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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. My Christmas movie was Marjorie Prime, nothing screams the Holiday Spirit more than a film about your memory wasting away while an AI pretends to be your dead husband.
  2. No, I don't mind people discussing TLJ's run, or implications on if WOM is good or not. It's getting into the plotline and quality debates here. Like, why do we need to discuss character specifics about TLJ in the weekend thread, when there's the non-spoiler TLJ movie thread, spoiler TLJ movie thread, and the review thread for TLJ.
  3. Subtle was probably a bad word to use. Maybe provocative? But I’d stick to the notion that it shoves its ideas in your face, meanwhile wanting you to walk away with things to digest. I tend to find if a movie’s ideas are too blatant, it detracts from the experience as a whole for me, it doesn’t give you much to think through. Nonetheless, I’ll still give it credit for being a unique movie. I’d rather see mother! Top somebody’s list than Spider-Man: Homecoming, for instance. Despite me giving mother! a D+ and Homecoming a B
  4. There’s literally three different threads to talk about The Last Jedi as a movie? I personally like talking about the movie but why not talk about some of the BO runs going on right now? I mean it’s the weekend thread, right? On that note, I’m really impressed with Jumanji’s numbers, was expecting a success but the GA is really taking to that movie. I definitely think that effects TLJ’s BO some, It has much more appealing competition than TFA had (maybe RO too, as Jumanji could easily go over Sing).
  5. That’s true. And my complaints about mother! come more from the realm that it’s falsely provocative. It beats you over the head with its ideas, while trying to act like it’s subtle high art.
  6. Wind River is actually a great movie. I’ve really liked everything Sheridan has done as a writer and director, so far (although I’ll give Villeneuve more credit for Sicario than Sheridan. For some reason I’ve seen people talk about Sicario like it’s Sheridan’s movie and not Villeneuve’s, the style is much more Villeneuve than Sheridan)
  7. Honestly besides mother! and Spider-Man, I didn’t think his list was that bad (and even mother! I’ll give him props because it’s not a fanboy movie) But my issues with him as a reviewer come less with the ratings and rankings he gives movies and more with his reasoning. He’s probably not as bad as we make him out to be, but he’s not great at looking for subtlety.
  8. Yeah don’t think he liked that one either (or Shape of Water for that matter)
  9. No Last Jedi in his list, he didn’t like it. I think his was 1. Logan 2. The Disaster Artist 3. IT 4. Spider-Man: Homecoming 5. War for the Planet of the Apes 6. mother! 7. Baby Driver 8. Blade Runner 2048 9. Get Out 10. Wind River
  10. @WrathOfHan Jeremy Jahns our mother! In his top 10 list. Is that the kind of critic you want to associate with?
  11. I kind of want to rewatch Get Out and Logan but there’s also movies like It Comes at Night, Logan Lucky, a Quiet Passion, The Meyerowitz Stories and Lady Macbeth that I want to see
  12. It’s potentially a good investment (depending when you buy and sell), it definitely won’t replace dollars. It’s a decent speculative currency. Bitcoin’s more like digital gold than a digital dollar.
  13. Fun things for Christmas (I have a big family) Chewbacca Stance Socks, Express Skinny Ties and shirts, A new pitch pipe, Xenoblade 2, a new pair of asics, A pop socket, Flex Jacket and Jeans, Starbucks and Fandango, and some candy
  14. Sorry about that everybody, I had a little too much champagne I thinks.
  15. I believe the song goes "The Lord has come Let Earth Receive Her King" #MakeAmericaSayMERRYCHRISTMASagain Kirk Cameron always told me, in his movie Saving Christmas, these seculars would try and start a war on Christmas and it's my job to save the consumerism!!!
  16. With how many movies I watch I should try and be one of those self-proclaimed critics who post reviews to their blog. Maybe I could be the next Jeremy Jahns!
  17. The point is that's not the definition of hack. A hack is somebody who produces unoriginal content (as in he steals from other, better directors). Whether or not you like Johnson's choices, he isn't that.
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