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Everything posted by yjs

  1. I guess I'm glad that MBTS is a fantastic film but also kinda surprised to see how completely unscathed Affleck is despite his sex harassment scandals. Nate Parker at least went through some troubles, but Affleck really doesn't seem to do anything and no one seems to be asking him about it either. Maybe because since the case is settled the public doesn't really care about it. http://nymag.com/thecut/2016/11/why-the-casey-affleck-sex-harassment-allegations-wont-stick.html
  2. one thing I particularly loved about this movie was how it remained precisely where it should be, never falling into the trap of self-pity and being too melancholy or sentimental than necessary. Chazelle allowed enough breathing room and the right distance between the characters and the audience, otherwise it would've been way too gooey and somewhat annoying. Especially so since it's also a love story about two Hollywood archetypes being drawn to each other's dream and passion as much as it's an homage to the classic Hollywood and the great art forms that are musical and jazz. So given the materials, there was hardly any narcissism or condescension to be found, it was aware of itself just in the right way and I think that was a very smart decision and a directorial achievement. Even the last "what if" fantasy sequence showed very realistic POV where Chazelle seems to understand while it all could've been, but never actually would've been that way.
  3. I do kinda see Gosling's Nick and Stone's Judy exchanging banters
  4. haha I think many fans will still argue over which is the best and why it should have taken the crown instead. welcome!
  5. well this kinda makes sense. I hope it could replicate Zoo's run, it fell 8% on paper but was still almost steady, all things considered. (-31.6% (3,827 TC) ->-27.6% (3,959 TC) ->-35.4% (3,670 TC, BvS week))
  6. haha oh how we always have that something of 2016. (LLL is this year's the Artist, maybe?)
  7. Jackie's like Steve Jobs of 2016. A well-made, actor-driven biopic that quickly lost its award season buzz with its box office failure.
  8. and also, shocked to know I was the only one who loved Chastain for her Twitter account... and maybe for her friendship with Oscar Isaac.
  9. I'm thinking more 40~45%-ish then 50% too. Tangled fell -39% with two wide releases and one expansion (Tron, Yogi Beat and the Fighter) I'd like to see the TC first. Movies fell mostly over 50% when TFA debuted (along with Sisters and Alvin) but they did lose tons of TC. (MJ2 -998, Creed -1,069, TGD -851, Spectre -1,415) TGD fell -58% with losing 850 TC which fell below 2,800 but.. it was TGD. hope Moana manages to keep 3,300+ (its current TC stands at 3,875)
  10. I really think La La Land would "Begin Again" or "About Time" it and pulls off amazing numbers! here's to the $20M total!!
  11. umm bro what's with the hate? and you're kinda calling us who genuinely think Aniston's beautiful just bunch of brainwashed dummies and that's uncool.
  12. it really does have that Friends meets 30 rock kinda charm. best ensemble show since Friends I'd say. ABC canceled Cougar Town, B in 23, Happy Endings and Suburgatory for shows like freaking Mixology and Super Fun Night... a real slap on the face. The Goldbergs was kinda ok but not as good as the ones they axed. glad they made a come back with Blackish and FOTB. still, HE was doing quite well right after Modern Family. had given it another year or two before moving to another timeslot it would have broken out. It just gets better and better with repeat viewings...
  13. OMG I love you!! they recently did a reunion and read the full "missing episode" that works as episode 401. I really wish Hulu picks it up and greenlights new seasons since it already has the syndication deal. http://www.ew.com/article/2016/12/08/happy-endings-reunion-lost-episode-video
  14. beautiful graph, and I liked how you picked the color ocean blue (or whatever it's called) for Moana
  15. $18.5M weekend would be ok. Hope it doesn't take too much hit next weekend and stays above $10M. (I wish it has sub-40% drop, would be tough, I know.) I took a better look at the TS2 run the other day and realized TS2's holiday dailies were actually kinda huge, like $4.6-4.7M. still reachable given Tangled did $3.7M-ish and Moana's been 30% ahead Tangled, but still concerned if Moana can replicate that against Sing.. if it can't, it would fall behind FB in total when it's all said and done. Hopefully it does deliver the TS2 numbers or hopefully even overperforms and surprises us. *knock on woods*
  16. I once had a date who was a HUGE Seinfeld fan that tried to enlighten me and this is like a word-to-word script of what he would have said. Are you him? hahaha. Seinfeld never had a syndication where I live so I had to look for it online all the time to keep up with his references. well anyway, seems like I missed the whole Sitcom discussion. Traditional multi-cam shows may have been dead and do not have the same cultural impact they used to have but TV comedies are still going strong if you ask me. I'd say it's just become diversified than extinct. Veep, Broad City, Kimmy Schmidt, Silicon Valley, Master of None.. even network shows like Blackish, B99 or FOTB. quality shows all around, I'm not concerned. And when it comes to network multi-cam shows.. well, TBBT still pulls ratings, and Mom kinda delivers too, at least critically. Maybe the rumored Will and Grace reboot can spark the interest again in the dying/dead genre....? ? Also, not as iconic but Arrested Development anyone...? Happy Endings...? *cricket noise*
  17. If FB works more like GOF and does $2M+/day during holiday then it'll go over $240M, but if it does $1.3M-ish/day like MJ2 then probably not. GOF made 55M more from the same Friday so if FB does somewhere in between then maybe it would add about 50M more from now on and finish at about $240M?
  18. MJ2 was performing on a 10% higher scale tho. (3.3M Friday, 11.4M weekend) but at the same time R1 is not TFA, so... but then again, last year TFA just dominated but this year there will be other holiday options than R1 like Passengers, Sing, AC.. don't know which is better and which is worse.
  19. I actually don't see why not $245M-$250M for FB and same for Moana. next week will tell a lot hot those two stand against R1.
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