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Posts posted by kaijukurt

  1. I liked it..a lot.


    The visuals are the real star of this one (but that was already to be expected). I found the voice work great for the most part, especially Elba & Murray.


    Sethi's acting isn't perfect (but obviously I've got to cut him some slack), and some of the story didn't seem to flow right for reasons I can't put my finger on right now.


    But going back to the visuals..wow. All of the animals & environments are rendered perfectly (biologically accurate for the most part!!!) :D Also liked how Kaa & King Louie were enormous in size. Those two really had screen presence visually.


    (This is so getting an Oscar for its visuals :P)


    I was pretty surprised that Mowgli didn't go to the human village in the end, and that we didn't get a scene of Mowgli being concerned for Baloo after the climax..

    But I'm guessing Favreau/Marks decided to put a bigger focus on Mowgli's jungle roots and how man & nature can co-exist; also on Mowgli's relationship with his wolf family. Loved those developments.







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  2. Mark Millar had some words to say: 

    “Matthew [Vaughn] and Jane [Goldman] finished the screenplay before Christmas and the plan is for the movie to be shooting in the spring. I only wrote one book so this is a new, original stories, but the nice thing is Dave Gibbons [artist on the original comic book] and I still co-own the rights so we both get paid the same money regardless. It’s beautiful. The capitalist dream!”





    And from Taron Egerton:


    "it’s a far more international story, we’re going to some incredible places, and we have a villain to rival Samuel L. Jackson - this new one is so brilliantly written I wish I could play it. It’s amazing".


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  3. 16 hours ago, Cochofles said:

     Wow. So I finally found the other person who liked Electric Dreams, eh? I thought I was the only one. :)

    I have always found it weird that nobody wanted to redo it, since its themes are so relevant today. Her is definitely a spiritual successor to Electric Dreams.

    I already have the cast for a remake: Jennifer Lawrence as the cello player and Zac Efron as the nerd. Virginia Madsen and Lenny Von Dohlen in cameo roles. Directed by Richard Curtis (Love Actually).


    I have a soft spot for it also because we used the song as my kindergarten graduation song lol


    I can see Efron taking the role though Jlaw might have bigger projects in sight..but I'm terrible at imagining casts so what would I know? :P


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  4. I'll admit, I had a pretty good time watching this.


    Maybe its because I haven't seen the original, but who knows.



    *Stunts are great, and they look gorgeous on the big screen. Motocross, skydiving, surfing, etc...if you love extreme sports then I think you'll have good time with these scenes (Must've been a hell of a tough time to shoot too)

    *Even if it didn't do much with it, I found the premise of the movie (the whole pro-environment thing) pretty interesting. The whole "Ozaki 8" concept is cheesy as heck but I just went along with it, and points for trying to do something different.



    *Well, the characters are underwritten and the plot is bare-bones & predictable really. The emotional stuff falls flat and people will be wondering what exactly comprises the Ozaki 8, among other things.

    *I was waiting for a big third-act setpiece but didn't get any. But the movie resolves itself in its own way.



    *I was okay with the quality of the acting. They're not terrible.

    *This apparently has a $120 million (!!!) budget, but it shows on screen with the insane stunts and beautiful locations.

    *If ever you were wondering, yes our protagonist


    fires his gun into the air while shouting.




    B-movie levels of writing and acting coupled with A-movie levels of stunts and scenery. More of an extreme sports highlight reel than a proper crime action film, but it has enough eye candy.



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    I was disappointed. So much potential, some damn good practical effects, but the pacing just seemed way off to me.


    You know how in horror movies, the "something's not right" feeling is what dominates the first act?


    In here, it literally takes half the movie to get things going as they would in the first 20 minutes of most other horror comedy flicks. Most of the audience seemed restless or were unashamedly checking their phones.


    I know that Dougherty wanted this Gremlins kind of vibe, but the creatures don't get enough screen time (nowhere near the Gremlins in their own film). The several creatures here are perfectly set-up for Gremlins-levels of sinister fun, but..it just doesn't do enough. A shame cos there was clearly some thought put into their designs.

    For example, the man-eating Jack-in-the-Box is a really great, messed up idea. But the film only takes advantage of that idea in the brief scene where we see it swallowing one of the kids and wipes his mouth after.


    Plus some of the shots in the big creature sequence in the attic are edited weirdly so it can be hard to follow.


    Thematically though, I liked it. The line "Its not about what you do, its about what you believe in" offers some food for thought, and the ending is a nice sinister touch.


    First act and third act (the ending especially) were not bad for me, its just that the movie screeches to a near halt in the middle.


    Krampus lends itself to a great premise from the get-go but ultimately, stumbles and falls.






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  6. 18 hours ago, The Stingray said:

    Great Krampus number. I expected it to do around 10m.


    To those who have seen it, is it better or worse than the wonderful Trick 'r Treat?


    Hmm I found Trick or Treat better. But Krampus has more humor (if you'd like that) and some good practical monsters.


    On topic, even if I wasn't a fan of it, I'm happy for Legendary that this isn't bombing.

  7. 24 minutes ago, Goffe said:


    Is it anything like Drag Me to Hell? 


    the trailer reminds me of that movie.


    Hmm well our protagonists are responsible for all the bad stuff but they arent terrible persons (Though Drag me to hell's lead is debatable)

    They're also both comedy horror and twisted in their own sort of way.  


    Quality-wise, I enjoyed Drag me to hell wayyy more. 

  8. Its out in cinemas here already and I got to watch it.


    Disappointing. So much potential, some damn good practical effects, but the pacing just seemed way off to me.


    You know how in horror movies, the "something's not right" feeling is what dominates the first act?




    In here, it literally takes half the movie to get things going as they would in the first 20 minutes of most other horror comedy flicks. Most of the audience seemed restless or were unashamedly checking their phones.



    I know that Dougherty wanted this Gremlins kind of vibe, but the creatures don't get enough screen time (nowhere near the Gremlins in their own film). A shame cos there was clearly some thought put into their designs. 


    First act and third act (the ending especially) were not bad for me, its just that the movie screeches to a near halt in the middle.


    However, I think its more of a marketing issue (see Crimson Peak..). I'm not expecting word of mouth to be good, but I really hope its just me and you guys manage to enjoy watching this.






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