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Everything posted by Robertron

  1. If you only estimate us to be at 42m and we're on the back end of JULY, 100m, I would say, is out of the question.
  2. Don't we normally do 80-100m tickets per year?(just off the top of my head)
  3. Not Suitable is pretty good actually.I saw it on Saturday night, and I really couldn't think of a better title.
  4. Currently going through Event Website and doing a "Sellout" and "Less-than-five" tally for TDKR.Its looking big.
  5. Yep, definitely not reaching the heights of TA or TDK.
  6. Ted is NOT the movie I expected to become this years breakout.But DEFINITELY deserving of it!
  7. IA4 and Brave may lose their rankings though. They're gonna drop like a mofo. TDKR is going to open like a boss.
  8. Almost the same rank as last weekend.Although there weren't any openers.
  9. Wtf?!How can that be right? What about Potters, Twilight and LOTR?!
  10. Fantastic!So it's gonna be at $24m after this weekend!
  11. Just as a point of reference, and basically just because I can and I'm bored, here is what the midnight sales of TDKR are, and how they compare to past midnight openers at my work.To avoid revealing figures of ticket sales, the ranks will be a percentage of the highest selling film (hopefully it makes sense)1. New Moon - 100%2. Eclipse - 74.78% of the tickets of New Moon3. Breaking Dawn 1 - 62.61%4. Deathly Hallows 2 - 60.53% (40% 3D : 60% 2D)5. The Avengers - 51.34% (53% 3D : 47% 2D)6. DH1 - 30.56%7. TDKR - currently at 8.31% of New Moons midnights 8. TASM - 7.42% (100% 3D)So, Batman is tracking well, and should be able to beat Breaking Dawn 1.Will update with final results.
  12. Teds off a lot at my work :SAnxious to see the results tomorrow.
  13. Tell me about it - my work has actually sold tickets in advance, even for midnights!!That's usually only the case with Potter and Twilight!
  14. Off to work for the last Saturday of school holidays - expecting big things!RTH, how'd Thurs and Fri go?
  15. TDK had a $14m 5-day, and I can't stress enough how much of a help Ledgers death would have been here, in propelling its OW.I'm going 12.7m 4-day.
  16. Braves numbers are just meh. Nothing to go crazy about.
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