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Everything posted by Robertron

  1. Anybody notice BOMs update on The Avengers OS number?$533.3m.... Ring any bells?!
  2. I really don't like this combined thread business. Half the time people still refer to past days numbers and then back to latest. It just messes everything up.That being said, I see your logic in having it like this.
  3. I really think TDKR is going to disappoint most people with its OS gross. The last one made $470m OS - with a quarter of that from 2 countries - one of which was extremely boosted by the death of a fellow countryman - I'm sorry but a sequel does not make $46m after the first film barely crossed $16m.
  4. Absolutely destroyed everything else, bar TDK - even that doesn't look safe right now!
  5. If its lost $8m in 9 days, wouldn't it fall behind by a lot more than $22m when all is over!?
  6. Wow that's an insane week to week drop for The Avengers!If it keeps this pace, $50m is DONE!!
  7. Lucky bastards!Hey we're still apart of the Commonwealth - we should get a holiday!
  8. RTH has posted in the Aussie Thread that Avengers and Dark Shadows were neck and neck on Thursday - I expect it to stay like that over the weekend for a tight photo finish for first!
  9. Definitely expected. I'm expecting $4-5m WE for both (hopefully with Avengers coming out on top!)
  10. I really don't care if it makes over $100m or not - but there is one reason why I would want to see it - FOR THE SAKE OF SEEING SUCH A MILESTONE!
  11. Wow - $500m OS without even showing any real signs of slowing down - imagine if it held its pace and legged it $1B OS!!?!I'm not saying its going to, im just saying.
  12. It goes like this: People who have the numbers -> Nikki/BOT -> Us Alternatively, Almighty RTH -> Us <--- me likes this one!
  13. Minimum. Oh how nice it must be to be James Cameron, knowing that, by releasing one film, you stand to make tens of millions of dollars.
  14. That's just incredible. THE AVENGERS, of all films, could potentially be the fastest film to a billion.Only a few here thought it would reach that for a final total - it will be roughly 60-70% of its final gross WW :S
  15. And now we play the waiting game.How long until someone comes along and has a little bitch and moan about how it wouldn't be in admissions blah-blah blah-blah blah-blah?
  16. I KNEW I was forgetting something. I think that could be quite big here - Smith is always a draw!
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