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Everything posted by Robertron

  1. Following the typical uk trend, we'd be looking at an OW of over or around AUD17m.. Wtf?!
  2. This has literally come out of nowhere.USD100m would have been amazing.GBP100m can only be explained by one word: insanity.
  3. Today is Wednesday?!?!FUCK YES!!I thought it was only Tuesday.
  4. IMDb top 10: [*]The Shawshank Redemption DID NOT ENJOY [*]The Godfather DID NOT ENJOY [*]The Godfather: Part II DID NOT WATCH AS PER ABOVE [*]Pulp Fiction [*]The Good, the Bad And the Ugly [*]12 Angry Men [*]Schindler's List ONE OF MY FAVOURITE MOVIES EVER! [*]The Dark Knight VERY OVERRATED [*]The Lord of the Ring: The Return of the King [*]Fight Club http://www.imdb.com/chart/top The others I have no seen, but my girlfriend and I are currently going through the IMDB Top 250 list and watching all of the movies
  5. Mother of god that's fucking insane. BD1 had 3.5x Mutli.If BD2 follows the same path, we're looking at almost $70m!!!!!!
  6. So apparently it opened to USD12.7m.Still disappointed. Was expecting an increase to at least AU13.5m
  7. Wow. I thought BD2 was going to drop like a rock today.Looks like Australia is the only market that's disappointing.
  8. And how could I forget The Blind Side - one of the greatest box office runs ever!
  9. I thought you were insulting someone when you said Derpity.That awkward moment when someone's user name actually has 'Derp' in it :S
  10. Basically just a thread to talk about your favourite 'periods' of Box Office.Not so much favourite moment (eg Avengers OW) but a time frame - ill start with mine. Also, it could be a factor that the box office made the forums a better place to be which added to it - whatever reason, it doesn't matter.My favourite time has to be July 2009 - Mar 2010.That was my first true box office experience and when a CRAPLOAD of records got destroyed.I witnessed HUUUUGE openings on the DOM front with everyone's favourite TF2 and New Moons OW coming out of nowhere.And of course I can't forget to mention Avatar - still to this day (actually just before this) I still go back to Mojo and read through the weekend reports from its opening, onwards. (And who could forget our mate Kal)After New Moon and TF2, my favourite OW in that period would have to be Alice - NOBODY expected it to make as much as it did!Also, there was a whole string of monster OS hits and Avatar really paved the way for smaller films to make big bucks - really restored faith in the BO (only to see attendance crumble in 2010).What do you guys think?
  11. Meh. I should go post it in the BD2 domestic thread
  12. So basically BD2 UK OD > BD2 AUS OW.Nice.
  13. So just some quick thoughts on its OW.BD1s 3.7m OD into 12.1m IM: 3.3Based on that same IM, BD2 should JUST scrape by 11.5m.Given an obvious decline, I doubt it's IM will be that high, and even overall multi will be off from BD2.12.1m with a 2.35 multi gave BD1 28.4m finish.IF BD2 can finish with the same multi, which I highly doubt it will, it'd finish with a tad over $27m.Floppety flip flop floppy flippy mcfloppityville no matter how you spin it.
  14. Given the lackluster OW of BD2, and the fact that QoS made close to $12m in its 5-day OW, I'd say its highly likely it does.
  15. 11.5-12.5?!?Oh dear. We've really lost our love for Twilight :S11.5m OW and we can kiss $20m goodbye - never thought I'd hear myself even think, let alone say that about twilight.
  16. Hopefully makes at least 12m this weekend.I mean, given that it was bound to be more frontloaded than previous Twi's, a drop of $200k on OD could be much more sever for OW.
  17. How's BD2 flopping along, I mean going this weekend so far?
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