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Posts posted by kaijukurt

  1. Had a good time watching this. 


    Great visuals and a straightforward story made 2 hours go by fast and easy. 




    P.S. the end credits scene is legit!!!


    Btw I was at an IMAX screening and among the few dozens people there it seemed like I was the only person less than 25 years old...lots of middle-aged viewers indeed. 


    Plus people clapped at the end!! Guess WOM will be good, especially with the finale. 

    • Like 5
  2. Just came from watching this:


    (Didnt watch the original, but I enjoyed stuff like Cloverfield and the V/H/S movies)


    *I found the first 2 acts okay. Some good moments of tension, but mostly nothing remarkably great or unwatchable.


    *Really liked the climax. Was genuinely scared by some stuff in here.


    You see the witch herself in 3 short glimpses throughout the film, but damn is she terrifying. Like some tall, fleshy creature with long limbs!!!


    There's also a pretty neat concept that plays with the fact that

    the witch's forest somehow alters space/time. Like days pass without anyone noticing, or its still dark out when its like 7 am or something. 


    Plus theres one cool moment though in the finale when the stormy night turns into morning for a few brief moments before suddenly turning back into night again!! 


    And the cabin is fucking terrifying on an atmospheric/aesthetic level.


    Ill give it 3/4 for now cos I liked the finale..a lot.

    • Like 1
  3. Just watched it here in my country with english subtitles.

    The first 2 acts are really really good stuff, with the tension and this feeling of panic/uncertainty.

    The joint helicopter/tank/artillery attack is one of the best military battles in the franchise (however one-sided it is). It really presents Godzilla as this unstoppable force.

    I feared the govt. meetings would be boring, but I was so wrong. Theyre witty, snappy and very well-done. 

    The googly eyes on Godzilla's earlier form in the movie were distracting at first but I just thought they took some getting used to.

    The breath scenes are just..wow.

    The last act and climax were pretty anticlimactic for me though, plus the last 30 minutes had more iffy cgi if I recall correctly.

    Really didnt like how some important scenes where they bombard Godzilla with trains turned out on screen. 

    Overall, I liked this not just as a Godzilla film, but as a piece of filmmaking.


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  4. 1 hour ago, DAJK said:

    That's why I wish my theatre was a bigger location. I love my whole crew of co-workers, but we always joke that we want an IMAX screen so bad. We say that our GM is just going to get so fed up with not having any sort of large format screen that one day we're going to show up for a marine shift and he's going to be behind the building with no sleep and drunk on coffee with a hammer and nails trying to build an IMAX himself :lol:


    That mental image is too much HAHAHAHAHAHA

    • Like 1
  5. 7 hours ago, Treecraft said:

    our cinema does all kinds of stuff. Brought out a fleet of modified supercars for Furious 7, displayed a trio of iconic Bond cars for Spectre, got a local karate group in for KFP3, had dinosaur fossils on display for JW, got some stuntmen who worked on Mission Impossible 5 to put on a show for that movie. It's really cool how much effort they put into them - but putting turtles on display seems a bit of a stretch for TMNT :lol:


    I think its a great thing that your cinema tries to really make moviegoing an experience by itself :P

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