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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. It's pretty good, but doesn't deserve to be in the top 20. At least it placed higher than Iron Man 3 and Man of Steel...
  2. I bet the next 3 movies are Catching Fire, Frozen, and Gravity.
  3. I'd be okay with Catching Fire, not that high, but then again it was the best blockbuster of the year. (Unless you count Frozen or Gravity)
  4. Props to this one, I had it placed at number 5 pre-Her, but I don't know if Her or Fruitvale are making, and Inside Llewyn Davis and 12 Years a Slave were behind this so I would have preferred it to be higher.
  5. I understand why some people don't like This is the End, but I (and many people) found it gutbustingly hilarious.
  6. Most boring movie of the year? Coming from somebody who likes 300 and Man of Steel. But again, I said arguably, because I understand its flaws and that it isn't for everyone.
  7. True, but the Box Office Forum Awards actually has good nominees, although that's in a forum that is visited mostly by people who see a lot of movies.
  8. Her, Inside Llewyn Davis, Mud, Nebraska, The Act of Killing, and arguably This is the End deserve their spots.
  9. Iron Man 3 is actually a coherent and fun movie, very flawed, but also a lot of fun. Man of Steel is a bleak, humorless, CGI-fest that ruins the image of what Superman is and lacks any coherent plot. Also, my comment was the one responded to, I didn't respond to somebody else's. I didn't criticize somebody else's opinion until they criticized mine, I have every right to not like a movie and post my response to that just like CJohn has the right to like Man of Steel and be happy it made the list. It's hypocritical to say somebody can make posts rejoicing that it made it but others can't make a post about them not liking that they made it. How about you stop being the arrogant moron, thank you.
  10. I saw around 100 (It was in my top 10 worst list, made number 7), and don't quote the Big Lebowski to defend MoS, that's a cinematic crime right there. Man of Steel isn't one of my worst of all time, but 300 is.
  11. The Avengers, Sam Raimi's Spider-Man's don't age all that well and they just seem cheesy now.
  12. Want to know something worse than MoS? That fucking abomination of a movie, 300 has my eternal hatred.
  13. Except Man of Steel is absolutely terrible and one of the worst movies of last year.
  14. My heart sinks every time Hack Snyder gets any recognition for anything other than a worst list.
  16. Well deserved, hopefully the mediocrefest of entries has ended.
  17. I loved this film, my number 2 of the year, glad it at least made the list, wish it'd be higher.
  18. My Coming of Age list was pretty controversy free, but then again I didn't receive that many lists (enough to make an official list out of it, but still)
  19. I am one of the people that really likes Iron Man 3, but no...
  20. I'm going to try and start my reviewing back up again with the Monument's Men and LEGO Movie, I just needed a break from it.
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