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Everything posted by Robertron

  1. So is this getting a China release or not?!People are talking like it is, then mention that's it's not - I'm so confused!
  2. How many fricken bank holidays do you want?!?! You just bloody had one!!
  3. I can't remember completely, but did TDK come out at the end of July holidays and then cruised through a whole bunch of nothing til November?The Avengers, at least Internationally, is safe in the fact that Battleship has been and gone, and doesn't face another action/scifi opener until, what, Prometheus?
  4. Exactly. I didn't expect any other film to come within $150m of Avatar until Avatar 2 - even if that can bring back all of the audiences.
  5. Exactly. I like clicking on a daily thread, and it brings up the first page of that thread which is that days. It's a waste of time if I have to remember where the other thread ended, then actually search to go to that page - just keep it the way it was.Alternatively, if you're worried about too many threads - why the fuck are 1001 Avengers threads?!?
  6. I heard FTW = Fuck The World, thanks to BOM, years before I heard For The Win
  7. Amazing Tuesday gross. And are we seriously combining all dailies in one thread? Me no like, it's going to be a huge mess!
  8. I must've missed it when I was at work - what range did RTH give?!
  9. Yay! That's locked im more than confident to say!
  10. Wouldn't that be down something like 50% from its 8-day week?!And a hell of a lot smaller drop from its normal seven day. This is unstoppable.
  11. Exactly! Its still confusing the hell out of me. I was expecting $500m OS MAX - its crossing $500m OS today
  12. Today (Wed in Australia), is Day 14, so its got til close-of-business Sunday to tie the mark - its far from impossible, so itll be close - whoda thunk it?
  13. Oh, how you sorely underestimate the competition - the UK is definitely going to give China a run for its money!
  14. So many films got close to Titanic, then a little film called Avatar came along and just annihilated everything. Lol.
  15. It should make as much, if not a tiny tiny bit more, than The Avengers second weekend - that just sounds awesome to say - TRY IT!
  16. Wow.Whats the highest grossing film ever?Its got to be Avatar, yeh?
  17. This is going to be close to $1B WW by this Sunday - thats going to be close to a record isnt it!??
  18. Fantastic Monday.Now lets see if Tuesday can stay high, and prove all the haters wrong that its not all purely spillover.
  19. So basically anywhere from $80-100m is possible. Holy shit.
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