted.(and also how important given the opening of TDKR next weekend)
  2. Good god, Ted is an absolute monster.What's that - 4.1m from Mon-Wed? What do we think - $6.5-6.7m WE?
  3. If Teds cume when today's numbers are released is around $17m, we're in for a BIIIIG second weekend, anything higher than $17m and I'm just going to stop guessing from now on, and just watch the big bucks flow in.
  4. I had a prediction somewhere.. but I've forgotten it.1B is a big ask but I actually think its doable. For now I am out with around 880m OS, but that number could easily go up.
  5. God damn Olympics ruining everything's chances!!
  6. Ok that's what I meant - no new films that matter in the grand scheme of things!10,000!!!! HFS!!The busiest ive ever seen is Tuesday which was just under 4000 - but like I've said before, we are a very small site, and that is basically 85-90% capacity for the entire days sessions.(Our daily capacity used to be well over 8500 per day but then we had renovations and lost over 50% of seats. Older projectionists have said that "back in the day" we used to do 6-7000 some days - a number I simply can't comprehended.)
  7. This weekend should be quite interesting.No new films are opening, and older films are being replaed by the addition of sessions for the newer films - this will be the perfect weekend for TED to churn out all the cash it can before Batman steals it's audience next weekend!
  8. It's heading for $40m+ in Australia.After 7 days it's total was at $13.2m - and should be at around $23m this Sunday (thanks to a weekend which should come in around $6m) - this all basically guarantees a $40m finish.
  9. Why not more than AUS? Comedies that do VERY well here tend to make more in the UK..
  10. RTH, just out of curiosity, what's the single biggest day in admits you've ever seen for one single site?
  11. Funny you should say that..**Correction** Tuesday is my works biggest day IN ADMITS in the last 5 years.
  12. Bridesmaids had a 2.1m OW and after an almost 13X multiplier, finished just over 27m.No way will Ted have those kinds of legs, but IF it were to, Ted would finish with over $56m - the third highest film of all time! (to be exact, it would tie Titanic with $56.7m)However, I'm pretty sure NOBODY will be disappointed with a finish, of well, it could stop right now and be classed as a success.. But $40m will be just fine
  13. RTH, how'd things go on Tuesday? It was extremely busy at work - busier than last Tuesday!!
  14. So it's going to be around $22-23m by the end of this Sunday.Fkn hell $40m IS happening!!!
  15. Imagine it followed Bridesmaids the entire run :s(I know it's not going to.. but just imagine)
  16. Yep - great to hear.I was at Parramatta on Friday and it was absolutely PACKED!Cinemas will be happy to cash in on school holidays.And as Ted isn't a film that would overly thrive on school holidays, it (hopefully) shouldn't drop like a rock in two weekends time!!
  17. And just an FYI to those who don't know, $40m in Australia is the equivalent of $400m in NA!
  18. Just like $40m would be a $400m comedy in NA!!The Hobbit .... we shall see if we get another "wtf moment"
  19. Even The Hangover 2, a SEQUEL got almost a 3x multi.Using PR + actual opening, that would be around $40m :SNow coming back down to earth, a 3X multi from this OW + PR would be around $30m.So it seems $30-40m is the range, with a likelihood of it ending closer to $40m as it ain't a sequel and it's getting crazy WOM!!Wtf are we witnessing.
  20. And so Teds reign of Saturday night begins!It's 6pm and my works session starting after 7 is already a quarter full - big deal for my work!
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