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Everything posted by Elessar

  1. TA actors are B-listers. Robert Downey Jr. is becoming a one trick pony like Johny Depp. They were phoning it in. It's not like the script gave them much to do, though.
  2. Ah, okay, if sunday was working day a tiny drop on monday makes sense.
  3. It made 12m in two days. How can its Monday be so big? I don't get it, still. On what day did it open?
  4. I don't get it. MI4 made 12m in two days. Skyfall will not make much less. Did MI4 open on a Monday, too?
  5. So midnights went from 280k to 2m? Box office reporting sucks in your country! It's worse than goddamn Nikki!
  6. It's not fanboyism to expect it to outgross ROTK, given a decade of inflation, 3D and market expansion. To match Avengers perhaps but still you can make the case for it without sounding like a total idiot. What i overestimated was the level of excitement over the return to Middle Earth no matter what. The movie didn't look as good as LOTR, the tone was different, and many people stayed away as a result.
  7. Will make about the same in Hong Kong than Skyfall.Dunno about Taiwan...
  8. So when is this gonna start dropping better than 50%? Oh, i know, when it releases in China!
  9. Skyfall bombs and Hobbit makes $150m. It's the only way Hobbit overtakes it WW. Fingers crossed.
  10. But that action movie was a low concept movie. These don't excite anyone anymore, doesn't really matter who stars. And he has had action duds when he still was the biggest action star. I think he can still be a draw in the right movie.
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